Numerical challenges in parallel scientific computing
July 18th - August 26th
Submissions of research projects related to the topics of CEMRACS 2016 are invited.
Each accepted project should cover entire the fees of the team involved in the project for the entire 6 weeks.
Submissions (by email : cemracs16(at)smai(dot)emath(dot)fr) are accepted until March 31, 2016.
We encourage research projects that involve both academic and industrial partners.
Call for proposals:
Please submit a document of 2-5 pages, which typically contains the following information:
- Title and main coordinator of the project as well as the involved institutions.
- Abstract: a 5 lines abstract that can be displayed on the webpage of Cemracs 2016.
- Presentation of the project: introduction of the topic, state of the art, description of the proposed project.
- Objectives/Expected Results or Millestones: a description of your work in term of objectives
- Expected participants and presence at CIRM: a list of expected participants and their expected presence during the 6 weeks of Cemracs.
- Status of the funding
List of projects:
Interested students can send an email to the contact, when project have a status "open"
Name of Project | |
A-HA! |
Accelerated a Higher-Order finite element Assembly through the use of a duality-based algorithm | T. Dubos dubos(at)lmd(dot)polytechnique(dot)fr | Link |
Architecture aware LOw RAnk approximations | L. Grigori laura(dot)grigori(at)inria(dot)fr | Link |
Anisotropic Implicit MHD in 3D | A. Ratnani ahmed(dot)ratnani(at)ipp(dot)mpg(dot)de | Link |
ApostDD |
A posteriori estimates and stopping criteria for domain decomposition solvers in porous media flow | michel(dot)kern(at)inria(dot)fr and C. Japhet japhet(at)math(dot)univ-paris13(dot)fr | Link |
Bulldog |
Boast Ultimately LeaDing to an Optimized Gysela | G. Latu guillaume(dot)latu(at)cea(dot)fr | Link |
High Performance simulation of geothermal systems: ComPASS-Geothermal | R. Masson roland(dot)masson(at)unice(dot)fr | Link |
ElastoPhi |
Boundary integral methods for elasticity around a crack network | X. Claeys claeys(at)ann(dot)jussieu(dot)fr | Link |
Enlak |
Enlarged Krylov solvers applied to industrial problems | L. Grigori laura(dot)grigori(at)inria(dot)fr | Link |
Feel++4RBC3D | Feel++ for Red Blood Cells in 3D | C. Prud'homme prudhomme(at)unistra(dot)fr | Link | |
Front Level-Set data assimilation for wildfire Modeling | M. Rochoux rochoux(at)cerfacs(dot)fr | |
HeartIC |
Image-based data assimilation for an HPC model of the heart | Link | |
Understanding the best HPC strategy to couple a lattice-Boltzmann fluid dynamics model and an individual-based model of soil bacteria. | X. Portell-Canal xavier(dot)portell-canal(at)grignon(dot)inra(dot)fr | Link |
Hodins |
High Order DIscontinuous methods with ruNtime Scheduler. | V. Perrier vincent(dot)perrier(at)inria(dot)fr | |
Multi-dimensiOnnal Coupling in Hydraulics and data Assimilation | S. Ricci ricci(at)cerfacs(dot)fr | |
Parallel adaptive multiresolution methods for fluid and plasma flows | K. Schneider kschneid(at)cmi(dot)univ-mrs(dot)ft | Link |
Parallel algorithms for non linear iterative methods | F-X Roux francois-xavier(dot)roux(at)onera(dot)fr | Link |
ParMat |
Parallelisme et langages de haut niveau (Matlab, Python), Application à la resolution des equations de Stokes | F. Alouges francois(dot)alouges(at)polytechnique(dot)edu | Link |
Phy-sio |
Application d'un observateur de fronts sur des donnees reelles atriales | Annabelle Collin | |
Picsl |
Particle in Cell and Semi-Lagrangian schemes for two species plasma simulations. | M Mehrenberger mehrenbe(at)math(dot)unistra(dot)fr | Link |
RB-component |
Component Mapping Automation for Parametric Component Reduced Basis Techniques | Y.Maday maday(at)ann(dot)jussieu(dot)fr | Link |
Solveur Conservatif Hyperbolique Non-Lineaire Applique aux Plasmas | P. Helluy helluy(at)math(dot)unistra(dot)fr | Link |
Schwarz for TrioCFD |
Space-time domain decomposition for the Stokes system; application to the TrioCFD code | P. Omnes pascal(dot)omnes(at)cea(dot)fr and C. Japhet japhet(at)math(dot)univ-paris13(dot)fr | Link |
Targeting Realistic GEometry in Tokamak code gysela | G. Latu guillaume(dot)latu(at)cea(dot)fr | Link |
Presentation sessions: Thursday, August 25th - Auditorium
Session: Scalable methods and communication-avoiding for High Performance Computing | ||||
Time | Project | Presentation | Speakers | Media |
9:00 AM - 9:20 AM |
SCHNAPS | Solveur Conservatif Hyperbolique Non-linéaire Appliqué aux PlaSmas | Herbert Oberlin | |
9:20 AM - 9:40 AM |
HODINS | High Order DIscontinuous methods with ruNtime Scheduler | Johnathan Jung, Mohamed Essadki | |
9:40 AM - 10:00 AM |
HPC-ILBioS | Understanding the best HPC strategy to couple a lattice-Boltzmann fluid dynamics model and an individual-based model of soil bacteria | Xavier Portell-Canal, Olga Assainova | Slides |
10:00 AM - 10:20 AM |
Alora | Archictecture aware LOw RAnk approximation | Alan Ayala | |
10:20 AM - 10:40 AM |
ElastoPhi | Boundary integral methods for elasticity around a crack network | Marcella Bonazzoli, Pierre Marchand | Slides |
10:40 AM - 11:00 AM |
Break | |||
11:00 AM - 11:20 AM |
Anim3D | Anisotropic Implicit MHD in 3D | Ahmed Ratnani | Slides |
11:20 AM - 11:40 AM |
Enlak | Enlarged Krylov solvers applied to industrial problems | Hussam Al Daas, Olivier Tissot | Slides |
11:40 AM - 12:00 AM |
Bulldog | Boast ULtimately LeaDing to an Optimized Gysela | Julien Bigot, Guillaume Latu | Slides |
12:00 AM - 12:20 AM |
TARGET | TArgeting Realistic GEometry in Tokamak code gysela | Camilla Bressan, Nicolas Bouzat | Slides |
12:20 AM - 12:40 AM |
PICSL | Particle in Cell and Semi-Lagrangian schemes for two species plasma simulations | Yann Barsamian, Joackim Bernier | Slides |
Session: Numerical methods: domain decomposition, parallelism in time, scalable methods Data assimilation strategies | ||||
Time | Project | Presentation | Speakers | Media |
2:00 PM - 2:20 PM |
FLAM | Front Level-set data Assimilation for wildfire Modeling | Mélanie Rochoux | Slides |
2:20 PM - 2:40 PM |
HeartIC | Image-based data assimilation for an HPC model of the heart | Gautier Bureau | Slides |
2:40 PM - 3:00 PM |
MOCHA | Multi-dimensiOnnal Coupling in Hydraulics and data Assimilation | Sébastien Barthélémy | |
3:00 PM - 3:20 PM |
Phi-sio | Front observer for data assimilation of real data of time depolarization of the atria | Antoine Gérard | Slides |
3:20 PM - 3:40 PM |
Feel++4RBC3D | Feel++ for Red Blood Cells in 3D | Romain Hild, Marie Houillon, Lorenzo Sala, Arnaud Sengers |
3:40 PM - 4:00 PM |
A-HA! | Accelerated Higher-order finite element Assembly through the use of a duality-based algorithm | Chris Eldred | Slides |
4:00 PM - 4:20 PM |
Break | |||
4:20 PM - 4:40 PM |
RB-component | Component Mapping Automation for Parametric Component Reduced Basis Techniques | Jean-Baptiste Montavon | |
4:40 PM - 5:00 PM |
ApostDD | A posteriori estimates and stopping criteria for domain decomposition solvers in porous media flow | Sarah Ali Hassan | |
5:00 PM - 5:20 PM |
ParMat | Parallelism and High Level Programming Languages (Matlab, Python) - Application to the Stokes system resolution | François Alouges, Matthieu Aussal, Martin Averseng, Emile Parolin, Nicole Spillane |
5:20 PM - 5:40 PM |
Schwarz for TrioCFD | Space-time domain decomposition for the Stokes system; application to the TrioCFD code | Katia Ait-Ameur, Thomas Rubiano, Minh Hieu Do |
5:40 PM - 6:00 PM |
PANLIM | Parallel algorithms for non linear iterative methods | Mustafa Gaja, Olga Gorynina |
6:00 PM - 6:20 PM |
ComPASS | High Performance simulation of geothermal systems | Feng Xing | Slides |
Project sponsors: