The Cemracs ending presentation take place during the last week of Cemracs, starting at 9 AM.
- Monday 25 August
- Jean Houot (Univ. Nancy) for RTPM
- Hélène Mathis (Univ. Strasbourg) for GadMHD
- Giovanni Ghigliotti (Univ. Grenoble-I) for Vesicle
- Tuesday 26 August
- Vanessa Lleras (Univ. Franche-Comté) for Contact2D
- Nuno Diniz Dos Santos (Glaizer Group) for Hoat
- Benoît Semin (Univ. Paris-XI) for Expand
- Wednesday 27 August
- Jérôme Lohéac (Univ. Grenoble-I) and Julien Dambrine (Univ. Bordeaux-I & INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest) for Hydromesh
- Benjamin Boutin (Univ. Paris-VI) and Bruno Fornet (Univ. Aix-Marseille-I) for Spraynergy
- Pichon Gostaf (Univ. Paris-VI) and Alexander Shapeev (Nat. Univ. Singapore) for ICF
- Thursday 28 August
- Anne Devys (Univ. Lille-I & INRIA Lille Nord Europe) and Bérénice Grec (INSA Lyon) pour PODReo et Aéronano
- Sébastien Martin (Univ. Paris-XI) for Glob
The Cemracs seminar takes place every morning, from Monday to Friday, starting at 9 AM.
- Monday 28 July
- George Biros (Univ. Pennsylvania, USA): Toward large-scale simulations of vesicle suspensions in three dimensions.
- Tuesday 29 July
- Didier Jamet (CEA Grenoble): To be announced.
- Wednesday 30 July
- Emmanuel Labourasse (CEA Bruyères-le-Châtel): A cell-centered Godunov scheme for Lagrangian hydrodynamics.
- Thursday 31 July
- Olivier Pantz (École Polytechnique): Modeling and numerical simulation of frictionless contacts between deformable bodies.
- Friday 1st August
- Sébastien Boyaval (ENPC): From free-energy-dissipative schemes for the Oldroyd-B equation to global-in-time (regularized) solutions.
- Monday 4 August
- Lisl Weynans (Univ. Bordeaux): Particle method with remeshing for compressible multifluids
- Tuesday 5 August
- Stéphane Del Pino (CEA Bruyères-le-Châtel): A fictitious-domain like spectral method for non-tensorial geometries
- Wednesday 6 August
- Linda El Alaoui (Univ. Paris 13): A posteriori error estimations and applications
- Thursday 7 August
- Philippe Hoch (CEA): Conservative Numerical Methods for Compressible flows: Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian and Adaptation
- Friday 8 August
- Silvia Bertoluzza (IMATI, Italy): The fictitious domain approach in the framework of high order methods
- Monday 11 August
- Badr Kaoui (Univ. Grenoble): Lateral migration and deformation of a vesicle in Poiseuille flow
- Tuesday 12 August
- Delphine Salort (Univ. Paris 7): Trace theorem on trees and application to the human lung
- Wednesday 13 August
- Adrien Semin (Inria Rocquencourt): Propagation of acoustic waves in junction of thin slots
- Thursday 14 August
- Alexandra Claisse (Univ. Paris 6): Level set driven smooth curve approximation from unorganized or noisy point set
- Monday 18 August
- Bruno Fornet (LATP): Linear Hyperbolic Problems with Discontinuous Coefficients: Small Viscosity Solutions and their Approximations by Penalization Methods
- Tuesday 19 August
- Matteo Astorino (INRIA): Fluid-Structure Interaction and Multi-Body Contact. Application to Aortic Valves.
- Wednesday 20 August
- Frédéric Lagoutière (Univ. Paris 7): A probabilistic interpretation of the upwind scheme and the 1/2 convergence order
- Thursday 21 August
- Alexander Shapeev (National University of Singapore): Viscous Flows in Domains with Corners
- Friday 22 August
- Annie Raoult (Univ. Paris 5): Lattice homogenization: Application to myocardium, graphenes and actin gel