[Liste Smai] European Women in Mathematics association (EWM)


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Bien cordialement

Thierry H.

Dear Presidents of National Mathematical Societies, dear colleagues,


We would be grateful if you could send the following message regarding EWM to the Math departments in your countries.


Thank you and best regards,

Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb and Elena Resmerita (EWM convenor and deputy convenor, respectively)



EWM Membership

The European Women in Mathematics association (EWM) was founded in 1986, having several hundred members and coordinators in 33 European countries.

Every other year, EWM holds a general meeting and a summer school. A newsletter is published twice a year, EWM has an e-mail network EWM-ALL, a facebook group and a website:



EWM aims at:

-Encouraging women to study mathematics

-Supporting women in their careers

-Providing a meeting place for like-minded people

-Promoting scientific communication

-Cooperating with groups and organizations with similar goals

-Giving prominence and visibility to women mathematicians

-Spreading their vision of mathematics and science


Moreover, EWM

- awards a few grants each year for female mathematicians that are EWM members and are at an early stage of their career or work in a developing country, who need funding (travel and/or accommodation, up to 400 EUR each) for participating and giving a talk at a significant conference in their field.

- offers mentoring for members in need of guidance regarding their mathematical career, and balancing career and family.

-encourages meetings of EWM national branches in

their countries by partial financial support: two grants per year of up to 1000 EUR each (especially for Eastern European countries or European countries with difficult financial situations in universities).


One can become a member as explained here: https://www.europeanwomeninmaths.org/membership/become-a-member/


Please contact us for more information.


We look forward to welcoming new EWM members! EWM is a wonderful place for networking and meeting many other passionate women mathematicians!


Best regards,

Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb and Elena Resmerita (EWM convenor and deputy convenor, respectively)