Access to registration form

Registration fees:

Summer school participation180 €
Summer school participation - Smai members (2)133 €
Summer school participation - junior (1)115 €
Summer school participation - junior Smai members (1)(2)99 €
(1) Born after January 1st, 1978.
(2) 2008 Smai membership proof requested.

To get a Smai membership... (French language)

No fees for participants to the Research session.

2008 CIRM rates

CIRM Day (single room, 3 meals) 75 €
CIRM Day (double room, 3 meals) 67 €
Meal 15 €
Single room (breakfast included) 45 €
Double room (breakfast included) 37 €
For more information, see here.

Please read carefully: informations on Junior Grants

Young researchers coming for the whole period to work on a project could apply for a financial support for housing and meals at CIRM (travel expenses are ususally not included). Up to 20 Junior Grants will be available. In any case, yound researchers are invited to fill the registration form and send by email or (preferably) by regular mail at the following address

Prof. Bertrand Maury
Cemracs'08 Organizing Commitee
Université Paris-Sud 11
Département de Mathématiques, Bât. 425
F-91405 Orsay cedex (France)

a CV and a letter from their supervisor detailing their scientific experience.

Deadline for applying for a junior grant : June 25th 2008

Junior grants will be given at two dates (although only one application form is requested) : May 16th 2008 and June 25th 2008.

The travel and local expenses of the other participants should be provided by their own institution. In some special cases they can be also supported by a Cemracs project.

Young researchers attending the Research session must also attend the Summer School.