Lettre MODE janvier 2011 -- Bonne année et meilleurs voeux pour 2011 ! Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte à champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prière d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la désinscription automatiques se font en écrivant à lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matières -- Conférences 1- Annonces de séminaires 2- Ecole thématique en traitement d'image 3- Sixth summer school in analysis and applied mathematics (Rome) 4- Ecole d'été en Calcul des Variations et Applications (CIRM) -------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Annonces de séminaires (sources: F. Bonnans) Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les séminaires ayant lieu ce mois-ci et organisés dans nos laboratoires. N'hésitez pas à l'alimenter, préférentiellement via un lien vers la page du séminaire et une liste de conférenciers, ** Séminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (SPO) -- Amphitéatre Darboux http://www.ann.jussieu.fr/~plc/spo.html Lundi 10 janvier 2011 : A. Philpott (Aukland, Nouvelle Zélande) E. Stepanov (St Petersbourg, Russie) : Séance suivante, Lundi 7 février : H. Ishii(Waseda U.), O. Pironneau (Paris 6) ** ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Ecole thématique en traitement d'image (source: M. Bergounioux) Rappel : Pierre Maréchal et moi-même organisons une école thématique en traitement d'image du 18 au 23 avril à Martel (Lot). Les informations sont disponibles sur le site : http://web.me.com/maitine.bergounioux/EcoleMartel/Bienvenue.html Merci de diffuser cette information. Il reste 9 places . Date limite d'inscription 30 janvier 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Sixth summer school in analysis and applierd mathematics (Rome) (source: Michel Théra) The Sixth summer school in analysis and applierd mathematics will be held in Rome from June 20th to June 24th 2011. The school is intended mainly for Ph.D. students and young researchers in Analysis and Applied Mathematics. The three speakers will be A. DE SIMONE, M. ORTIZ and A. QUARTERONI Please visit our website http://www.mat.uniroma1.it/people/garroni/School2011.html The organizers, Andrea Braides, Adriana Garroni, Annalisa Malusa and Enzo Nesi ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Ecole d'été en Calcul des Variations et Applications (CIRM) (source: T. Champion) 11-15 juillet 2011, CIRM -- Luminy (Marseille) Cette école d'été s'adresse à un petit groupe de doctorants et jeunes chercheurs et a pour objectif de les introduire à des sujets en plein développement, auprès de spécialistes reconnus dans le domaine du Calcul des Variations et de ses applications. Les thèmes abordés seront issus de situations diverses et traités tant d'un point de vue théorique que de l'implémentation numérique. Les conférenciers invités sont : Pierre Cardaliaguet (CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine), Ilaria Fragalà (Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano), Edouard Oudet (LAMA, Université de Savoie), Filippo Santambrogio (Département de Mathématiques, Université Paris-Sud Orsay). L'organisation est assurée par : Pierre Bousquet (LATP, Marseille) et Thierry Champion (Imath, Toulon) Cette école est soutenue par : le GDR MOA, le laboratoire LATP, le laboratoire Imath, le CNRS et la FRUMAM. Pour plus d'information, se reporter à la page suivante : http://champion.univ-tln.fr/ECVA.html ------------------------------------------------------------ Thierry Champion -- Laboratoire Imath -- Université du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.frLettre MODE fvrier 2011 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matires -- Postes 1- Position post-doctoral au CMM 2- Research positions (Spain) -- Confrences 3- Annonces de sminaires 4- Journe d'Analyse non Linaire (Limoges) 5- Treisime rencontre SMAI Math-Industrie 6- GDR Maths-Entreprises 7- Troisime cole de printemps Errachidia (Maroc) 8- GDR Maths-Entreprises 9- Journes des GdR MOA et MSPC - "Optimisation et traitement des images" 10- Baikal Int. School-seminar "Optimization methods and their applications" 11- Ecole d't en Calcul des Variations et Applications (CIRM) 12- Alicante-Elsch-Limoges meeting on Optimization 13- Seventh International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis 14- Euro Conference for young OR researchers 15- Austrian-French-German Conference on Optimization, Toulouse 2011 16- Fifth Sino-Japan Optimization Meeting (SJOM 2011) -- Autre 17- JMAA Ames Award Fund ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Position post-doctoral au CMM (source: F. Bonnans et H. Ramirez) Ouverture des positions post-doctorales ouvertes au CMM : http://www.cmm.uchile.cl/?option=detalle&CodigoNoticia=1486&lang=en Les sujets des post-doctorats sont ouverts, mais il est fortement possible d'avoir au moins une position en optimisation. Bien entendu, a dpend du dossier des candidats. Joindre Hector Ramirez Cabrera Departamento de Ingenieria Matematica, Universidad de Chile. Phone : (56-2) 9784980 Fax : (56-2) 6883821 E-mail : hramirez@dim.uchile.cl Homepage: http://www.dim.uchile.cl/~hramirez ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Research positions (Spain) (source: M. Thra) there are some job openings now in Spain: - Juan de la Cierva fellowship (three year postdoc, associated to a senior professor) - Ramon y Cajal (five year research position that will lead to tenure). We would be happy to have some applicants at my department at the UPC in Barcelona. Many of these positions are won every year by foreign candidates. Knowledge of Spanish is not necessary at the begining. This is a national wide application, and thus comptetition is high but fair. More info at: Juan de la cierva: http://www.micinn.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.dbc68b34d11ccbd5d52ffeb801432ea0/?vgnextoid=3317b43c2747d210VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD&vgnextchannel=76c9282978ea0210VgnVCM1000001034e20aRCRD Ramon y Cajal: http://www.micinn.es/portal/site/MICINN/menuitem.dbc68b34d11ccbd5d52ffeb801432ea0/?vgnextoid=6f70b43c2747d210VgnVCM1000001d04140aRCRD&vgnextchannel=48a9282978ea0210VgnVCM1000001034e20aRCRD Note that the deadline is rather soon. Best regards, Xavier Cabr -------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Annonces de sminaires (sources: F. Bonnans, O. Prot et M. Thra) Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les sminaires ayant lieu ce mois-ci et organiss dans nos laboratoires. N'hsitez pas l'alimenter, prfrentiellement via un lien vers la page du sminaire et une liste de confrenciers, ** Sminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (Amphithatre Darboux) http://www.ann.jussieu.fr/~plc/spo.html Lundi 7 fvrier 2011 15h : H. Ishii (Waseda Univ., Tokyo) 16h : O. Pironneau (Paris 6) : ** ** Sminaire MOD (Universit de Limoges, salle XR203) Vendredi 4 fvrier 10h30, Jiri Outrata (UTIA, Prague) ** ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Journe d'Analyse non Linaire (Limoges) (source: N. Igbida, M. Thra) Nous organisons une journe d'Analyse non Linaire qui aura lieu le vendredi 11 Fvrier dans la salle de sminaire XLIM. Les confrenciers sont : - Abderrahim Jourani, Universit de Bourgogne - Jiri Outrata, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences - Nguyen Huu Tron, XLIM Le programme de cette journe se trouve sur la page : http://www.unilim.fr/pages_perso/noureddine.igbida/Jounree_ANL/journee1.html L'inscription est gratuite mais obligatoire par retour de mail. Les doctorants sont vivement encourags participer. Noureddine et Michel ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Treisime rencontre SMAI Math-Industrie (source: D. Aussel) La 13e rencontre SMAI Math-Industrie "Enjeux Mathmatiques du Calcul scientifique Haute Performance - Visions et collaborations grands groupes/PME/acadmique" aura lieu le mardi 22 mars 2011, L'Ecole Centrale Paris (Chatenay-Malabry). Cette journe est organise par la SMAI, avec le soutien de l'ECP, l'INRIA, le CNRS et le CEA-DAM, en mmoire de Patrick Lascaux, initiateur et organisateur de ces rencontres jusqu' sa disparition en mars 2010. Elle runira des industriels et acadmiques du Calcul Scientifique Haute Performance sur diffrents secteurs (transport, nergie, finance, ). En s'appuyant sur un format innovant, associant exposs industriels et brainstormings scientifiques, le but de la journe est de faciliter le dclenchement de collaborations ultrieures entreprises-acadmiques, en particulier avec des PME. La participation est ouverte tous et gratuite, sous rserve de s'tre inscrit au pralable sur le site web : http://smai.emath.fr/congres/journees/HPC2011/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 6- GDR Maths-Entreprises (source: F. Bonnans, M. Thra) Un GDR ddi aux interactions avec les entreprises est en train de se mettre en place. La page web (en cours d'volution) pourra vous donner une ide sur le positionnement de ce projet, qui a vocation impliquer l'ensemble des maths appliques ou potentiellement applicables, et si possible de faire interagir les diffrentes spcialits : http://www.maths-entreprises.fr/ Parmi les projets que nous envisageons, le principal pour l'an prochain est la mise en place d'une Semaine d'Etude Mathmatiques Entreprises, dans l'esprit des ESGI qui se pratiquent dj dans une bonne partie de l'Europe. Il s'agit de demander des industriels de venir prsenter, le premier jour, des problmatiques gnrales ou particulires sur lesquelles ils butent, et de rflchir par petits groupes sur ces problmatiques pendant le reste de la semaine. Notre volont, conformment d'ailleurs aux usages l'tranger, est de mettre en avant les jeunes chercheurs, doctorants ou post-docs, pour constituer ces petits groupes (typiquement de 4 8) qui vont plancher sur les sujets. Il s'agit donc d'un certain investissement (une semaine complte), mais nous pensons que cette exprience peut tre extrmement gratifiante pour tout le monde, et en premier lieu pour les jeunes chercheurs impliqus dans ces groupes de rflexion. Un point important est le suivant : il ne s'agit pas d'appliquer des techniques matrises a rsolution d'un problme bien dfini, mais plutt de confronter la culture et la structure de pense mathmatiques des problmatiques issues du monde rel. Cette annonce ne s'adresse donc pas qu'aux mathmaticiens appliqus au sens usuel du terme, mme s'ils auront sans doute tendance se sentir concerns en premier lieu, mais se veut ouverte l'ensemble des jeunes mathmaticiens, avec pour seuls prrequis la curiosit, l'ouverture d'esprit, et la capacit accepter de dire parfois des btises. * Cette semaine se tiendra du lundi 4 au vendredi 8 avril 2011, l'Institut Henri Poincar.* Les frais de sjour des jeunes chercheurs pourront tre pris en charge par le GDR (selon des modalits qui seront prcises ultrieurement). Veuillez contacter *Bertrand Maury > ou Sylvain Faure >* si vous souhaitez tre membre du GDR (auquel cas nous indiquerons votre nom sur la page web, et vous ferez partie d'une mailing liste), en prcisant si vous envisageriez une participation la SEME dcrite ci-dessus (cette dclaration d'intention ne vous engage bien sr en rien !). ------------------------------------------------------------- 7- Troisime cole de printemps Errachidia (Maroc) (source: N. Igbida, M.Thra) La troisime cole de printemps (3me EPEDPNL'2011) aura lieu comme prvu Errachidia (Maroc) du 18-23 Avril 2011. Elle s'intitule ''Modles Physiques et Mathmatiques pour les Dunes de Sable''. C'est la troisime d'une srie d'coles programmes dans des Universits marocaines sur l'analyse des quations aux drives partielles non linaires et applications. Elles s'adressent aux tudiants en thse et Master ainsi qu'aux chercheurs qui s'intressent la modlisation, l'analyse thorique et numrique des EDP non linaires et l'optimisation. Je rappelle que cette manifestation tait programme au printemps 2010 et a t reporte la dernire cause de la fermeture des aroports suite aux fumes du volcan Islandais. Pour plus d'information et l'inscription en ligne nous vous prions de consulter la page de l'cole l'adresse http://www.unilim.fr/pages_perso/noureddine.igbida/ecole_errachidia/ecole_printemps3.html Nous comptons sur votre participation et nous vous prions de bien vouloir diffuser l'information autour de vous. Noureddine Igbida (pour la comit d'organisation) Professeur des Universits en Mathmatiques http://www.unilim.fr/pages_perso/noureddine.igbida/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 8- Journes des GdR MOA et MSPC - "Optimisation et traitement des images" (source: D. Aussel) Les GdR MSPC "Mathmatiques des systmes perceptifs et cognitifs" et MOA "Mathmatiques de l'Optimisation et Applications" organisent ensemble leurs journes annuelles du 6 au 10 Juin 2011, la Rsidence de l'Ile d'Or, La Londe les Maures (Var). Cette semaine sera l'occasion pour les chercheurs des deux GdR de se rencontrer afin de discuter sur les avancs de leurs domaines et renforcer les collaborations entre le traitement d'image et l'optimisation. Cette confrence sera compose d'une alternance d'exposs en traitement des images et en optimisation. Les deux premires et dernires demi-journes seront plus spcifiquement consacres aux thmes propres chaque GdR. Les membres des deux GdR sont invits participer cette confrence. Les GdRs prennent en charge, dans la limite des places disponibles, le sjour en pension complte (les frais de transport ne sont pas pris en charge). Pour s'inscrire et obtenir plus de dtails sur cette semaine : http://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/~peyre/mspc/mspc-moa-11/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 9- Ecole d't en Calcul des Variations et Applications (CIRM) (source: T. Champion) 11-15 juillet 2011, CIRM -- Luminy (Marseille) Cette cole d't s'adresse un petit groupe de doctorants et jeunes chercheurs et a pour objectif de les introduire des sujets en plein dveloppement, auprs de spcialistes reconnus dans le domaine du Calcul des Variations et de ses applications. Les thmes abords seront issus de situations diverses et traits tant d'un point de vue thorique que de l'implmentation numrique. Les confrenciers invits sont : Pierre Cardaliaguet (CEREMADE, Universit Paris-Dauphine), Ilaria Fragal (Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano), Edouard Oudet (LAMA, Universit de Savoie), Filippo Santambrogio (Dpartement de Mathmatiques, Universit Paris-Sud Orsay). L'organisation est assure par : Pierre Bousquet (LATP, Marseille) et Thierry Champion (Imath, Toulon) Cette cole est soutenue par : le GDR MOA, le laboratoire LATP, le laboratoire Imath, le CNRS et la FRUMAM. Pour plus d'information, se reporter la page suivante : http://champion.univ-tln.fr/ECVA.html ------------------------------------------------------------- 10- Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory (SING7) (source: D. Aussel) The organizing committee has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the 7th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory (SING7), to be held in Paris. The conference will take place at TELECOM ParisTech (http://www.telecom-paristech.fr/), 46 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris, from July 18th to 20th, 2011. The conference is jointly organized by University of Paris I, Paris School of Economics, and TELECOM ParisTech. It also benefits from the financial support of GDR RO, Centre d'conomie de la Sorbonne, CNRS INSMI, CNRS SHS, ADRES, and DIMEco. SING 7 is the seventh in the series of Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meetings on Game Theory, and the first one organized in France. Presentations will focus on new research directions in Game Theory. The meeting provides an avenue where new research collaborations can be forged. Game Theory is a mathematical framework dealing with models of conflict and cooperation among interdependent decision makers or agents. It is a central tool for economics and the social sciences, which poses challenging research questions in mathematics, control, and optimization, and is applied across a wide variety of fields, including neuroscience, philosophy, and biology All information can be found on http://ces.univ-paris1.fr/SING_7.htm Participants have to register, submit abstract, and pay registration fees through this web site. For inquiries, please send a message to sing7@univ-paris1.fr ------------------------------------------------------------- 11- Baikal Int. School-seminar "Optimization methods and their applications" (source: M. Thra) The 15th Baikal International School-Seminar on OPTIMIZATION METHODS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS will be held in June 2329 2011, near Irkutsk, on shore of Lake Baikal, in the village Listvyanka, Russia. The conference is organized every third year. This year it is organized by the Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory (ISDCT) of the Siberian Branch (SB) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) (www.idstu.irk.ru) jointly with Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the RAS, the Institute of Energy Systems of SB RAS, the Institute of Control Science of the RAS, the Russian Association of Mathematical Programming, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy. The conference is a forum for researchers working on all aspects of Optimization. As well as in the previous years, it collects main specialists in this field from Russia with international participation. We believe that the program will be also interesting for practitioners who want to increase the efficiency of their business with applications of optimization models. The Organizing Committee is looking forward to see you in Irkutsk the center of the Eastern Siberia with beautiful nature, admirable lake and mounting views. We promise you an interesting scientific and social program. A diversified Social Program will be drawn up for the pleasure of the participants and accompanying persons. The working languages of the conference are Russian and English. The conference website : http://www.idstu.irk.ru/en/MOP-2011 ------------------------------------------------------------- 12- Alicante-Elsch-Limoges meeting on Optimization (source: M. Thra) Toutes les informations disponibles sur le site : http://cio.umh.es/alel2011/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 13- Seventh International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis (source: M. Thra) July 31 - August 4, 2011, Hirosaki, Japan, The Seventh International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis (NACA2011) Co-Organizers: Wataru Takahashi and Tamaki Tanaka Homepage: http://mathweb.sc.niigata-u.ac.jp/NACA2011/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 14- Euro Conference for young OR researchers (source: M. Thra) This is the third announcement for the EURO Conference for young OR researchers: the Operation Research Peripatetic Postgraduate Programme (ORP3 2011) to be held in Cdiz (Spain) from September 13th to September 17th, 2011. Conference web site: http://orp3.uca.es Aims and Scope: ORP3 is the EURO peripatetic conference, each edition of which is hosted by a renowned European centre in Operations Research. It is organised biannually and is devoted to the Operational Research field in its broadest sense. Previous conferences have been held in Paris (2001), Lambrecht (2003), Valencia (2005) and Guimares (2007). ORP3 aims at being a forum promoting scientific and social exchanges between the members of the future generation of Operations Research in academic research and industry. The conference is open to the whole scope of Operations Research, but the following topics are mostly welcome: - Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization - Discrete Optimization; Graphs & Networks - Location Theory - Transportation and Logistics - Game Theory - Network Optimization - Multicriteria Optimization - Production Management; Supply Chain Management - Routing Problems For further information see http://orp3.uca.es or send your request by e-mail to info.orp3@uca.es ------------------------------------------------------------- 15- Austrian-French-German Conference on Optimization, Toulouse 2011 (source: F. Bonnans) Il s'agit de la 15me Confrence Franco-Allemande d'Optimisation, cette anne en collaboration avec nos collgues autrichiens. Plus d'informations sur le site : http://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/afg11/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 16- Fifth Sino-Japan Optimization Meeting (SJOM 2011) (source: M. Thra) September 26 - 29, 2011, Beijing, China The 5th Sino-Japan Optimization Meeting (SJOM 2011) Organizer: Y.Dai, M.Fukushima, X.Liu, W.Sun, N.Xiu, Y.-X.Yuan (Chair) Co-Chair of Steering Committee: W.Y.Sun and T.Tanino Homepage: http://lsec.cc.ac.cn/~sjom/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 17- JMAA Ames Award Fund (source: H. Frankowska, M. Thra) Dr. William F. Ames was the dedicated Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (JMAA) during 1991-2006. He passed away in 2008. The family of Dr. Ames has now donated a substantial sum to honour Dr. Ames' contributions to mathematics and the JMAA. Elsevier, Publisher of the JMAA, has donated a matching sum. The combined account, The JMAA Ames Award Fund, is now entrusted with and managed by the American Mathematical Society. The Editors of the JMAA have decided that the most appropriate recognition of Bill Ames' many years of outstanding service to the Journal is to establish two awards in pure and applied mathematics, to be made on a yearly basis. Each award will be $2,500. In each case, this sum is to be divided equally among the coauthors of a paper, published during the previous year, that is deemed to be of major interest and of high quality. The decision on these two awards will be made by the Editorial Board of the JMAA. JMAA presents mathematical papers that treat classical analysis and its numerous applications. It is published semimonthly to serve the mathematical and scientific communities. ------------------------------------------------------------ Thierry ChampionLettre MODE mars 2011 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matires -- Confrences et vnements 1- Annonces de sminaires 2- A workshop on Computational and Analytical Mathematics 3- Groupe MODE -- Congrs SMAI 2011 4- Mini-course on PDE-Constrained Optimization 5- Funded Doctoral Program in Computational Optimization 6- Ph.D.-course on Topology Optimization 7- Ecole d't en Calcul des Variations et Applications (CIRM) 8- Workshop on Well-posedness of Optimization Problems and Related Topics ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Annonces de sminaires (sources: P.L. Combettes) Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les sminaires ayant lieu ce mois-ci et organiss dans nos laboratoires. N'hsitez pas l'alimenter, prfrentiellement via un lien vers la page du sminaire et une liste de confrenciers, ** Sminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP salle 314) http://www.ljll.math.upmc.fr/~plc/spo.html Lundi 21 mars 2011 15h : G. Vigeral (Paris Dauphine) 16h : R. Ignat (Paris 11) ** ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- A workshop on Computational and Analytical Mathematics (source: M. Thra) May 1620, 2011 at IRMACS Center, at Simon Fraser University in honour of Jonathan Borwein's 60th birthday. http://conferences.irmacs.sfu.ca/jonfest2011/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Groupe MODE -- Congrs SMAI 2011 (source: F. Bonnans) Nous vous rappelons la date limite du 18 mars pour soumission de rsums la la confrence SMAI 2011 : http://smai.emath.fr/smai2011/ Les membres du groupe SMAI-MODE sont encourags soumettre et participer cette confrence, au cours de laquelle nous ferons un point sur les activit du groupe. F. Bonnans Responsable du groupe ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Mini-course on PDE-Constrained Optimization (source: D. Aussel) University of Basel, Switzerland; May 23-27, 2011 The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Basel will host a one week mini-course on PDE-Constrained Optimization. The mini-course will be given Prof. Eldad Haber, University of British Columbia, Canada. The course is designed to present practical solutions for optimization problems with partial differential equations as constraints. The course is made of lectures and exercises that use realistic problems and, for some cases, real data. Code will be written in Matlab. There is no mini-course fee. Further information can be found at the website: http://www.pdeopt2011.unibas.ch/ ORGANIZERS: Marcus Grote and Olaf Schenk, University of Basel The mini-course is supported by the SNF Pro*Doc program on "NumPDE on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing" ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Funded Doctoral Program in Computational Optimization (source: F. Bonnans) A funded Doctoral Program at the University of Vienna On July 1st 2011, a new funded doctoral program will start at the University of Vienna. A special emphasis is put into Optimization under Uncertainty. Successfull applicants will be enrolled in a 3-year doctoral program and will get a stipend to cover at least all costs of living. Applications are accepted until May 1st, 2011. For further details please visit the webpa http://compopt.univie.ac.at/ or write to me. Georg Pflug (georg.pflug@univie.ac.at) ------------------------------------------------------------- 6- Ph.D.