[Liste Smai] ICIAM Statement on Women in Mathematics

Chers membres de la SMAI,

voici une déclaration de l'ICIAM que nous voudrions porter à
votre connaissance suite aux propos du Président de Harvard University.

Les termes affligeants de ces propos ne devraient justifier ni émoi ni une
quelconque réaction mais le statut de la personne qui les a prononcés mérite
néanmoins que nous prenions le temps de le faire.

Evidemment la SMAI adhère totalement à cette déclaration de l'ICIAM.

Yvon Maday et Maria J. Esteban, Président et Secrétaire de la SMAI


ICIAM Statement on Women in Mathematics

Recent remarks of the President of Harvard University have led to
media speculation that innate differences in the mathematical
abilities of men and women make it less likely that women will
succeed in science and mathematics. ICIAM does not accept this notion.

ICIAM members are well aware that there are many barriers (whether
financial, cultural, or practical) that face women who want to pursue
mathematical or scientific careers at the highest levels. The unbroken
career paths that are typical of successful male careers in mathematics
take no account of the specific responsibities of women related to child
bearing and family.

As an international organisation representing the world's applied
mathematicians, ICIAM is committed to removing the educational
inequalities in mathematics that exist in many parts of the world,
and to improving the access to careers in the mathematical sciences
for all men and women. ICIAM highlights the accomplishments of all
applied mathematicians, women and men, at our quadrennial International
Congress, the premier event world-wide in applied and industrial

ICIAM, the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
is the world organisation for applied mathematics and computational
science. Its members are mathematical sciences societies based in more
than 20 countries. For more information, see the Council's web page at



Professor Ian H Sloan FAA
School of Mathematics
University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052

Email: I.Sloan@unsw.edu.au
Fax: +61 2 9385 7123 (international), 02 9385 7123 (national)
Telephone: +61 2 9385 7038 (international), 02 9385 7038 (national)
Home page: http://www.maths.unsw.edu.au/~sloan

Scientia Professor, University of New South Wales

President, International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Chief Investigator, Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for
Mathematics and Statistics of Complex Systems,
