Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles

SMAI Events

The SMAI organizes the SMAI 2001+2n conference on odd years and the CANUM and the Worshops of its thematic groups on even years.

Other recurrent activities organized by the SMAI include:

  • The CEMRACS, summer school of advanced mathematical research with an important industrial interface,
  • the Math-Industry meetings, cycle of half-days intending to present the applications of mathematics in a particular field of the industry and services,
  • the PDE/Probability meetings which take place at the IHP 2-3 times per year and whose aim is to illustrate the fruitful interaction between the analysis or numerical analysis of partial differential equations and the theory of stochastic processes or numerical probability.

Another regular activity of the SMAI, since 2003, is the organization of an annual ceremony in honor of the winners of the prizes in applied mathematics and computer science awarded by the French Academy of Sciences. This ceremony is co-organized by the SMAI and the INRIA under the "high patronage" of the French Academy of Sciences.

The SMAI organizes other non regular events on various fields following the needs or the activities organized in cooperation with other institutions (see the list of past events here).

Finally, the SMAI is occasionally involved in the co-organization of international schools and conferences, as the biannual French-Spanish J.-L. Lions School, the Torino French-Italian congress (2006), the French-Canadian Congress (2004 and 2008), etc.

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