-course on Topology Optimization (source: M. Thra) at Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, DCAMM Organisers: Ole Sigmund, Jakob Sndergaard Jensen, Mathias Stolpe and Anton Evgrafov, Technical University of Denmark Time: 29 June - 5 July 2011 Place: Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark For registration please contact Ms Kari Haugland, dcamm(a)mat.dtu.dk. description : http://www2.mat.dtu.dk/dcamm07/topopt_folder_2011.pdf or on the web-site : http://www.fam.web.mek.dtu.dk/dcamm05/index.php?navigate=courses ------------------------------------------------------------- 7- Ecole d't en Calcul des Variations et Applications (CIRM) (source: T. Champion) dates : 11-15 juillet 2011, CIRM -- Luminy (Marseille) Cette cole d't s'adresse un petit groupe de doctorants et jeunes chercheurs et a pour objectif de les introduire des sujets en plein dveloppement, auprs de spcialistes reconnus dans le domaine du Calcul des Variations et de ses applications. Les thmes abords seront issus de situations diverses et traits tant d'un point de vue thorique que de l'implmentation numrique. Les confrenciers invits sont : Pierre Cardaliaguet (CEREMADE, Universit Paris-Dauphine), Ilaria Fragal (Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano), Edouard Oudet (LAMA, Universit de Savoie), Filippo Santambrogio (Dpartement de Mathmatiques, Universit Paris-Sud Orsay). L'organisation est assure par : Pierre Bousquet (LATP, Marseille) et Thierry Champion (Imath, Toulon) Cette cole est soutenue par : le GDR MOA, le laboratoire LATP, le laboratoire Imath, le CNRS et la FRUMAM. Pour plus d'information, se reporter la page suivante : http://champion.univ-tln.fr/ECVA.html ------------------------------------------------------------- 8-Workshop on Well-posedness of Optimization Problems and Related Topics (source: J. Revalski) dates : 12 -- 13 september 2011, Borovets, Bulgaria. The 13-th Workshop on Well-posedness of Optimization Problems and Related Topics will take place between 12-th and 16-th of September, 2011, in Borovets, Bulgaria. The deadline for abstract submission is 15 April. For more detailed information see the web-site http://www.math.bas.bg/wwpop2011/ Lettre MODE mars 2011 (supplment) Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matires -- Postes 1- Poste Mcf "Dcision" Paris-Dauphine --Confrences 2- Groupe MODE -- Congrs SMAI 2011 3- Summer School on Hybrid Methods for Constraint Programming ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Poste Mcf "Dcision" Paris-Dauphine (sources: D. Aussel) Un poste de Matre de confrences est ouvert au concours l'Universit Paris Dauphine en section Informatique, flch "Dcision" (poste 204). Recherche : Profil : Le (la) futur recrut(e) devra s?insrer dans le ple Aide la dcision du LAMSADE. Les activits de recherche de ce ple s'articulent autour des thmatiques de l'aide la dcision incluant la modlisation et l?agrgation des prfrences, les mthodes multicritres, l'optimisation combinatoire multi-objectifs, la robustesse en aide la dcision et recherche oprationnelle, le choix social y compris dans ses aspects computationnels,? ainsi que la mise en ?uvre dans des contextes rels. Les candidats sont invits se manifester auprs de Denis Bouyssou bouyssou@lamsade.dauphine.fr et Daniel Vanderpooten, responsable du ple Aide la dcision vdp @lamsade.dauphine.fr Enseignement : Profil : Le (la) futur recrut(e) devra participer aux enseignements en Informatique du dpartement Mathmatiques, Informatique de la Dcision et des Organisations (MIDO) et ventuellement d?autres dpartementsde l?Universit Paris Dauphine, tous les niveaux de formation : DU (MI2Eet DUGEAD), Licence et Master. Le (la) futur recrut(e) peut tre amen(e) assurer des enseignements en rseaux, systmes d?informations, systmes et langages (notamment JAVA). Dpartements d?enseignement : MIDO, LSO Lieu(x) d?exercice : Universit Paris Dauphine Nom directeur dpartement : Ridha Mahjoub Email directeur dpt. : mahjoub@lamsade.dauphine.fr URL dpt. : http://www.mido.dauphine.fr/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Groupe MODE -- Congrs SMAI 2011 (source: F. Bonnans, A. Lejay) La date limite pour les demandes de contribution orale ou poster pour le congrs SMAI 2011 Guidel du 23 au 27 mai http://smai.emath.fr/smai2011 est reporte au jeudi 24 mars minuit, ultime dlai. Les membres du groupe SMAI-MODE sont encourags soumettre et participer cette confrence, au cours de laquelle nous ferons un point sur les activit du groupe. F. Bonnans Responsable du groupe ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Summer School on Hybrid Methods for Constraint Programming (source: T. Schiex) Second call for applications [differences with the first call: explicit clarification that registration indeed includes full room and board for six days; reduced registration fee thanks to new sponsors, listed below]: ACP Summer School 2011 Hybrid Methods for Constraint Programming To be held in Turun (Turkey) from 27 June to 1 July 2011 (http://www.gecode.org/events/acp-summerschool-2011/) Hybridisation The objective of this advanced-level summer school is to study integration opportunities between constraint programming (CP) solvers and the solvers of some other constraint-solving technologies, namely mixed integer programming (MIP), global (numerical) optimisation, Boolean satisfiability (SAT), and stochastic local search (SLS). The expected outcome of such a hybridisation is improved modelling convenience or solving speed over the individual technologies, and the role of CP in such a convergence will be examined. Each speaker will focus on inference, relaxation, search, modelling, and implementation. Venue The summer school will be held at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (ITAP) in Turun, near the Mediterranean resort town of Marmaris in the south-western corner of the Republic of Turkey. Lecturers * Ian Gent (University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK), on hybridising CP and SAT * John Hooker (Carnegie Mellon University, USA), on hybridising CP and MIP * Michel Rueher (Universit de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France), on hybridising CP and global (numerical) optimisation * Pascal Van Hentenryck (Brown University, USA), on hybridising CP and SLS Prerequisite Knowledge Previous education in computer science as well as a solid background in CP are indispensable. The summer school is mainly intended for PhD students, but also open to excellent students in their final master's year, to graduated students shortly after finishing their PhD, and to practitioners with experience in CP. Dates * Application: Fri 1 Apr 2011 * Notification: Fri 15 Apr 2011 * Stipend application: Thu 21 Apr 2011 * Stipend notification: Fri 29 Apr 2011 * Summer school: Mon 27 Jun - Fri 1 Jul 2011 Fees and Stipends Thanks to the sponsorship of the Association for Constraint Programming (ACP), the registration cost will be 335 euros (maximum, pending further sponsorship: it currently looks like it will not exceed 275 euros), including full room and board for six days. A small number of ACP-sponsored stipends reserved for exceptional cases is available for reducing the registration fee by up to 50%. Organisers * Pierre Flener, Uppsala University, Sweden * Justin Pearson, Uppsala University, Sweden * Christian Schulte, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Sponsors (currently) * Association for Constraint Programming (4c.ucc.ie/a4cp) * NICTA.com.au * Quintiq.com - Advanced Planning and Scheduling Software Solutions * Swedish Institute of Computer Science (sics.se) & SICStus Prolog For full details and application instructions, see http://www.gecode.org/events/acp-summerschool-2011/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Thierry Champion -- Laboratoire Imath -- Universit du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.frLettre MODE annonce renouvellement Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Renouvellement du comit de liaison du groupe SMAI-MODE Le groupe SMAI-MODE va renouveler comme chaque anne le tiers (six membres) de son comit de liaison. Le rsultat des lections sera proclam lors de la runion du groupe prvue lors de la confrence de la SMAI, le mardi 24 mai. Voici la liste des sortants, tous rligibles : - Pierre Cardaliaguet, - Thierry Champion, - Mounir Haddou, - Olivier Ley, - Pierre Marchal, - Jrme Renault, Les membres sont invits faire acte de candidature avec une profession de foi de 5 10 lignes, auprs de : Frederic.Bonnans@inria.fr, corvellec@univ-perp.fr et Aude.Rondepierre@math.univ-toulouse.fr La date limite de candidature est le 1er mai. Le vote par correspondance sera possible : les votes seront envoyer **sous double enveloppe** avant le 17 mai 2011 : Aude Rondepierre INSA de Toulouse, dpartement GMM. 135 avenue de Rangueil 31077 Toulouse Cedex 4 - France ------------------------------------------------------------ Thierry Champion -- Laboratoire Imath -- Universit du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr Lettre MODE avril 2011 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matires -- Prix et Postes 1- Bourse Von Humboldt 2- Poste en optimisation (Orange) -- Confrences et vnements 3- Annonces de sminaires 4- Airborne Wind Energy Conference - AWEC2011 5- Summer school - Challenges in Applied Control and Optimal Design 6- AIMMS/MOPTA Optimization Modeling Competition 7- Congrs VMS-SMF 8- Conference on Optimization and Practices in Industry ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Bourse Von Humboldt (source : M. Thra) With the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is offering promising young researchers from all over the world attractive career prospects in Germany. Junior research talents of all disciplines from abroad are given the opportunity to establish working groups of their own at German research institutions. