The CEMRACS which is the french acronym for Summer Mathematical
Research Center on Scientific Computating and Its Applications,
was initiated in 1996 by Yvon Maday. CEMRACS 2003 will be the
eighth of the series.
Up to now the CEMRACS consisted of two separate periods, the first
being a summer school held in Paris and the second a six week long
research center held in Luminy. For CEMRACS 2003 both events will
take place in Luminy a suburb of Marseille in the south-east
of France in the facilities of the CIRM (International Center
for Mathematical Research) between july 21 and august 29, 2003.
CEMRACS 2003 will host between 10 and 15 research projects on the
topic of hyperbolic and kinetic equations sponsored by industry or
public research funds. Two or three junior researchers will work on
each project managed by a senior scientist.
During the first week a summer school consisting of 3 courses of
3 ninety minutes lectures will be held in the mornings. The afternoons
will be reserved for the research projects. The remaining 5 weeks
will be fully dedicated to work on the research projects, after a
daily morning seminar.