------------------------------------------------------------- Lettre MODE octobre 2009 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte à champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prière d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la désinscription automatiques se font en écrivant à lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matières : -- Stages - Thèses - Postes 1- Postdoc position in optimal control and space mechanics at CNES Toulouse -- Séminaires - Conférences 2- Annonces de séminaires 3- Colloque dédié aux 60 ans de Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty 4- Annual Conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society 5- Post-graduate intensive school, Sevilla 6- Journées SMAI-MODE 2010 7- European Workshop on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming 8- Computational Optimization, Modelling and Simulation -- Et un peu de mathématiques 9- Challenge ROADEF 2010 10- La rubrique questions-réponses de J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Postdoc position in optimal control and space mechanics at CNES Toulouse (source: Richard Epenoy) A one year (renewable once) PostDoc position will be available from (earliest) September 2010 at the French space agency (Centre National d?Etudes Spatiales) in Toulouse, France. The remuneration is 2172 ? (January 2008 values) per month before taxes. Subject: The candidate will contribute to the development of a novel strategy for collision avoidance during the close rendezvous of two space vehicles by using optimal control techniques. Requirements: The candidate should hold a PhD in applied mathematics and should have an excellent background in optimal control, mathematical programming and their numerics. Knowledge on space mechanics will also be appreciated. Working language: French. Application: The application, containing the candidate's cv and a description of his/her research interests and achievements should be sent (preferably by email) to Dr. Richard Epenoy CNES DCT/SB/MO 18 avenue Edouard Belin 31401 Toulouse Cedex 9, France Richard.Epenoy@cnes.fr Further enquiries should also be directed to the email address above. The official application deadline is 31th of March 2010 but applications can be sent straightaway. The successful candidates might be selected for an interview process in spring and have to be available for a start between September and December 2010. ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Annonces de séminaires (sources: J. Frédéric Bonnans, Hélène Frankowska) Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les séminaires ayant lieu ce mois-ci et organisés dans nos laboratoires. N'hésitez pas à l'alimenter, préférentiellement via un lien vers la page du séminaire et une liste de conférenciers, ** Séminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (Institut Henri Poincaré) http://www.ann.jussieu.fr/~plc/spo.html Lundi 12 octobre 2009: J.-M. Coron (Paris 6) H. Zidani (ENSTA) ** Lundi 16 novembre 2009: C. Léonard (Paris-Ouest) F. Messine (ENSEEIHT, Toulouse) ** ** Dans le cadre de sa visite du 14 au 20 octobre 2009 de l'équipe COMBINATOIRE & OPTIMISATION, UPMC A. L. Dontchev (Math. Reviews et U. Michigan, Ann Arbor) fera un exposé intitulé « Implicit Functions and Open Mappings » Jeudi 15 Octobre 2009 à 11 h 175 rue du Chevaleret, Paris 13e, 2ème étage, salle 2E01. ** ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Colloque dédié aux 60 ans de Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty (source: Michel Théra) 25-28 octobre 2010 Comité d'organisation : Marcel Mongeau (Responsable), Dominique Azé, Christian Bes, Sophie Jan, Pierre Maréchal, Aude Rondepierre, Maryvonne Spiesser Comité scientifique : Claude Lemaréchal, Jean-Pierre Raymond et Michel Théra (Responsable). ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Annual Conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society (source: Marcel Mongeau) ORBEL 24 : 24th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society 28 - 29 January 2010 Liège, Belgium http://www.orbel24.be/ ORBEL is the annual conference of the SOGESCI-B.V.W.B., the Belgian Operations Research (OR) Society, member of EURO, the association of European OR Societies, and Belgian representative of IFORS (International Federation of OR Societies). The conference is intended as a meeting place for researchers, users and potential users of operations research, statistics, computer science and related fields. It provides managers, practitioners and researchers with a unique opportunity to exchange information on quantitative techniques for decision making. Conference dates and location: ORBEL24 will take place on Thursday 28 and Friday 29 January 2010 in Liège. The meeting will be hosted at HEC-Management School of the University of Liège and will be organised by the HEC-ULg Centre