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is delighted to be able to contribute to the further internationalisation of Germany as a research location with this distinguished award for top level academics. Details of the application procedure for the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award can be found on our website at : www.humboldt-foundation.de/skp_en For individual questions, you are also welcome to contactinfo@avh.de Dr. Enno Aufderheide Secretary General, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Poste en optimisation (Orange) (source : J.F. Bonnans) un poste en optimisation est ouvert sur le site d'Orange Labs, Issy-les-Moulineaux. L'annonce est publie sur Orange.com: http://jobs.orange.com/jobs/fiche.do?do=fiche&open&id=17616 Pour plus de dtails, merci de me contacter. Eric Gourdin Orange Labs Research& Development CORE/TPN/TRM 38-40 rue du Gnral Leclerc 92794 Issy-Les-Moulineaux Phone: +33 1 45 29 45 66 http://perso.rd.francetelecom.fr/gourdin/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Annonces de sminaires (sources: P.L. Combettes) Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les sminaires ayant lieu ce mois-ci et organiss dans nos laboratoires. N'hsitez pas l'alimenter, prfrentiellement via un lien vers la page du sminaire et une liste de confrenciers, ** Sminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP salle 421) http://www.ljll.math.upmc.fr/~plc/spo.html Lundi 21 mars 2011 15h : Y. Achdou (Paris 6) 16h : A. Galichon (Polytechnique) ** ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Airborne Wind Energy Conference - AWEC2011 (source : P. Marchal) We announce an interdisciplinary conference in Leuven that might be of interest to some optimization and control people: Airborne Wind Energy Conference - AWEC2011 May 24-25, 2011, Leuven, Belgium www.awec2011.com The K.U Leuven and The Airborne Wind Energy Consortium (AWEC) cordially invite you to participate in the Airborne Wind Energy Conference 2011. After AWEC2010 in Stanford, it is the first AWEC event in Europe, which makes it an excellent opportunity for academics, industry researchers, and policy makers to meet and exchance ideas on this new technology. The conference will be interdisciplinary and span areas as diverse as optimization and control, automation, and aerodynamics on the one hand and energy policy, venture capital investments, and regulation on the other hand. Confirmed keynote lectures: - Stephan Brabeck (SkySails, Germany): "SkySails - Ship propulsion by automated towing kites" - Christian Egenhofer (Center for European Policy Studies, Belgium): "TBA" - Corwin Hardham (Makani Power, USA): "Advances in Crosswind Power" - David North (NASA Langley Research Center, USA): "Airborne Wind Energy Technology and Regulatory Gaps: A NASA Perspective" - Wubbo Ockels (T.U. Delft, Netherlands): "High altitude wind power, from the early days until today" With best regards, Moritz Diehl ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Summer school - Challenges in Applied Control and Optimal Design (source : M. Thra) Summer School and Workshop on "Challenges in Applied Control and Optimal Design" at BCAM - Basque Center of Applied Mathematics, July 4th 2011 to July 8th 2011, in the context of ESF (European Science Foundation) project OPTPDE - Optimization with PDE constraints. see the website : http://www.bcamath.org/OPTPDE-BCAM2011 ------------------------------------------------------------- 6- AIMMS/MOPTA Optimization Modeling Competition (source : M. Thra) voir le site internet : http://coral.ie.lehigh.edu/~mopta/?page_id=28 ------------------------------------------------------------- 7- Congrs VMS-SMF (source : M. Thra) Vous trouverez sur http://smf.emath.fr/content/smf-vms-joint-congress l'annonce du congrs Vietnam math soc et SMF 20-24 Aout Hu. ------------------------------------------------------------- 8- Conference on Optimization and Practices in Industry (source : J.F. Bonnans, M. Mongeau et M. Thra) EDF R&D division is pleased to announce the Conference on Optimization and Practices in Industry 2011 Paris; November 23-25 This conference is devoted to optimization techniques applied to economic problems that occur over a wide panel of industries (energy, banking, transportation and network management). The purpose is to bring together people from academia and industry to share different experiences and discuss future trends related to this area. Both theoretical and practical issues will be considered. More information can be found (the call for papers and the registration form) on the web site: http://www.copiconf.org/or using the e-mail address : _COPI-11@edf.fr_ You can dispatch this advertisement to any of your colleagues who is involved in the conference topics : - Numerical Optimization Techniques - Generation Management - Mathematical Economics, Energy Markets and Risk Management - Other Industrial Applications Best regards, Laetitia ANDRIEU Ingnieur-Chercheur EDF - R&D Dpartement OSIRIS, groupe "Mthodes Modles et Outils d'Optimisation" 1 avenue du Gnral de Gaulle 92141 Clamart laetitia.andrieu@edf.fr Tl. : +33 1 47 65 41 78 ------------------------------------------------------------ Thierry Champion -- Laboratoire Imath -- Universit du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr Lettre MODE mai 2011 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matires -- Postes 1- Post-doc offer in optimization, distributed computing, kriging 2- One-year post-doctoral position at LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse 3- Matre Assistant l'Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne 4- Offre d'emploi Coordinateur de projets RO -- Confrences et vnements 5- Annonces de sminaires 6- Optimization and Learning, Metz, 23-24 mai 2011 7- Trois vnements organiss ou parrains par le GdR MOA pour 2011 -- 8- Rappel inscription au congrs AFG'11 -- Autres 9- Prix Fermat Junior de mathmatiques 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Post-doc offer in optimization, distributed computing, kriging (source: M. Mongeau) Postdoctoral research associate position opened Kriging-based distributed optimization on computing grids Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France Departement of Applied Mathematics April 20, 2011 Field of studies : applied mathematics and/or mechanical engineering and/or computer science. Starting time : From June 2011 on (16 months duration). Collaborators : Rodolphe Le Riche (CNRS permanent research associate), Janis Janusevskis (postdoctoral researcher). Contacts : Rodolphe Le Riche ( leriche@emse.fr ), Janis Janusevskis (janisj@latnet.lv ). Laboratory : Henri Fayol Institute, National Institute of Science and Technology, Saint-Etienne, France (Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne). Salary : 1850 euros/month. Candidate profile : - The candidate should have a PhD in mechanical engineering (with a good background in mathematics) or applied mathematics (optimization) or computer science with a link to optimization. - The candidate should like real world applications (an application in fluids mechanics will be done). - The candidate should like programming (Scilab, use of a middleware). ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- One-year post-doctoral position at LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse (source: M. Mongeau) We are seeking candidates for a one-year post-doctoral position at LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse, France, within an ongoing project focusing on semidefinite programming and algebraic geometry for polynomial optimal control. The project may focus on software implementation (under our existing Matlab toolbox GloptiPoly for solving generalized problems of moments), transfer of knowledge to the French aerospace industry (contracts with EADS Astrium and the French space agency CNES), or more fundamental research activities covering real algebraic geometry (polynomial equations and inequalities), functional analysis (theory of moments), mathematical programming (convex optimization over the cone of positive semidefinite matrices), and nonlinear dynamical systems control. A strong background in applied mathematics is required. Some knowledge of systems control is welcome. Interested candidates please send your detailed curriculum vitae to Didier Henrion, http://homepages.laas.fr/henrion ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Matre Assistant l'Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne (source: D. Aussel) Le Matre Assistant recrut, spcialiste en recherche oprationnelle et en optimisation des systmes de production de biens et de services, travaillera au sein du dpartement GIH, qui fait partie de l'quipe ROGI (Recherche Oprationnelle pour le Gnie Industriel), note A+ par lAERES en 2010 et en cours de rattachement l'UMR 6158 LIMOS. Le dpartement GIH collabore avec des partenaires hospitaliers et acadmiques au sein des diffrents rseaux d'excellence nationaux et internationaux comme lInstitut Fdratif de Recherche en Sciences Ingnierie et Sant (IFR 143 INSERM), le Cancrople Lyon-Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes (CLARA) et la Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Profil du poste Le candidat aura montr dans son parcours quil est capable de mener des activits de recherche de grande qualit. La matrise de langlais est indispensable. Une exprience significative ltranger, par lintermdiaire dun post-doctorat, est fortement recommande, les projets mener tant en lien direct avec des partenaires internationaux. Le candidat devra possder des connaissances solides en optimisation des systmes complexes comme les systmes de production, les systmes hospitaliers, les chanes logistiques. Les comptences en optimisation combinatoire et en optimisation sous incertitudes seront considres avec intrt. Une exprience de recherche en optimisation des systmes hospitaliers sera apprcie. Le candidat doit tre titulaire d'un doctorat en gnie industriel ou en recherche oprationnelle. Il devra dmontrer sa capacit et son got dvelopper une recherche thorique et applique de qualit en partenariat avec des industriels et des professionnels de sant, ainsi qu concevoir des enseignements innovants de niveau master et doctoral. Exprience en enseignement, publications et partenariats seront les critres dvaluation du candidat au poste propos. Modalit de candidature Les lettres de candidature, accompagnes d'un curriculum vitae faisant tat des activits d'enseignement et des travaux de recherche et, ventuellement, des relations avec l'industrie (10 pages maximum) et la discrtion des candidats, de lettres de recommandation, devront tre adresses lattention de Monsieur le Directeur de lEcole Nationale Suprieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne le 25 juin 2011 au plus tard, le cachet de la poste faisant foi, et envoyes : Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Mines de St Etienne A lattention de Fabienne DEMEURE Service Ressources Humaines 158, Cours Fauriel 42023 Saint Etienne Cedex 2 tel Mel: demeure@emse.fr Pour tous renseignements sur le poste, sadresser : Stphane AVRIL Directeur du Centre Ingnierie et Sant Mel : avril@emse.fr ou Xiaolan XIE Responsable du dpartement Gnie Industriel Hospitalier Mel : xie@emse.fr ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Offre d'emploi Coordinateur de projets RO (source: F. Bonnans) Air Liquide souhaite renforcer sa comptitivit en utilisant de manire intelligente les informations techniques et business aujourd'hui disponibles en masse. L'quipe R&D Process Control & Logistics est un acteur cl de cet effort : Elle pilote des projets de recherche allant du capteur aux systmes avancs d'aide la dcision pour mettre en uvre une vision Smart Manufacturing . Nous recherchons pour cette quipe, un coordinateur de projet R&D expriment : optimisation logistique et l'aide la dcision dont l'objectif du projet principal est d'amliorer la gestion des stocks chez Air Liquide en s'appuyant sur les mthodes de recherche oprationnelle et processus. Plus d'informations sur le site : http://www.roadef.org/forums/index.php?action=vthread&forum=2&topic=965 ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Annonces de sminaires (sources: P.L. Combettes) Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les sminaires ayant lieu ce mois-ci et organiss dans nos laboratoires. N'hsitez pas l'alimenter, prfrentiellement via un lien vers la page du sminaire et une liste de confrenciers, ** Sminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP salle 421) http://www.ljll.math.upmc.fr/~plc/spo.html Lundi 9 mai 2011 15h : Y. Achdou (Paris 6) 16h : A. Galichon (Polytechnique) ** ------------------------------------------------------------- 6- Optimization and Learning, Metz, 23-24 mai 2011 (source: Le Thi Hoai An) Optimization and Learning: Theory, Algorithms and Applications Metz, May 23-24, 2011 organized by LITA - "Algorithmique et Optimisation" Team Invited speakers (Partial list) : - Prof Alain Denise LRI, Univ de Paris Sud. Title: RNA bio-algorithmics: some optimization problems in structural bioinformatics. - Prof Michel Minoux LIP6, Univ de Paris 