Thi Thu Cuc BUI, Hélène MATHIS, Jean-Gabriel HOUOT, Raphael KUATE, Vanessa LLERAS, Adrien SEMIN, Benoît SEMIN, Piskin SENOL, Driss YAKOUBI
Wilfredo ANGULO, Matteo ASTORINO, Julien DAMBRINE, Anne DEVYS, Olena FILIPPOVA, Giovanni GHIGLIOTTI, Bérénice GREC, Badr KAOUI, Jérôme LOHEAC, Hassib SELMI, Alexander SHAPEEV
Notice that junior grants are still available. The second and final wave concerning the attributions of junior grants will be known from June 25th 2008. If you have already applied, and if you were not given a junior grant, it does not mean that the final answer is negative ; in that case, it is not necessary to apply one again as you application is still taken into account.
Prof. Bertrand Maury
Cemracs'08 Organizing Commitee
Université Paris-Sud 11
Département de Mathématiques, Bât. 425
F-91405 Orsay cedex (France)
Deadline for applying for a junior grant : June 25th 2008
Junior grants will be given at two dates (although only one application form is requested) : May 16th 2008 and June 25th 2008.
Speakers: George Biros (Univ. Pennsylvania, USA), Daniel Bonn (ENS), Frédéric Dubois (CNRS Montpellier), Elizabeth Guazzelli (CNRS Marseille), John Hinch (Univ. Cambridge, UK), Tony Lelièvre (ENPC), Mohammed Naaim (Cemagref Grenoble), Thomas Podgorski (CNRS Grenoble), Jacques Prost (Inst. Curie, ESPCI & Académie des Sciences), Marius Tucsnak (Univ. Nancy 1), Philippe Villedieu (Onera Toulouse)
Web site is now opened
Important dates of the event: 21st July - 29th August, 2008
Location: CIRM (Luminy near Marseille, France)
Application for a financial support before June 25th, 2008.