[Liste Smai] Dates (limites) pour ICIAM 2007
Message venant du serveur de liste de la SMAI
Chers collègues,
Le 12 Juin 2006 ont demarré les soumissions d'abstracts et
propositions de mini-symposia
pour le congrès ICIAM 2007, qui aura lieu à Zurich du 16 au 20
Juillet 2007.
Comme vous le savez sans doute, ce congrès constitue un événement
important pour les Mathématiques
Appliquées au niveau mondial.
Les dates limites sont :
- 31 Aout 2006 Deadline for Minisymposia proposals
- 30 Sep 2006 Notification acceptance of Minisymposia
- 12 Nov 2006 Deadline for abstracts submission (Contributed Talks,
Minisymposia, Posters)
- GAMM: Deadline for abstract submission (Contributions to Sections
and Minisymposia)
- 11 Dec 2006 Notification date (By this date speakers for
Contributed Talks and Posters that have been received by the above
deadline will have been notified of acceptance. This enables
participants to take advantage of early-bird registration)
- 15 Jan 2007 Deadline for early-bird registration (Payment must be
made by 15 Feb 2007)
- 30 March 2007 Late submission date for Posters (Presenters of
posters will be notified of acceptance in due course)
- 30 March 2007 Late submission date for Contributed Talks (Until
this date abstracts of Contributed Talks may still be received, but
without any guarantee that space will be available on the Congress
- 1 May 2007 preliminary program on the WEB
- 13 May 2007 Deadline for guaranteed hotel reservation through PCO
- 30 June 2007 Registration deadline
Maria J. Esteban
Secrétaire Générale de la SMAI