6. - Prof Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland. - Prof Pham Dinh Tao INSA-Rouen, France. Title : Recent advances in DC Programming and DCA. - Prof Pham Duc Truong University of Carrdiff, UK. Title : Machine Learning in Manufacturing. - Prof Luis Nune Vincent University of Coimbra, Portugal. Title : Computation of Sparse Low Degree Interpolating Polynomials. - Prof Michel Sebag INRIA Saclay -- LRI, Univ. de Paris Sud Title : Ranking SVM. The workshop will cover all the topics of Optimization and Learning, from the theory to applications, and from sequential to parallel algorithms Contributions to the solution of real-life problems are particularly appreciated. One special issue in an international journal is scheduled. There are no registration fees, moreover we ensure the coffee breaks, the two lunches and the conference dinner May 23. The participants must make their registration at the website of the workshop http://www.lita.univ-metz.fr/~ws11/registration.php. Email your one-page abstract, using the latex model available at http://www.lita.univ-metz.fr/~ws11/abstract.php to ws11@univ-metz.fr by May 12. ------------------------------------------------------------- 7- Trois vnements organiss ou parrains par le GdR MOA pour 2011 (source: D. Aussel) Voici une annonce/rappel groupe pour trois vnements organiss ou parrains par le GdR MOA pour cette anne 2011 : *** 11-15 juillet : Ecole d't en Calcul des Variations et Applications Cette manifestation se tiendra au CIRM -- Luminy (Marseille). Cette cole d't s'adresse un petit groupe de doctorants et jeunes chercheurs et a pour objectif de les introduire des sujets en plein dveloppement, auprs de spcialistes reconnus dans le domaine du Calcul des Variations et de ses applications. Les thmes abords seront issus de situations diverses et traits tant d'un point de vue thorique que de l'implmentation numrique. Les confrenciers invits sont : * Pierre Cardaliaguet (CEREMADE, Universit Paris-Dauphine) * Ilaria Fragala (Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano) * Edouard Oudet (LAMA, Universit de Savoie) * Filippo Santambrogio (Dpartement de Mathmatiques, Universit Paris-Sud Orsay) Informations complmentaires sur le site de l'cole : http://champion.univ-tln.fr/ECVA.html *** 19-23 septembre : quinzime confrence franco-allemande d'optimisation (AFG'11) La quinzime confrence franco-allemande d'optimisation (AFG'11) aura lieu Toulouse du 19 au 23 septembre 2011. Cette dition est organise avec nos collgues autrichiens. Vous trouverez sur le site internet toutes les informations utiles: http://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/afg11/ La date limite pour les soumissions (talks, posters, minisymposia) est fixe au 6 mai prochain. *** 01-03 dcembre : Septimes Journes Franco-Chiliennes d'Optimisation (JFCO7) Comme vous le savez, ces journes s'inscrivent dans une tradition de collaboration en mathmatiques appliques, entre les laboratoires franais et chiliens oeuvrant dans le domaine de l'optimisation et ses applications. Les journes auront lieu cette anne Perpignan du 01 au 03 dcembre. Lors de ces septimes journes, une demi-journe sera consacre "l'Optimisation dans le domaine de l'nergie". Vous trouverez toute information utile sur le site : http://jfco7.univ-perp.fr/JFCO7_Main.html ------------------------------------------------------------- 8- Rappel inscription au congrs AFG'11 (source: P. Marchal) Bonjour tous, Nous vous rappelons que la quinzime confrence franco-allemande d'optimisation (AFG'11) aura lieu Toulouse du 19 au 23 septembre 2011. Cette dition est organise avec nos collgues autrichiens. Vous trouverez sur le site internet toutes les informations utiles: http://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/afg11/ La date limite pour les soumissions (talks, posters, minisymposia) est fixe au 6 mai prochain. Nous esprons vous voir nombreux Toulouse en septembre prochain ! De la part du comit d'organisation, Pierre Marchal ------------------------------------------------------------- 9- Prix Fermat Junior de mathmatiques 2011 (source: J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty) Veuillez trouver l'annonce du Prix Fermat Junior de mathmatiques 2011 sur le site web suivant : http://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/FermatJunior (prsentation du prix + rglement du prix). Vous pouvez en faire l'annonce et le mettre en lien sur tout site o cela peut paratre utile. Avec mes remerciements anticips. JBHU ------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Champion Lettre MODE -- renouvellement du comit MODE mai 2011 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Renouvellement du comit de liaison du groupe SMAI-MODE Le groupe SMAI-MODE va renouveler comme chaque anne une partie des membres de son comit de liaison. Le rsultat des lections sera proclam lors de la runion du groupe prvue lors de la confrence de la SMAI, le mardi 24 mai de 18 19 h. Vous y tes tous convis. Voici la liste des candidats : - Terence Bayen, - Jean-Baptiste Caillau, - Thierry Champion, - Mounir Haddou, - Moritz Diehl, - Pierre Marchal, - Jrme Renault. Vous trouverez en attach les modalits du vote, le bulletin de vote ainsi que les professions de foi des candidats. .................................................. Le vote par correspondance est possible : les votes sont envoyer **sous double enveloppe** avant le 17 mai 2011 la secrtaire du groupe, Aude Rondepierre : Aude Rondepierre INSA de Toulouse, dpartement GMM. 135 avenue de Rangueil 31077 Toulouse Cedex 4 - France Ne pas oublier de noter son nom et de signer sur l'enveloppe extrieure. Ne pas mettre de signe particulier sur l'enveloppe intrieure (de format usuel). ................................................. Vous pouvez aussi retrouver ces informations sur le site internet du groupe MODE : http://www.math.univ-montp2.fr/~bayen/MODE2/index.htmlLettre MODE mai 2011 (supplment) Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matires -- Postes 1- Postes ATER 2011/2012 Nice -- Confrences et vnements 2- Annonces de sminaires 3- International Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization 4- International conference on Optimization Theory, Algorithms and Applications in Economics 5- COPI'11: second call for papers Autres 6- Conic Optimization 7- Alvarez-Lopez-Ramirez win the 2010 Charles Broyden Prize ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Postes ATER 2011/2012 Nice (source: D. Auroux) Le laboratoire de mathmatiques de l'universit de Nice Sophia Antipolis aura un nombre assez important de postes d'ATER, notamment pour enseigner des mathmatiques appliques Polytech'Nice-Sophia (cole d'ingnieurs). La campagne de recrutement d'ATER pour l'anne universitaire 2011/2012 est ouverte depuis mardi 26 avril jusqu'au vendredi 27 mai. Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur le site de l'universit de Nice, au lien suivant: http://actualite.unice.fr/spip.php?article1669 ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Annonces de sminaires (sources: P.L. Combettes) Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les sminaires ayant lieu ce mois-ci et organiss dans nos laboratoires. N'hsitez pas l'alimenter, prfrentiellement via un lien vers la page du sminaire et une liste de confrenciers, ** Sminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP salle 314) http://www.ljll.math.upmc.fr/~plc/spo.html Lundi 20 juin 2011 15h : N. Vieille (HEC, Jouy en Josas) 16h : G. Peyr (Paris-Dauphine) ** ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- International Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (source: R. Cominetti) October 12-14, 2011 Paris The topic of network control and optimization has been of increasing importance in many networking application domains, such as mobile and fixed access networks, computer networks, social networks and transportation networks. These all require tools (both conceptual and algorithmic) for a better and more efficient control operation, for optimization of their performance, and/or for a better understanding of the relationships between entities that may be cooperative or act selfishly, and in an uncertain and possibly adversarial environment. The goal of this international forum is to bring together researchers from different areas with theoretical expertise in game theory, control, and optimization, and with applications in the domains listed above. Submission deadline: July 1, 2011 See the website : http://netgcoop.imag.fr/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- International conference on Optimization Theory, Algorithms and Applications in Economics (source: D. Aussel et M. Thra) A tribute to Juan Enrique Martinez-Legaz on the occasion of his 60th birthday Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain. October 24-28, 2011 The conference has the aim of a top-level scientific meeting to promote a broad exchange of information and new developments in the areas of Functional and Variational Analysis, Control, Optimization and Applications in Economics. The event will include two half-day mini workshops in Economics (Nuclei) and a mini-workshop in applications of Optimization in Engineering. For further information: http://mat.uab.es/~opt2011/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- COPI'11: second call for papers (source: L. Andrieu, M. Thra) The Conference on Optimization and Practices in Industry (COPI'11) will be held in November 23-25, 2011, Paris, France. This conference is devoted to optimization techniques applied to economic problems that occur over a wide panel of industries (energy, banking, transportation and network management). The purpose is to bring together people from academia and industry to share different experiences and discuss future trends related to this area. Both theoretical and practical issues will be considered. More information can be found on the web site http://www.copiconf.org/ For those of you that have not submitted their abstract, we would like to remind you that there is only 1 month left until the Abstract submission deadline on 15th June. ------------------------------------------------------------- 6- Conic Optimization (source: M. Thra) Special issue for PACIFIC JOURNAL of OPTIMIZATION Over the last two decades, there has been a significant advance in the research of interior point methods and conic optimization. Today conic optimization has emerged as a major computational paradigm and has made significant impact on numerous problems previously considered intractable or difficult to approximate. This special issue aims to solicit papers that provide original research on conic optimization theory and algorithms, including available software. Also welcome are papers that deal with emerging, meaningful applications; or that give friendly overviews of certain theoretically advanced conic optimization techniques relevant to applications. Examples of topics that will be addressed in this special issue include, but are not limited to: - Theory and algorithms for large scale conic optimization - Computational study of conic optimization algorithms - Relaxation techniques based on conic optimization - Applications of conic optimization in science and engineering (e.g., image processing, compressed sensing, digital communications and networks) Submission Procedure: Prospective authors should e-mail the pdf file of their full manuscript with a cover message in plain text to one of the guest editors. Instructions for authors are available on the web: http://www.ybook.co.jp/online/forauthors.htm Schedule: Manuscript due: Sept 1, 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------- 7- Alvarez-Lopez-Ramirez win the 2010 Charles Broyden Prize (source: R. Cominetti, F. Bonnans, T. Champion) Le prix Charles Broyden pour le meilleur article publi dans la revue Optimization Methods and Software en 2010 a t attribu nos chers collgues Felipe Alvarez, Julio Lpez and C. Hctor Ramrez pour leur article Interior proximal algorithm with variable metric for second-order cone programming: applications to structural optimization and support vector machines, paru dans le volume 25, number 6, 2010, pp.859-88 voir l'annonce : http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/pdf/competitions/charles-broyden-prize-2010.pdf ------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Champion Lettre MODE juillet 2011 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matires -- Comit du groupe MODE 1- Compte-rendu de la runion du 20 juin 2011 -- Postes 2- Post-doc Position in Pavia: "Calculus of Variations" -- Confrences et vnements 3- IX Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization 4- Seconde confrence sur les Modles et l?Analyse des Rseaux 5- Franco-Thai Symposium 2011 -- Autres 6- Dcs de Charles Broyden ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Comit du groupe MODE -- Compte-rendu de la runion du 20 juin 2011 (source: A. Rondepierre) Voir le fichier CR_20062011.txt attach ce message. ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Post-doc Position in Pavia: "Calculus of Variations" (source: A. Pratelli) Dear collegues, I am writing you about a post-doc position which has just been opened in Pavia, with title "Calculus of Variations", funded by the ERC Project of which I am the responsible. The deadline is on next July 15. You can find all the informations at the page http://www-dimat.unipv.it/~erc_pratelli/Post-doc_Pavia_2011/Postdoc_July_2011_Pavia.htm I would be grateful if you can extend this news to your potentially interested good students. Thank you very much in advance, and excuse me for multiple posting. Best regards, Aldo ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- IX Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization (source: M. Thra) Luis Correia, Piaui, Brazil, July 29 to August 4, 2012, The IX Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization will take place at the beach of Luis Correia, in the state of Piaui, northeast of Brazil, from July 29 to August 4, 2012. Subjects to be discussed encompass theoretical, computational and implementation issues, in both linear and non-linear programming, including equilibrium problems, variational inequalities, complementarity problems, nonsmooth optimization, vector optimization, generalized equations, optimization in manifolds, etc. The town of Luis Correia is located next to the city of Parnaiba, in the spectacular, albeit little known, coast of Piaui, with its wonderful warm sea-water beaches (see www.luizcorreia.com.br). The workshop will take place at the SESC hotel and convention center, located next to the beach. The backbone of the workshop will consist of plenary lectures, offered by invited speakers, of 45 minutes each. There will be also a limited number of contributed talks, of 25 minutes each. Those interested in contributing a talk should send an abstract, either by regular or electronic mail, to the addresses below, no later than February 28, 2012. Acceptation of the contributed talks will be informed no later than March 31, 2012. Additional information on the workshop will appear in forthcoming announcements and will be posted in the workshop site: http://www.optim-pi.mat.br/brazopt2012.html e-mail address: brazopt2012@optim-pi.mat.br Joo Xavier da Cruz Neto President of the Organizing Committee ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Seconde confrence sur les Modles et l?Analyse des Rseaux (source: A. Rondepierre) Seconde confrence sur les Modles et l?Analyse des Rseaux : Approches Mathmatiques et Informatique Du 19 au 21 octobre 2011 Grenoble MARAMI 2011 http://marami-2011.imag.fr/ Aprs lInstitut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) en 2010, c'est le Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique de Grenoble (LIG) qui organise ces secondes rencontres MARAMI 2011. Cette anne la confrence dure trois journes qui seront structures autour de confrences invites donnes par des chercheurs du domaine ainsi que des prsentations de chercheurs et d?industriels. Comme en 2010, les secondes Journes thmatiques : Fouille de Grands Graphes (JFGG'11) sont associes MARAMI et plusieurs sessions communes seront organises. Les thmatiques privilgies de ces journes sont organises en trois grands axes : Analyse et visualisation de rseaux rels recherche de communauts, classification, recherche de motifs frquents, visualisation et exploration de grands graphes, ... Modlisation dans les rseaux simulations de phnomnes sur les rseaux, volutions de rseaux, graphes alatoires, ... Applications rseaux sociaux, rseaux biologiques, rseaux pair pair, systmes de recommandation, filtrage collaboratif, systmes d'aide la dcision (marketing viral, pidmies), systmes multi-agents, ontologies / web smantique, ... Soumission des articles : vendredi 22 juillet 2011 Notification aux auteurs : vendredi 16 septembre 2011 Envoi de la version dfinitive : vendredi 30 septembre 2011 Comit d'organisation Prsidents : Gilles Bisson& Eric Gaussier (LIG) ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Franco-Thai Symposium 2011 (source: S. Adly) 22-27 Novembre 2011 Applied mathematics: - Partial differential equations; - Scientific calculus; - Optimization, calculus, variations and optimal control; - Operations research http://www.francothai-science.com/symposium2011/home.php?t_id=1104000001 ------------------------------------------------------------- 6- Dcs de Charles Broyden (source: F. Bonnans) Nous annonons le dcs de Charles Broyden, inventeur dans les annes 60 de la mthode de quasi-Newton de rsolution d'quations non linaires. Ila donn la premire lettre du nom de la fameuse mthode BFGS de minimisation sans contrainte par une mthode de quasi-Newton avec poids. message original : Dear OMS Board Members, I have sad news that Charles Broyden, our honorary board member, passed away on Friday, 20th May, at the age of 78. ------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Champion -- Laboratoire Imath -- Universit du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr CR_20062011.txt Compte rendu de la runion du comit du groupe MODE Lundi 20 juin 2011, Paris Prsents ------------ Philippe Bich Frdric Bonnans Jean-Baptiste Caillau Patrick Combettes Jean-Nol Corvellec Marc-Olivier Czarnecki Mounir Haddou Michel de Lara ainsi que Abderrahim A Jourani, invit comme organisateur des prochaines journes SMAI-MODE. 1) Renouvellement du comit ------------------------------- Comme chaque anne, le bureau du groupe SMAI-MODE organise les lections en vue du renouvellement par tiers des membres du comit de liaison. Les membres sortants sont : - Jrme Bolte - Pierre Cardaliaguet - Thierry Champion - Mounir Haddou - Olivier Ley - Pierre Marchal - Jrme Renault Le dpouillement des votes s'est effectu au cours du congrs SMAI (23-27 mai 2011). Rejoignent le comit : - Trence Bayen (Montpellier 2) - Jean-Baptiste Caillau (Universit de Bourgogne) - Moritz Diehl (Leuwen, Belgique) et sont renouvels : - Thierry Champion (Universit du Sud Toulon Var) - Mounir Haddou (Universit d~Orlans) - Pierre Marchal (Universit Paul Sabatier) - Jrme Renault (Universit Toulouse 1) Ainsi le comit actuel se compose de - Samir Adly (Universit de Limoges) - Laetitia Andrieu (EDF, Paris) - Trence Bayen (Montpellier 2) - Philippe Bich (Universit Paris 1) - Frdric Bonnans (Inria-Saclay et CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique) - Mustapha Bouhtou (France Telecom R&D) - Jean-Baptiste Caillau (Universit de Bourgogne) - Thierry Champion (Universit du Sud Toulon Var) - Patrick Louis Combettes (Universit Paris 6) - Jean-Nol Corvellec (Universit de Perpignan) - Marc-Olivier Czarnecki (Universit Montellier 2) - Michel de Lara (CERMICS - ENPC) - Moritz Diehl (OPTEC, Leuven) - Mounir Haddou (Universit d'Orlans) - Pierre Marchal (Universit Paul Sabatier) - Alain Pietrus (Universit des Antilles et de la Guyane) - Jrme Renault (Universit Toulouse 1) - Aude Rondepierre (INSA Toulouse) Dcisions --------------- a) Par un vote unanime sont proposs au CA de la SMAI de nommer : Responsable du groupe: Frdric Bonnans Secrtaire: Aude Rondepierre Responsable financier : Jean-Noel Corvellec b) Par ailleurs sont nomms deux chargs de mission Lettre MODE : Thierry Champion Webmaster : Trence Bayen 2) Fonctionnement du nouveau site web. --------------------------------------- Le groupe dispose d'un nouveau site web intgr celui de la SMAI, et remercie pour cela Trence Bayen qui supervisera l'volution du site. Se proposent comme volontaires pour les pages suivantes : Liens (socits d'optimisation ...) : T. Bayen Equipes : P. Bich Comit (composition, lections, archives) : Aude Rondepierre Journes SMAI MODE : Aude Rondepierre + l'organisateur Modalits d'organisations de journes : JN Corvellec Collaborations internationales (projets) : M de Lara Annonces de manifestations et colloques : J.-B. Caillau Relations industrielles : M de Lara Postes (annonces de) : P Bich Journaux (dont annonces numros spciaux) : M Haddou Publications (livres + Documents pdagogiques) A confirmer Prcisions : - Liens par ex : Math. Optim. Society, groupe d'optimisation du SIAM, Pacific Optimization Research Activity Group, Roadef, IFORS. - Relations industrielles : - activits de recherche applique des quipes - industriels actifs dans nos thmatiques - Dans le cas de livres on s'efforcera le cas chant de susciter la rdactions de critiques. 3) Procdure de labellisation du groupe SMAI-MODE ----------------------------------------------------------- a) Les organisateurs d'vnements feront une demande de labellisation MODE s'ils souhaitent la caution scientifique du groupe. Dans ce cas le groupe pourra diffuser l'information, suivant les cas, via le site web, la lettre MODE, ou le bulletin lectronique de la SMAI. b) Nous suggrons au bureau de la SMAI la possibilit de mentionner un groupe concern lors d'une demande de patronage SMAI. 4) Runions scientifiques futures ----------------------------------------------------------- M. de Lara mentionne l'intrt d'organiser une journee sur le march de l'lectricit ainsi que le trimestre "plante terre" l'IHP en 2013. 5) Point journes MODE 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------- Nous avons recontact EDF au sujet du prix Dodu. Un change a lieu sur - les aspects financiers, dont les inscriptions qui sont perues par le groupe SMAI-MODE. - la possibilit de subvention de jeunes par des GDR. - Montant prvue des frais inscription 30 etudiants 60 seniors 200 industriels (10 si patronage) majoration 20 euros aprs 31 janvier - date limite des rsums le 1er novembre. - dcisions d'acceptation ou refus le 1er dcembre. - l'organisation de sessions invites (au nombre dfinir) sur les thmatiques mergentes. Compte rendu de la runion du comit du groupe MODE Lundi 20 juin 2011, Paris Prsents ------------ Philippe Bich Frdric Bonnans Jean-Baptiste Caillau Patrick Combettes Jean-Nol Corvellec Marc-Olivier Czarnecki Mounir Haddou Michel de Lara ainsi que Abderrahim A Jourani, invit comme organisateur des prochaines journes SMAI-MODE. 1) Renouvellement du comit ------------------------------- Comme chaque anne, le bureau du groupe SMAI-MODE organise les lections en vue du renouvellement par tiers des membres du comit de liaison. Les membres sortants sont : - Jrme Bolte - Pierre Cardaliaguet - Thierry Champion - Mounir Haddou - Olivier Ley - Pierre Marchal - Jrme Renault Le dpouillement des votes s'est effectu au cours du congrs SMAI (23-27 mai 2011). Rejoignent le comit : - Trence Bayen (Montpellier 2) - Jean-Baptiste Caillau (Universit de Bourgogne) - Moritz Diehl (Leuwen, Belgique) et sont renouvels : - Thierry Champion (Universit du Sud Toulon Var) - Mounir Haddou (Universit d~Orlans) - Pierre Marchal (Universit Paul Sabatier) - Jrme Renault (Universit Toulouse 1) Ainsi le comit actuel se compose de - Samir Adly (Universit de Limoges) - Laetitia Andrieu (EDF, Paris) - Trence Bayen (Montpellier 2) - Philippe Bich (Universit Paris 1) - Frdric Bonnans (Inria-Saclay et CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique) - Mustapha Bouhtou (France Telecom R&D) - Jean-Baptiste Caillau (Universit de Bourgogne) - Thierry Champion (Universit du Sud Toulon Var) - Patrick Louis Combettes (Universit Paris 6) - Jean-Nol Corvellec (Universit de Perpignan) - Marc-Olivier Czarnecki (Universit Montellier 2) - Michel de Lara (CERMICS - ENPC) - Moritz Diehl (OPTEC, Leuven) - Mounir Haddou (Universit d'Orlans) - Pierre Marchal (Universit Paul Sabatier) - Alain Pietrus (Universit des Antilles et de la Guyane) - Jrme Renault (Universit Toulouse 1) - Aude Rondepierre (INSA Toulouse) Dcisions --------------- a) Par un vote unanime sont proposs au CA de la SMAI de nommer : Responsable du groupe: Frdric Bonnans Secrtaire: Aude Rondepierre Responsable financier : Jean-Noel Corvellec b) Par ailleurs sont nomms deux chargs de mission Lettre MODE : Thierry Champion Webmaster : Trence Bayen 2) Fonctionnement du nouveau site web. --------------------------------------- Le groupe dispose d'un nouveau site web intgr celui de la SMAI, et remercie pour cela Trence Bayen qui supervisera l'volution du site. Se proposent comme volontaires pour les pages suivantes : Liens (socits d'optimisation ...) : T. Bayen Equipes : P. Bich Comit (composition, lections, archives) : Aude Rondepierre Journes SMAI MODE : Aude Rondepierre + l'organisateur Modalits d'organisations de journes : JN Corvellec Collaborations internationales (projets) : M de Lara Annonces de manifestations et colloques : J.