for Quantitative Methods and Operations Management (QuantOM). Plenary speakers: Philippe Baptiste (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France) Michel Goemans (MIT, USA) Contributed papers: We invite all researchers, practitioners, and students interested in quantitative methods for decision making to participate in the conference and to present their work in all fields of methodology and application: § continuous, discrete or stochastic optimization, graphs and networks, multicriteria decision making, decision theory, game theory, simulation, queueing theory, complexity theory, data mining, ...; § supply chain management, production planning, scheduling, project management, transportation and traffic management, energy management, DEA and performance management, financial modelling, ...; § applications in industry, in the energy sector, in life sciences and in bioinformatics, in public services, in engineering, in sports, in health care institutions, in banking, in telecommunications, ...; Abstract submission : Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract in LaTeX format (up to two A4 pages) using the template available on the conference web page www.orbel24.be. Submission of the abstract through the conference web page is encouraged. Important Dates: Deadline for abstract submissions: December 15, 2009 Acceptance of notification: January 14, 2010 Deadline for early registration: January 20, 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Post-graduate intensive school, Sevilla (source: Michel Théra) Doc-Course: Constructive Approximation, Optimization and Mathematical Modeling Sevilla, SPAIN, March 1st - May 28th, 2010 http://institucional.us.es/doc-course-imus/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------- 6- Journées SMAI-MODE 2010 (source: Samir Adly) Les journées SMAI-MODE2010 auront lieu à Limoges le 24, 25 et 26 mars 2010. - Ouverture des soumissions des résumés : Novembre 2009 - Date limite de soumissions des résumés : 15 décembre 2009. Le site web est consultable à l'adresse suivante: http://www.unilim.fr/mode2010/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------- 7- European Workshop on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (source: Didier Aussel) Call for papers: EWMINLP 2010, CIRM (Marseille) 12-16 April 2010 http://sites.google.com/site/ewminlp/Home This is the second announcement for the European Workshop on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming, which will take place from April 12 to April 16, 2010, at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, in Marseille. There will be a single track of speakers. The following invited speakers have confirmed participation: -Claire Adjiman, Imperial College -Kurt M. Anstreicher, University of Iowa -Pietro Belotti, Lehigh University -Maria Elena Bruni, D.E.I.S, Università della Calabria -Ignacio Grossmann, Carnegie-Mellon University -Michal Kocvara, University of Birmingham -Jean Bernard Lasserre, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse -Jon Lee, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center -Sven Leyffer, Argonne National Laboratory -Jeff Linderoth, University of Wisconsin-Madison -Andrea Lodi, Università di Bologna -Jerome Malick, Universite' de Grenoble -Frederic Messine, ENSEEIHT-IRIT, Toulouse -Veronica Piccialli, DIS, Università Tor Vergata, Roma -Renata Sotirov, Tillburg University -Mohit Tawarmalani, Purdue University -Philippe Toint, FUNDP, Namur -Tapio Westerlund, Åbo Akademi University -Andreas Wächter, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center -Robert Weismantel, Otto von Güricke Universität, Magdeburg -Angelika Wiegele, Universität Klagenfurt In addition, there will be a number of contributed presentations and some poster sessions. If you wish to contribute a presentation, please send an extended abstract of your contribution, of 4 to 6 pages in PDF format, to ewminlp@lif.univ-mrs.fr. All extended abstracts should be prepared using the style file ewminlpart.cls (available for download at http://sites.google.com/site/ewminlp/Home/call-for-papers) and should use a font size of 12. (For your convenience, a latex template is also available for download.) This abstract will be used for selection purposes. As few contributed slots are available, do not assume this to be an easy selection process. Abstracts not accepted for oral presentation will be either accepted as posters or rejected. If you wish to contribute a poster, but do not wish to be considered for a contributed presentation, please send an abstract of your poster, of 1-2 pages in PDF format, to ewminlp@lif.univ-mrs.fr. Abstracts should be prepared using the style file ewminlpart.cls (available for download below) and should use a font size of 12. This abstract will be used for selection purposes. The selection process for both contributed