in Physics, Biology and Urban traffic
CIRM, Marseille, France
July 18 - August 26, 2022
Six Decades of Time Parallel Time Integration: Best Current Methods for Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems
Martin J. Gander
(Université de Genève)
Time parallel time integration methods have received renewed interest
over the last two decades because of the advent of massively parallel
computers, due to the clock speed limit reached on today's
processors. When solving time dependent partial differential
equations, the time direction is usually not used for parallelization.
But when parallelization in space saturates, the time direction offers
itself as a further direction for parallelization. The time direction
is however special, and for evolution problems there is a causality
principle: the solution later in time is determined by the solution
earlier in time, so the flow of information is just into the direction
forward in time. Algorithms trying to use the time direction for
parallelization must therefore be special, and take this very
different property of the time dimension into account.
I will show in this talk how time parallel time integration methods
were invented and developed over the past six decades, and give a
classification into four different groups: methods based on multiple
shooting, space-time multigrid methods, methods based on domain
decomposition and waveform relaxation, and direct time parallel
methods. The performance of these methods depends on the nature of the
underlying evolution problem, and it turns out that for the first two
classes of methods, time parallelization is only really possible for
parabolic problems, while the last two classes can also be used to
parallelize hyperbolic problems in time. I will also explain in more
detail one of the methods from each class: the parareal algorithm and
a space-time multigrid method, which are currently among the most
promising methods for parabolic problems, and a Schwarz waveform
relaxation method related to tent-pitching and a direct time parallel
method based on diagonalization of the time stepping matrix, which are
very effective for hyperbolic problems.
Slides [talk]