[Liste Smai] Call for nominations for the 2019 ICIAM Prizes

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Veuillez trouver ci-dessous les appels à nominations pour les prix ICIAM 2019.

Bien cordialement


Call for nominations for the ICIAM Prizes 2019

The ICIAM Prize Committee for 2019 calls for nominations for the five ICIAM Prizes to be awarded in 2019 (the Collatz Prize, the Lagrange Prize, the Maxwell Prize, the Pioneer Prize and the Su Buchin Prize). Each ICIAM Prize has its own special character, but each one is truly international in character.  Nominations are therefore welcome from every part of the world. A nomination should take into account the specifications for a particular prize (see http://www.iciam.org/iciam-prizes and see also below), and should contain the following information:

•       Full name and address of person nominated.
•       Web home page if any.
•       Name of particular ICIAM Prize.
•       Justification for nomination (cite nominator's reason for considering candidate to be deserving, including        explanations of the scientific and practical influence of the candidate's work and publications).
•       Proposed citation (concise statement about the outstanding contribution in fewer than 250 words).
•       CV of the nominee.
•  2-3 letters of support from experts in the field and/or 2-3 names of experts to be consulted by the Prize  Committee.
•       Name and contact details of the proposer.

Nominations should be made electronically through the website https://iciamprizes.org/
The deadline for nominations is July 15th, 2017.

Please contact president@iciam.org if you have any question regarding the nomination procedure.

       ICIAM Prize committee for 2019:
       Committee Chair:  Maria J. Esteban
       Zdenek Strakos (Chair of Collatz Prize Subcommittee)
       Alexandre Chorin (Chair of Lagrange Prize Subcommittee)
       Alexander Mielke (Chair of Maxwell Prize Subcommittee)
       Denis Talay (Chair of Pioneer Prize Subcommittee)
       Zuowei Shen (Chair of Su Buchin Prize Subcommittee)
       Margaret H. Wright.

ICIAM, the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
is the world organization for applied and industrial mathematics.
Its members are mathematical societies based in more than 30 countries.
For more information, see the Council's web page at http://www.iciam.org/.

Maria J. Esteban
President of ICIAM



ICIAM Collatz Prize
The Collatz Prize was established to provide international
recognition to individual scientists under 42 years of age for
outstanding work on industrial and applied mathematics.
A recipient's 42nd birthday must not occur before 1st January
of the year in which the prize is presented.

ICIAM Lagrange Prize
The Lagrange Prize was established to provide international
recognition to individual mathematicians who have made an
exceptional contribution to applied mathematics throughout
their careers.

ICIAM Maxwell Prize
The Maxwell Prize was established to provide international
recognition to a mathematician who has demonstrated
originality in applied mathematics.

ICIAM Pioneer Prize
The Pioneer Prize was established for pioneering work
introducing applied mathematical methods and scientific
computing techniques to an industrial problem area or a new
scientific field of applications.

ICIAM Su Buchin Prize
Established in 2003 to provide international recognition of an
outstanding contribution by an individual in the application of
mathematics to emerging economies and human development,
in particular at the economic and cultural level in developing
countries. This includes efforts to improve mathematical
research and teaching in those countries.