Numerical challenges in parallel scientific computing
July 18th - August 26th
The CEMRACS is a scientific event of the SMAI (the french Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics).
The Cemracs concept was initiated in 1996 by Yvon Maday and Frédéric Coquel and takes place every year at CIRM in Luminy (Marseille, France) during 6 weeks. The goal of this event is to bring together scientists from both the academic and industrial communities and discuss these topics. During the first week, a classical summer school is proposed. It consists of several lectures given by leading scientists and related to the topics of the research projects. The remaining 5 weeks are dedicated to working on the rechearch projects, possibly after a morning seminar.
The CEMRACS 2016 is devoted to numerical challenges in parallel scientific computing.
The objective of CEMRACS
2016 is to study and evaluate how numerical methods need to be rethought
to fully exploit the computing power of current and emerging
parallel architectures. More precisely we identify three critical and
complementary topics:
- Solvers and communication-avoiding algorithms
- Numerical methods: domain decomposition, parallelism in time
- Data assimilation strategies
The CEMRACS 2016 will be the opportunity to understand how current applications benefit from these methods and algorithms for instance in climate modeling, porous media flow and transport simulations, CFD, modeling of living system, astrophysics.
Financial support from Labex CalSimLab ANR-11-LABX-0037-01 (UPMC) and Labex MME-DII (Paris 13)
Financial support from ANR, LRC Manon, GdR MaNu, GdR Calcul, Pôle MathSTIC-Paris 13
Financial support from CNRS, Inria, LAGA, LJLL, Université Paris 13
Financial support from AMIES, Andra, CEA, Cemosis, TOTAL DS
Financial support from Akselos and MIT
For the 20th edition of the CEMRACS, an interview was recorded with Yvon Maday, who initiated the CEMRACS with Frédéric Coquel in 1996. The video is available below (in french):
- Call for proposals
- Online projects
- We are no longer able to accept registrations for the first two weeks of Cemracs because we have reached the maximum capacity