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in Biology and Medicine

26th july - 3rd september 2004

Universite europeenne d'ete
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Presentation of CEMRACS 2004

Mathematics and Applications in Biology and Medicine

The CEMRACS, which is the french acronym for Summer Mathematical Research Center on Scientific Computing and Its Applications, was initiated in 1996 by Yvon Maday. CEMRACS 2004 was the ninth of the series, it consisted of two events:

  • a one week summer school (Marseille, july 26 - july 30)
  • a six week research center (Marseille, july 26 - september 3)
Both events took place in Luminy, a suburb of Marseille in the south-east of France in the facilities of the CIRM (International Center for Mathematical Research).

The CEMRACS 2004 research center hosted 21 research projects on the topic of mathematics applied to biology and medicine, sponsored by industry or public research funds. One or two young researchers (PhD students) worked on each project managed by senior scientists.

During the first week a classical summer school was organized. It consisted of several lectures related to the topics of the research projects. The remaining 5 weeks were fully dedicated to work on the research projects, after a daily morning seminar.

Main research topics in 2004

Researchers in biology and biomedicine face several problems to which applied mathematicians working in Scientific Computing, Probabilities or Statistics can fruitfully bring their expertise. Typical problems are:
  • cardiovascular system modelling
  • lungs and respiration modelling
  • drug design and clinical testing
  • medical imaging
  • genomics
  • cellular biology
  • epidemic propagation
  • impact of the environment on health

These problems, often mathematically very challenging, are active research areas. An increasing number of applied mathematicians are encouraged to work on biological or biomedical topics. However, contacts between mathematicians and biologists, physicians and bio companies, at present continue to remain weak. The aim of CEMRACS 2004 was to represent a meeting point for these different communities and to contribute to the definition of new research problems spanning various scientific fields, giving rise to opportunities for future collaborations.

History of CEMRACS

The research topics of the previous CEMRACS editions were:
  • CEMRACS 2003 (S. Cordier, T. Goudon, M. Gutnic, E. Sonnendrucker), Numerical methods for hyperbolic and kinetic problems
  • CEMRACS 2002 (A. Cohen, P.L. Combettes), Mathematical methods in image processing
  • CEMRACS 2001 (Y. Achdou, C. Le Bris, F. Nataf), Modelling and simulation in multiscale problems
  • CEMRACS 2000 (R. Abgrall), Environnement problems : combustion problems, nuclear wastes storage
  • CEMRACS 1999 (F. Coquel, S. Cordier), Numerical approximation of complex flow regimes from their kinetic description to the hydrodynamic limits
  • CEMRACS 1998 (Y. Maday, F. Coquel), Error estimates and adaptivity; wavelets for scientific computing; domain decomposition and paralel computing; objet oriented langage for scientific computing
  • CEMRACS 1997 (Y. Maday, F. Coquel), Shape optimization
  • CEMRACS 1996 (Y. Maday, F. Coquel), Coupling of equations

© CEMRACS 2004. Last update 08/07/2004 (JFG)