presentations and posters will be coordinated by the conference organizers (Bonami, Liberti, Miller, Sartenaer). December 1st, 2009: Submission deadline January 15th, 2010: Acceptance notification As more information becomes available, it will be posted at the conference web site: http://sites.google.com/site/ewminlp/ Please feel also free to contact us at the above email address for additional information. For the Program Committee: Pierre Bonami Leo Liberti Andrew J. Miller Annick Sartenaer ------------------------------------------------------------- 8- Computational Optimization, Modelling and Simulation (source: Didier Aussel) CALL FOR PAPERS: Computational Optimization, Modelling and Simulation (COMS 2010), Amsterdam, May 31-June 2, 2010 The workshop "Computational Optimization, Modelling and Simulation (COMS 2010)" will be a part of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2010). It intends to provide a forum and foster discussion on the cross-disciplinary research and development in computational optimization, computer modeling and simulations. It will focus on new optimization algorithms, new trends, and latest developments in numerical techniques as well as application studies of optimization in science, engineering and industry. Topics include (but not limited to): - Computational optimization; - Engineering optimization and design; - Optimization of computationally expensive objective functions; - Surrogate- and knowledge-based optimization algorithms; - Integrated approach to optimization and simulation; - Multiobjective optimization; - New optimization algorithms; - New modelling techniques related to optimization; - Application case studies. Selected papers will be considered for a post-conference special issue of Int. J. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimization (IJMMNO), to be published in Nov 2010 (Vol. 1, No. 4). Authors wishing to have their contribution considered for the workshop should submit the paper before January 1, 2010, using the online submission system of the ICCS 2010 conference (select "Computational Optimization, Modeling and Simulation (COMS 2010)" in the "Workshop" field). Information about paper format and submission procedure can be found on the conference website at http://www.iccs-meeting.org/. ------------------------------------------------------------- 9- Challenge ROADEF 2010 (source: Marcel Mongeau) Le challenge ROADEF/EURO 2010 (http://challenge.roadef.org/) est démarré depuis juillet 2009 sur un sujet proposé par EDF, concernant un problème de gestion d'énergie de grande taille. On dénombre déjà 13 équipes inscrites dont 6 dans la catégorie junior et 7 dans la catégorie senior, provenant de 11 pays différents ! La collaboration avec Euro a donc permis d'étendre encore la portée internationale de notre compétition (voici dans l'ordre d'apparition, les inscription du premier mois - Malaisie, Inde, Argentine, Nigéria, Mexique et Portugal). Actuellement, fin septembre, AUCUNE équipe française n'est encore inscrite. Il est encore temps de constituer une équipe et de proposer une méthode. Il est en effet possible de s'inscrire jusqu'à la date limite d'envoi du programme de résolution des instances de la base A, le 5 janvier 2010. Cependant n?hésitez pas à vous pré-inscrire !! Nous rappelons également qu'une catégorie "Calcul Parallèle" a été créée cette année et que le montant total des prix s'élève à 10 000?. Bon travail aux participants et rendez-vous en février prochain à Toulouse lors de ROADEF 2010 www.roadef2010.fr pour l'annonce des résultats de la qualification ! ------------------------------------------------------------- 10- La rubrique questions-réponses de J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty (source: Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty) La Statistique est un domaine des mathématiques appliquées où apparaissent fréquemment des problèmes d?optimisation, lesquels font souvent intervenir des formes quadratiques. En voici trois exemples. Soit A une matrice réelle symétrique de taille (n, n). On désigne par (x^T)Ax la forme quadratique sur R^n associée à A. Q1 . La première question posée est de déterminer la valeur maximale de f (x) := (x^T) A^2 x ? [(x^T)Ax]^2 sur la sphère-unité S := {x ? R^n ; x = 1}. Q2 . On suppose A dé?nie positive. La deuxième question posée est de déterminer la valeur maximale de g (x) := (x^T)Ax - 1/[(x^T)A^(-1)x] toujours sur la sphère-unité S. Q3 . On suppose A semi-dé?nie positive. La troisième question est de déterminer la valeur maximale de h(x, y ) := [(x^T)Ax] [(y^T)Ay] ? [(x^T)Ay]^2 pour (x, y ) ? S × S. Indications. Dans les trois cas, les réponses font intervenir des valeurs propres de A. ------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Champion -- Laboratoire Imath -- Université du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr