"L'enthousiasme d'abord, ensuite l'application laborieuse."
(Stefan Zweig).

Research proceedings

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Research papers will be published in a forthcoming issue of ESAIM: Proceedings.

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List of research projects

Research projets have been classified into three categories related to adaptive meshing techniques, innovative numerical methods and scientific visualisation.

A. Mesh generation and adaptation.

A1. Mesh adaptation for an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) method.
R. Abgrall, C. Dobrzynski, P.H. Maire (Bordeaux I)
The physical model that will be considered throughtout this study is based on the equations of fluid dynamics. More specifically, we will be concerned by the simulation of multimaterial compressible fluid flows, such as those encountered in the domain of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF). Read More...
A2. Local Topological Modification of Hexahedral Meshes Using Dual-Based Operations.
T. Tautges (Argonne Natl. Lab.)
Local topological modification is widely used to improve mesh quality after automatic generation of tetrahedral and quadrilateral meshes. These same techniques are also used to support adaptive refinement of these meshes. Read More...
A3. Anisotropic mesh adaptation and levelsets for Stokes simulations.
P. Frey (LJLL, UPMC), F. Alauzet (INRIA-Rocquencourt)
Curvature-based adaptation seems a promising way of improving the accuracy of numerical simulations in the vicinity of the interface between two viscous fluids. Read More...
A4. DEFORMA: High deformation and mesh reconnection.
B. Després, S. Del Pino (CEA-DAM DIF)
High deformation flows may generate pathological meshes. This is particularly true in the Lagrangian context. So one needs specific algorithms, to reconnect the mesh lines for example. Read More...
A5. Geometry correction
G. Alleon (EADS, Toulouse)
Industrial CAD models often contains patterns which make them difficult to use for numerical computation (i.e. difficult to mesh). The goal of this project is to provide jCAE based tools to remove some of such elements. Read More...
A6. Co-refinement of fault surfaces
P. Havé, A. Benali, L. Agelas (IFP)
Modern geologic simulations on complex geometries require specific modeling tools for the accurate representations of heterogeneous components. The associated meshes evolve according to a displacement field provided by a geologist, which must preserve the initial heterogeneity distribution. Read More...
A7. Quad mesh
G. Alleon (EADS)
This projects aims at creating a 3D surfacic quad mesher using jCAE technologies. The available software include several tools. Read More...
A8. Maillage volumique - couches limites.
L. Francez, J.F. Lague (Distène)
Un besoin industriel est la réalisation automatique de connexions de maillages provenant de différentes méthodes (Octree, tétraédrisation automatique). L'objectif de ce projet est de proposer des algorithmes efficaces afin de générer la zone de raccord entre maillages volumiques de natures différentes. Read More...

B. Innovative numerical methods.

B1. Guaranteed, locally efficient, asymptotically exact, and asymptotically robust a posteriori error estimation in the finite element method.
M. Vohralík (LJLL, UPMC)
The theory of a posteriori error estimation in numerical approximation of partial differential equations aims at controlling the error between the numerical approximation and the (unknown) exact solution. Read More...
B2. Compréhension et mise en place d'un algorithme d'optimisation.
A. Rousseau (INRIA-Rhône Alpes)
In a collaboration with the french national agency for development of ecology and energy control (ADEME), we intend to build a new numerical method to compute small scale phenomena without refining our mesh ion atmospheric models. Read More...
B3. Engineering and flow in coronary arteries.
J.F.Gerbeau, I. Vignon-Clémentel (INRIA-Rocquencourt)
The objective is to develop a mathematical modeling and numerical tools to simulate cardiac activity. The main purpose is to manage to model blood flow in the largest coronary arteries which perfuses the myocardium, taking into account its interaction with the myocardium movement. Read More...
B4. Direct simulation of blood flow through a stent.
M. Fernandez, J.F.Gerbeau (INRIA-Rocquencourt)
The objective is to model a new technique to clinically treat cerebral aneurysms which consists in placing a stent at the entrance of the aneurysm. Read More...
B5. Image-based meshing of aneurims for flow simulations. Predictive factors of the rupture risk.
M. Thiriet (INRIA-Rocquencourt)
This project has been cancelled by the authors.
B6. Adaptation non conforme et régularisation de maillage en dynamique des fluides Lagrangienne.
Ph. Hoch (CEA-DAM DIF)
Le contexte est celui de la dynamique des fluides compressibles bidimensionnelles écrite en variables Lagrangiennes. Les équations sur les vitesses et l'énergie seront résolues par une méthode Lagrangienne donnée (centrée Després/Mazeran ou Maire/Breil ou bien décalée Wilkins) Read More...

C. Scientific Visualisation.

C1. Telemesh : a "Web 2.0" GUI for 2D scientific visualisation and mesh edition.
J.D. Benamou (Rice University, USA)
Modern standardized WEB technologies, broadband network and faster computers are today's keys to fast and painless performant WEB graphic GUI's development. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) is a scriptable dynamic markup langage for the WEB. Read More...
C2. Large mesh decimation and visualisation
G. Alleon (EADS, Toulouse)
jCAE include a still very prototypical large mesh viewer. This viewer is based on an out-of-core octree. One limitation is that it currently rely on the geometry for far viewing. In many case the geometry used to do the mesh is not available. The goal of this project is to create a multi-level representation of the mesh for far and mid distance view, using decimation. Read More...