[Liste Smai] Open letter to reinstate research and education as EC aeras of focus

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Bonjour à tous et toutes,

Je vous fais suivre le message ci-dessous et vous invite à signer, comme je viens de le faire, la pétition de soutien dont le lien est disponible sur la page 

Bien cordialement
Thierry Horsin

Dear Colleague,

We are writing you for the following reason: the candidates for the new
EU commissioners were presented last week. In the  new commission the
areas of education and research are not explicitly  represented anymore
and instead are subsumed under the "innovation and  youth" title.

This emphasizes economic exploitability (i.e. "innovation") over its
foundation, which is education and research, and it reduces “education”
to “youth” while being essential to all ages.

We, as members of the scientific community of Europe, wish to address
this situation early on and emphasize both to the general public, as
well as to relevant politicians on the national and European Union
level, that without dedication to education and research there will
neither exist a sound basis for innovation in Europe, nor can we fulfill
the promise of a high standard of living for the citizens of Europe in a
fierce global competition.

President von der Leyen, in her mission letter to commissioner Gabriel
(Web link to Mandate Letter:
riya-gabriel-2019_en.pdf), has emphasized that “education, research
and innovation will be key to our competitiveness”.

We have prepared an open letter at


to demand that the EU commission revises the title for commissioner
Gabriel to “Education, Research, Innovation and Youth” reflecting
Europe’s dedication to all of these crucial areas. We also call upon the
European Parliament to request this change in name before confirming the
nominees for commissioner.

Please support this letter by going to


and signing up as supporter on line.

With best regards,

Prof. Dr. Siegfried Bethke             (MPI for Physics)       
Prof. Dr. Nora Brambilla                (TU-München)
Prof. Dr. Aldo Deandrea                (U-Lyon 1)
Prof. Dr. Carlo Guaraldo                (INFN Frascati)
Prof. Dr. Luciano Maiani               (U-Roma La Sapienza)
Prof. Dr. Antonio Pich                   (U-València)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Rothkopf       (U-Stavanger)   
Prof. Dr. Johanna Stachel             (U-Heidelberg)
