A first implementation of a optimal adaptive algorithm for elliptic operator equations.

Arne Barinka, Titus Barsch, Philippe Charton,
Albert Cohen, Wolfgang Dahmen, Stephen Dahlke, Karsten Urban

16 Septembre 1998

The goal of the project we have been working on during this CEMRACS, is to implement the algorithm proposed by Albert Cohen, Wolfgang Dahmen and Ronald De Vore in an incoming paper "Adaptive Wavelet Methods for Elliptic Operator Equations - Convergence Rates".

The key point of this algorithm is the way to apply a quasi-sparse matrix to a sparse vector, based on a decomposition of the vector and the matrix.

We have made a first implementation in C++ of this algorithm and have done some tests for 1D problem.

We want to continue this project in several directions :

The continuation of this project is needing, at least, an other meeting of the team.