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Conferences at Luminy 20 July -- 29 august 1998
CIRM - Luminy - Case 91 13288 Marseille Cedex 9

July 20 S. Bertoluzza, A. Cohen, Y. Maday, C. Prud'homme Welcome, Presentation of the format of CEMRACS
July 21 Y. Maday Precise bounds for output functionals of solution of PDE
July 22 L. Fournier Domain decomposition method and multifluid algorithm
July 22 A. Cohen Adaptive wavelet algorithms(1)
July 23 Kawahara
July 24 Ph. Roe Equation decomposition and a posteriori error estimation
July 25 S. Amat ENO schemes and Harten's subcell resolution
July 30 H. Tran C++ implementation of genuinely multidimensional schemes for some hyperbolic equations on a moving hybrid mesh
July 31 C. Grandmont Fluid structure interaction
August 3 V. Dolean Domain decomposition for the Euler Equation
August 4 A. Cohen Adaptive wavelet algorithms(2)
August 5 D. Kröner A priori and a posteriori error estimates for convection dominated problems
August 6 Y. Achdou A Robin/Robin algorithm for convection diffusion equation
August 7 M. Rad A unique decomposition of the Euler equations
August 8 F. Magoules Numerical treatment of internal acoustic problems by the use of substructuring methods
August 11 M. Von Oehsen Multiresolution Analysis with ENO methods
August 12 S. Dahlke Recent results on Besov regularity for elliptic PDES
August 13 N. Hure Presentation of an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) for structured Meshes. A multigrid method for a discontinuous Galerkin scheme
August 14 D. Goujot 1D and 2D oil diffusion Homogeneisation via analysis : Multi resolution iterative Schur Reduction in semi-orthogonal wavelets
August 17 A.T. Patera Bound approximations for the Navier-Stokes equations
August 18 S. Bertoluzza The Mortar method in the wavelet context

Graphics design by Jesunix
Comments to Christophe Prud'homme