Object oriented conception of Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR)
algorithm for structured meshes
Nicolas Huré (hure@onera.fr) - Christophe Prud'homme
The purpose of AMR algorithms is to concentrate the computational effort where
AMR is based on a sequence of nested grids with finer and finer mesh.
These fine grids are recursively embedded in coarser grids.
The accuracy of the solution is automatically estimated and rectangular
structured fine grid patches are dynamically created or removed to
achieve a desired accuracy.
Special difference equations are used at the interface between coarse and fine
grids to enforce conservation.
The following operations are typical of the AMR algorithm:
- The hierarchy of grids must be properly nested [Quirk]
- The conservation laws are enforced for all coarse grid cells overlain by
fine grid cells and at boundaries between fine and coarse grids.
- Boundary informations may be taken from adjoining grids of the same level
l, adjoining grids of level (l-1), or from the boundary condition.
- When a level l is computed, cells with high error are tagged and level
(l+1) created.
All these operations require manipulation of complex data structures.
AMR is a dynamic and recursive algorithm. These concepts can not be expressed
easily in Fortran.
Object oriented approach and C++ simplifies the implementation. C++ is recursive
and it is easy to make the code evoluate and to change a method (solver, error
estimation, ...).
A good way is to use the Standard Template Library (STL), who decreases the algorithm
complexity, and Blitz++ who gives an optimized class array.
With Blitz++, algorithms uses Matlab like arrays and matrices expression.
With STL, we can chose the following data structure for AMR:
- A "patch" object contains coordinates, boundary conditions (in ghost
cells), solution and is localized using the index of the previous level patch.
The solver works on a patch without other infomations.
- A "level" is an ordered set<> of "patch" objects. With STL we define
an order relation. Then a new created patch is automatically inserted at the
right place.
- The AMR levels hierarchy is a simple list<> of "level" objects.
Before a new adaptation, it is easy to delete all the hierarchy.
AMR is quite complex method, but fortunately using appropriate tools (STL,
Blitz) and a high level language, the complexity can be reduced easily.