Lettre MODE mars 2012 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte à champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prière d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la désinscription automatiques se font en écrivant à lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matières -- Renouvellement du bureau MODE et Journées MODE 0- Elections 2012 du comité de liaison du groupe MODE 1- .. et Journées MODE -- Conférences et évènements 2- Annonces de séminaires 3- Cours "Applied and Numerical Optimal Control", 23-27 Avril 2012, Paris 4- International meeting on Applied Mathematics in Errachidia 5- Summer School CEA EDF INRIA 2012 Stochastic Optimization 6- European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius 7- Mathematics, Algorithms and Proofs 2012, Universität Konstanz 8- International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools ------------------------------------------------------------- 0- Elections 2012 du comité de liaison du groupe MODE (source: A. Rondepierre) Comme chaque année, le bureau du groupe MODE organise les élections en vue du renouvellement d'un tiers des membres du comité de liaison. Le comité actuel est visible à l'adresse suivante: http://smai.emath.fr/spip.php?article338 Les membres sortants sont: - Laetitia Andrieu - Mustapha Bouhtou - Patrick-Louis Combettes - Jean-Noël Corvellec - Alain Pietrus - Aude Rondepierre Seuls P.L. Combettes, J.N. Corvellec et A. Rondepierre sont rééligibles. La liste des candidats avec leur profession de foi, ainsi que les modalités de vote, sont fournies dans le fichier joint à ce message, le bulletin de vote peut être téléchargé sur le site web du groupe. ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- ..et Journées MODE (source: A. Rondepierre) Chers Collègues Nous espérons vous voir tous lors des prochaines journées SMAI-MODE :                         http://math.u-bourgogne.fr/mode2012/ Notez bien en particulier l'assemblée du groupe le mercredi 28 mars de 18 à 19h. C'est également le moment de réfléchir aux prochaines journées MODE. Certains d'entre vous seraient-ils volontaires pour organiser ces journées en 2014 ? C'est le moment d'évoquer cette possibilité en écrivant à un des membres du bureau restreint. Bien cordialement Le bureau SMAI-MODE ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Annonces de séminaires (sources: P.L. Combettes, O. Prot, A. Skoda) Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les séminaires ayant lieu ce mois-ci et organisés dans nos laboratoires. N'hésitez pas à l'alimenter, préférentiellement via un lien vers la page du séminaire et une liste de conférenciers, ** Séminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP salle 201) http://www.ljll.math.upmc.fr/~plc/spo.html Lundi 16 avril 15h00 : D. Azé (U. Toulouse 3) 16h15 : A. d'Aspremont (Polytechnique) ** Séminaires de l'équipe d'Optimisation (MOD) de l'Université de Limoges http://www.unilim.fr/pages_perso/olivier.prot/mod.html Vendredi 23 mars :   A. Troeltzsch (CERFACS) Vendredi 30 mars :   L. Piffet (U. Orléans) ** Séminaire MDOD (Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne, salle 19) http://ces.univ-paris1.fr/membre/seminaire/MDOD/ Mardi 20 mars :   O. Raynaud Mardi 3 avril :       S. Elloumi ** ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Cours "Applied and Numerical Optimal Control", 23-27 Avril 2012, Paris (source: F. Bonnans) We are organising a meeting on "Applied and Numerical Optimal Control", to be held on the  23-27th April 2012 at ENSTA ParisTech (Paris). Registration is open until 15th March, and a list of confirmed speakers can be found on the conference website: http://itn-sadco.inria.fr/events-meetings/network-wide-activities/anoc-2012-paris On behalf of the organising committee, we would be glad if you would consider attending the event, and would appreciate if you could circulate this announcement to colleagues who you think may be  interested. ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- International meeting on Applied Mathematics in Errachidia (source: M. Théra) dates : 23-27 April 2012 See the conference website : https://sites.google.com/site/mpappliedmathematics2012/home ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Summer School CEA EDF INRIA 2012 Stochastic Optimization (source: F. Bonnans et M. De Lara) The next CEA/EDF/INRIA Summer School in Cadarache (France) in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, will comprise two weeks on Stochastic Optimization (June 25-July 6, 2012). The school is widely open to international audience. It is aimed towards researchers, engineers, post-docs, and PhD students interested by the theory, applications and recent progresses in the field. Please feel free to circulate this announcement to interested colleagues. CEA/EDF/INRIA 2012 Summer School « STOCHASTIC OPTIMIZATION » June 25-July 6, 2012, Cadarache Castle, 13115 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France Three main lectures: * Large-Scale Approximate Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning - Dimitri BERTSEKAS (MIT) * Stochastic Programming - Roger WETS (UC DAVIS) * Information Constraints in Stochastic Control - Pierre CARPENTIER (ENSTA ParisTech), Jean-Philippe CHANCELIER, Michel DE LARA (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech) Please visit this website for more details: http://www-hpc.cea.fr/SummerSchools2012.htm Note the school fee includes full accommodation (lodging, meals) for 10 days - special rates for academic and PhD students attendees The organizers, Michel DE LARA and Stephane GAUBERT delara@cermics.enpc.fr, Stephane.Gaubert@inria.fr ------------------------------------------------------------- 6- European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), Vilnius (source: T. Champion) dates : 8-11 July, 2012 www.euro-2012.lt The extended and final deadline for the submission of abstracts is March 18, 2012 The Organizers of the 25th EURO Conference have a great pleasure of inviting you to take part in this Conference to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 8-11 July, 2012. The Programme and Organizing Committees, chaired by Marielle Christiansen and Leonidas Sakalauskas, are preparing a high quality scientific programme and an exciting social programme for the Conference. We are convinced that the EURO XXV Conference will be an excellent opportunity for the OR community to get together again in a pleasant atmosphere, and, thus, we are looking forward to seeing you in Vilnius, the historical capital of Lithuania, in 2012. Please, visit the EURO XXV Conference website (www.euro-2012.lt) for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------- 7- Mathematics, Algorithms and Proofs 2012, Universität Konstanz (source: D. Henrion) September 17 - 21, 2012 The conference brings together people from the communities of formal proofs, constructive mathematics, computer  algebra and real algebraic geometry (in a wide meaning). The objective of the conference is to bridge the gap between conceptual (abstract) and computational  (constructive) mathematics by providing a computational understanding of abstract mathematics. We are not only interested in correct algorithms however, but also in the mathematical clarity that these concrete presentations provide. In formal proof management systems like Coq there is an increasing interest to exploit certificates found by numerical solvers (e.g., sums of squares certificates for positivity found by semidefinite programming solvers). The theory behind these certificates will be one of the highlights of this 2012 edition of MAP. Registration and Future Announcements: Registration is not yet possible but all interested persons should now subscribe to our mailing list for this event at: http://www.map2012.uni-konstanz.de/ All subsequent announcements of the conference will be distributed only through this mailing list. There will be a registration fee of around 100 euros. Contact address: Please contact one of the organizers for scientific questions, and direct all questions concerning local organization to: map2012@uni-konstanz.de ------------------------------------------------------------- 8- International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (source: R. Laraki) The 6th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools  -- 9th - 12th October 2012 Cargese, Corsica http://www.valuetools.org/ ValueTools 2012 is an interdisciplinary conference whose goal is to gather and to facilitate the flow of expertise between researchers from different communities working on performance evaluation, optimization, and stochastic modeling in complex systems. Owing to recent technological advances and the massive connectivity of our "always-online" era, these issues have attracted considerable interest in the fields of Computer Science, Control Theory, Networks and Telecommunications, Operations Research, and Signal Processing, and, traditionally, all these communities have had a strong presence in the organization and steering of the conference. Correspondingly, ValueTools 2012 solicits previously unpublished contributions that propose new performance evaluation methodologies (or help clarify the limitations of older ones) in practical complex scenarios, and new tools (or novel applications of already established ones) with which to control the performance of complex systems where traditional methods have failed to produce appealing results. Submission deadline: April 10th, 2012 Notification Deadline: July 1st, 2012 Camera Ready Deadline: July 20th, 2012 Conference Dates: October 9-12, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Champion --