-B. Caillau Relations industrielles : M de Lara Postes (annonces de) : P Bich Journaux (dont annonces numros spciaux) : M Haddou Publications (livres + Documents pdagogiques) A confirmer Prcisions : - Liens par ex : Math. Optim. Society, groupe d'optimisation du SIAM, Pacific Optimization Research Activity Group, Roadef, IFORS. - Relations industrielles : - activits de recherche applique des quipes - industriels actifs dans nos thmatiques - Dans le cas de livres on s'efforcera le cas chant de susciter la rdactions de critiques. 3) Procdure de labellisation du groupe SMAI-MODE ----------------------------------------------------------- a) Les organisateurs d'vnements feront une demande de labellisation MODE s'ils souhaitent la caution scientifique du groupe. Dans ce cas le groupe pourra diffuser l'information, suivant les cas, via le site web, la lettre MODE, ou le bulletin lectronique de la SMAI. b) Nous suggrons au bureau de la SMAI la possibilit de mentionner un groupe concern lors d'une demande de patronage SMAI. 4) Runions scientifiques futures ----------------------------------------------------------- M. de Lara mentionne l'intrt d'organiser une journee sur le march de l'lectricit ainsi que le trimestre "plante terre" l'IHP en 2013. 5) Point journes MODE 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------- Nous avons recontact EDF au sujet du prix Dodu. Un change a lieu sur - les aspects financiers, dont les inscriptions qui sont perues par le groupe SMAI-MODE. - la possibilit de subvention de jeunes par des GDR. - Montant prvue des frais inscription 30 etudiants 60 seniors 200 industriels (10 si patronage) majoration 20 euros aprs 31 janvier - date limite des rsums le 1er novembre. - dcisions d'acceptation ou refus le 1er dcembre. - l'organisation de sessions invites (au nombre dfinir) sur les thmatiques mergentes. Lettre MODE septembre 2011 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matires -- Postes 1- Annonce de financement de thse 2- Maths/algorithmics for biology postdoc positions at INRIA, Lyon -- Confrences et vnements 3- Week-end "Mathmatiques & Sports de Nature" 4- Last CFP ICORES 2012 5- Global Optimization Workshop 2012 (GOW12) ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Annonce de financement de thse (source: D. Aussel) (English version below) Nous recherchons pour la rentre 2011 un candidat pour une thse en Informatique/Mathmatiques Appliques en collaboration entre l'ENAC (laboratoire MAIA) et l'ENSEEIHT-IRIT Toulouse. La thse est finance par le PRES-Toulouse. Sujet : L'optimisation globale dterministe applique la gestion du trafic arien L'objectif de la thse est le dveloppement de mthodes deterministes d'optimisation globale pour la rsolutions de problmes de gestion du trafic arien avec ou sans incertitudes. Dans le cadre de la gestion du trafic arien, il y a beaucoup de problmatiques dont la qualit de la solution est essentielle la scurit. Parmi ceux-ci, quelques exemples sont donns par le problme de la rsolution des conflits entre avions et celle de l'allocation des avions de telle faon que les contraintes de capacit de contrles soient satisfaites. Ces problmes de trafic arien peuvent tre mathmatiquement modliss comme des problmes d'optimisation globale. Compte tenu de la grande taille de ces problmes, des mthodes stochastiques sont habituellement appliques pour les rsoudre. Le travail de cette thse sera centr sur l'utilisation de mthodes dterministes, qui garantiront l'obtention des solutions exactes, ce qui peut-tre ncessaire dans un contexte oprationnel. Contexte scientifique L'tude propose s'inscrit dans le contexte de la thmatique trs actuelle ( travers en particulier le projet europen SESAR) de la gestion du trafic arien, qui a des applications concrtes et a un rle important dans le contexte scientifique et industriel de Toulouse. D'autre part, le dveloppement et l'application de mthodes d'optimisation globale dterministe est un axe de recherche, principalement dans la communaut de la Recherche Oprationnelle, qui est en croissance ces dernires annes et a dj montr son potentiel dans diffrents contextes applicatifs. Comptences requises : Le candidat doit avoir un Master en mathmatiques appliques/informatique. Des connaissances en Optimisation Globale et Discrete seront apprcis. Des bonnes comptences en programmation sont demandes. La connaissance du franais n'est pas exige. Date de dbut & Lieu: Octobre 2011 Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC), Toulouse & ENSEEIHT-IRIT, Toulouse ENAC et ENSEEIHT offrent un environnement de recherche unique, en encourageant un mlange de recherche thorique, applique et exprimentale. Financement : PRES-Universit de Toulouse Encadrement : Sonia Cafieri (ENAC) et Frederic Messine (ENSEEIHT-IRIT) Candidature : Merci d'envoyer le plus tt possible le dossier de candidature constitu de : - CV - Rsultats et classements en Master ou diplme quivalent - Lettre de motivation - Lettre(s) de recommandation Sonia Cafieri (sonia.cafieri@enac.fr) et Frederic Messine (frederic.messine@n7.fr) == We are looking for motivated candidates for a PhD in Computer Science/Applied Mathematics at ENAC (laboratoire MAIA) and ENSEEIHT-IRIT in Toulouse, funded by PRES-Toulouse. Topic: Deterministic global optimization applied to Air Traffic Management The aim of the PhD thesis is the development of deterministic global optimization methods for solving problems arising in Air Traffic Management. The solution quality of many problems arising in the framework of Air Traffic Management is essential to security. Examples are given by aircraft conflict and aircraft allocation with capacity constraints. These problems can be modeled as global optimization problems. Taking into account the large size of these problems, stochastic methods are usually applied for their solution. This thesis will focus on deterministic methods whose exact solutions can be important in an operational context. Scientific context The proposed topic is within the context of current research on air traffic management (see, e.g., the European project SESAR), which has concrete applications and plays an important role in the scientific and industrial context of Toulouse. Furthermore, deterministic global optimization is a research topic which is receiving an increasing attention in the Operations Research community and is showing its potential in several application contexts. For more details please contact Sonia Cafieri (sonia.cafieri@enac.fr) and Frederic Messine (frederic.messine@n7.fr) Required skills: The candidate should have an outstanding degree in applied mathematics/computer science. A background in global/discrete optimization is highly appreciated. Good programming skills are required. Knowledge of French is advantageous but does not constitute a pre-requisite. Expected starting date: October 2011 Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC), Toulouse & ENSEEIHT-IRIT, Toulouse ENAC and ENSEEIHT offer a unique academic research environment, encouraging a mixture of theoretical, applied, and experimental research. Funding: PRES - University of Toulouse Supervisioning: Sonia Cafieri (ENAC) and Frederic Messine (ENSEEIHT-IRIT) Application process: Please send as soon as possible : - CV - Master (or equivalent degree) grades - Letter of motivation - Recommendation letter(s) to Sonia Cafieri (sonia.cafieri@enac.fr) and Frederic Messine (frederic.messine@n7.fr) == Sonia Cafieri ENAC - Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile Laboratoire MAIA 7, Avenue Edouard Belin F-31055 Toulouse France Tel : +33 (0)5 62 17 43 62 Email : sonia.cafieri@enac.fr http://www.recherche.enac.fr/~cafieri/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Maths/algorithmics for biology postdoc positions at INRIA, Lyon (source: E. Moreno) MATHS/ALGORITHMICS for BIOLOGY POSTDOC POSITIONS INRIA at University of Lyon 1 Two postdoctoral positions of 1 year each with possible extension to a second year are available in the INRIA BAMBOO Team led by Marie-France Sagot in the framework of an ERC project, SISYPHE, on the mathematical and algorithmic exploration of symbiosis in biology (http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/members/sagot/htdocs/team/projects/sisyphe/sisyphe.html) We are seeking highly qualified and motivated applicants in mathematics (combinatorics, graph theory, optimisation, probability) and/or algorithmics, with a strong interest for biological problems (modelling, problem solving, data analysis). Alternatively, candidates with a background in theoretical biology (genetics, evolution, metabolism) and an extensive training in mathematics and/or algorithmics (co-phylogeny, rearrangements, networks, ...) are also welcome. The applicants should have an open mind, enjoy working in close interaction with a team (the group and its various long-term international collaborators) and daily interacting with students and researchers from different disciplines. We are interested in a range of topics related to the symbiotic relationship, and the evolutionary and functional implications of this relationship. The postdoctoral fellows will elaborate mathematical models and algorithms to analyse both publicly available and newly produced data. The specific project will be established together with the candidate. The group is international with english as a common language. It is located in Lyon, a beautiful and lively city located at the kissing point of the Rhne and Sane rivers. Please send your detailed application with the usual documents to: Marie-France.Sagot@inria.fr. Unusual CVs are welcome. == Marie-France Sagot BAMBOO Team INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes and Laboratoire de Biometrie et Biologie Evolutive, Universite Claude Bernard, Lyon 1 Tel: +33 (0)4 72 44 82 38 Fax: +33 (0)4 72 43 13 88 Email: Marie-France.Sagot@inria.fr Personal Web Page: http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/members/sagot/htdocs/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Week-end "Mathmatiques & Sports de Nature" (source: J.B. Hiriart Urruty) les 3 et 4 septembre prochains St Gervais sur Mare (34610), l'occasion des 60 ans de notre collgue Dominique AZE. Lieu : St Gervais sur Mare est un petit village mdival, aux confins de l'Hrault et du Tarn, prs du parc naturel du Haut-Languedoc. D. Az, qui possde une maison secondaire pas loin, vtt-iste mrite, connat tous les coins du site sur le bout de... ses roues. Accs par la gare de Bdarieux (17km) ou par la route. Confrences. Nous avons prfr concentrer la partie scientifique sur le samedi aprs-midi, de 14h 18h ; certains-e-s avaient en effet exprim le souhait de quitter les lieux le dimanche aprs-midi, afin de prparer la rentre scolaire d lendemain. Dimanche matin : Rserve aux activits ou sports de nature ; les possibilits sont nombreuses sur place, certaines seront organises : VTT (avec D. Aussel et D. Az), balade ou course pied (avec JBHU), golf (avec M.Thra), etc. Les djeuners de samedi midi et dimanche midi ne sont pas organiss, chaque participant-e de le faire. Le samedi aprs-midi, les conjoint-e-s pourront profiter des thermes d'Amlie-les-Bains, de 16h30 18h30 : forfait de 55 euros pour 4 soins choisir (contact pour rservation : 0825825007). Le samedi soir, un dner en commun est envisag avec celles et ceux qui le souhaitent, dans une ancienne abbaye probablement Inscription sur place samedi en tout dbut d'aprs-midi. Hbergement : La rgion est touristique, il est prudent de rserver assez tt. Inscription libre sans frais. Indiquer sa participatoin l'un des organisateurs pour la planification de la logistique. Aux participant-e-s : Rendez-vous samedi 3 septembre 14 h la salle communale Moutou, pour la premire confrence. Le comit d'organisation de Toulouse-Perpignan : D. Aussel, J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty, D. Noll. ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Last CFP ICORES 2012 (source: P. Alves) The ICORES 2012 (1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems - http://www.icores.org/) steering committee cordially invites for paper submission to this conference until next September 6. ICORES 2012 will be held in Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal next year, on February 4-6, 2012. The conference will be sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) and technically co-sponsored by APDIO (Associacao Portuguesa de Investigacao Operacional). INSTICC is member of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC). Please check the website for further information http://www.icores.org/best_paper_awards.asp ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Global Optimization Workshop 2012 (GOW12) (source: D. Aussel) Natal, Brazil, 26-29th June, 2012. Global Optimization (GO) is a discipline aimed at finding global optima for hard nonconvex optimization problems. The workshop will bring together researchers dealing with this topic. We shall have at most two parallel streams. Accordingly, only a limited number of contributions will be accepted. A special issue of the Journal Of Global Optimization will contain (fully refereed) papers derived from works presented at the workshop. GOW12 will take place in Natal, northeast of Brazil. The City of the Sun, as it is well-known, has a typical tropical climate, around 29C, with the sun shining almost all the year. Bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and surrounded by dunes, Natal has the perfect combination of beautiful beaches, warm waters, lush nature and a welcoming people, receiving more than two million Brazilian and foreign tourists every year. Submit a 4-page extended abstract formatted using the LaTeX style http://www.4nets.com.br/gow12/arquivos/central/latex_style.zip through the EasyChair websitehttp://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gow12 Deadline for the submission of abstracts: February 6th, 2012 Notification of acceptance: April 6th, 2012 Deadline for reduced fee: April 20th, 2012 Welcome reception: June 25th, 2012 Start of conference: June 26th, 2012 For more details, seehttp://gow12.dca.ufrn.br For more information, emailgow12natal@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Champion -- Laboratoire Imath -- Universit du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.frLettre MODE octobre 2011 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matires -- Postes 1- Two faculty positions at the University of Chile 2- Faculty position in Operations Research at Catholic University of Chile 3- Faculty position opening at MIT in Operations Research and Statistics -- Confrences et vnements 4- Annonces de sminaires 5- XIIIth Midwest Optimization Meeting & Workshop on Large Scale Optimization and Applications 6- International Workshop Metric Regularity Days 7- Optimization, games and dynamics 8- OPT 2011, NIPS Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning 9- III Latin American Workshop on Optimization and Control 10- congrs PASI-CIPPDE: Inverse Problems and Control of PDE 11- Advances in Scientific Computing, Imaging Science and Optimization 12- Spring School on Analysis V, Paseky 13- III Conference on Optimization Methods and Software 14- XXVth European conference on Operational Research ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Two faculty positions at the University of Chile (source: A. Joffre et M. Thra) Voir les dtails sur les sites suivants : en espagnol : http://www.dim.uchile.cl/index.php?option=com_dim&tarea=noticiasver&Itemid=9&id=80 en anglais : http://eims.ams.org/jobs/4338832/faculty-position-at-university-of-chile ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Faculty position in Operations Research at Catholic University of Chile (source: M. Thra) Position in Operation research Dept. of Industrial and System Engineering, Catholic University of Chile The School of Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile invites applications for a faculty position in Operations Research at the Department of Industrial and System Engineering. Operations Research is one of the areas of the Department, together with Operations Management, Economics and Finance, and General Management. Hence, we seek candidates with strong background in the area but, at the same time, ability to interact with other researchers and be able to get involved in relevant applications of Operations Research. Applicants should have (or be currently pursuing studies toward) a PhD in Operations Research or a related area, have potential for teaching excellence at the undergraduate and graduate levels and a record of success in, or potential for, scholarly research and publication in leading academic journals. Candidates need not know Spanish at the moment of applying, but learning the language will be important afterwards. The value proposition includes: . Working at Chile's best university with the country's best students (top 3%). . Interaction with faculty members with PhDs from the world's top-rated universities. . Enjoying a high standard of living. The School of Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile ranks among the top Latin American engineering institutions. Both our undergraduate and graduate programs are accredited by the Chilean Accreditation Commission (CNA), and our undergraduate programs are also accredited by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET). The undergraduate program accepts a maximum of 500 students per year, chosen from among the top 3% of the country's students. Currently our full-time faculty includes 110 professors, 97% of whom have doctorates from prestigious universities worldwide. They are committed to introducing innovative teaching methods, conducting state-of-the art research and publishing in international journals. The School of Engineering has nine departments and seven research centers, and offers Master's and Ph.D. degrees. The Operations Research position comes under the School's Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. A leader in innovation and dissemination in the theory and practice of management, the Department's activities make a fundamental contribution to the education of industrial engineers at the Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile. Research and Outreach activities at the Department include Management Sciences, as well as Economics and Finance and Organizational Sciences, generating activities with high impact in industry and government. Application instructions: Complete application instructions can be found at http://www.ing.puc.cl/ORPosition The deadline is November 30th, 2011, but late applications may be considered until the position is filled. For further information, you can contact the Department Chairman, Prof. Sergio Maturana smaturan@ing.puc.cl or Prof. Jorge Vera, jvera@ing.puc.cl ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Faculty position opening at MIT in Operations Research and Statistics (source: M. Thra) The MIT Sloan School invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the area of Operations Research & Statistics beginning July 1, 2012 or as soon thereafter as possible. Strong applicants will demonstrate the potential for research; duties will include teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses in the area of Operations Research and Statistics. We are especially interested in candidates who can build a strong methodological research base, contribute to application areas of high impact, and b successful teachers for the undergraduate, MBA, and PhD programs. Applicants should possess or be close to the completion of a PhD in a relevant field by the date of appointment. We especially want to identify qualified female and minority candidates for consideration in this position. Applicants need to submit 1) an up-to-date curriculum vitae, 2) relevant information about teaching as well as research experience and performance, and 3) three letters of recommendation by November 1, 2011. If papers are available, please provide electronic copies. Please send applications to: or-search@mit.edu Operations Research & Statistics Faculty Search Committee c/o Mr. David V. Merrill MIT Sloan School of Management MIT is an equal opportunity employer committed to building a culturally diverse intellectual community and strongly encourages applications from women and minorities. ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Annonces de sminaires (sources: P.L. Combettes) Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les sminaires ayant lieu ce mois-ci et organiss dans nos laboratoires. N'hsitez pas l'alimenter, prfrentiellement via un lien vers la page du sminaire et une liste de confrenciers, ** Sminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP salle 201) http://www.ljll.math.upmc.fr/~plc/spo.html Lundi 17 octobre 2011 15h : F. Bonnqns (INRIA et Polytechnique) 16h : O. Guqnt (Paris 7) ** ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- XIIIth Midwest Optimization Meeting & Workshop on Large Scale Optimization and Applications (source: D. Aussel) Hosted by the Fields Institute in Toronto, ON, Canada. Workshop website: http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/programs/scientific/11-12/optimization_mtg/ Sincerely, Boris Mordukhovich Henry Wolkowicz Hristo Sendov Ilias Kotsireas ------------------------------------------------------------- 6- International Workshop Metric Regularity Days (source: H. Frankowska) We are organising on October 25-26th, 2011 an International Workshop Metric Regularity Days. http://www.math.jussieu.fr/~frankowska/MetricRegularitySite/index.html Talks will be given by leading specialists in the domain and we are also planning to organize a panel/discussion on applications of metric regularity to control problems. There is no registration fee, bur a registration is required. If you wish to attend, please contact Helene Frankowska: frankowska@math.jussieu.fr "The theory of metric regularity is a rapidly developing area motivated by various applications in optimization and control. It is useful both for theoretical studies and in numerical analysis. In particular, metric regularity is very instrumental as a tool for handling undamental problems such as controllability, normality of necessary optimality conditions, feasibility, as well as implicit mapping theorems, sensitivity and robustness. It plays a major role in proving convergence of numerical methods for solving problems of optimal control, optimization, equilibrium, and beyond. Specifically, the metric regularity property reflects the idea of a posteriori error bounds for constraint systems. For discrete approximations of extremals in optimal control it leads to a posteriori error estimates. There is a natural relationship between metric regularity and convergence of a broad range of algorithms, such as Newton-type methods, providing also the rate of convergence." Helene Frankowska Rsponsable Scientifique du projet SADCO l'UPMC ------------------------------------------------------------- 7- Optimization, games and dynamics (source: P.L. Combettes) November 28-29, 2011 Institut Henri Poincar Amphithtre Hermite 11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 5me http://www.ljll.math.upmc.fr/~plc/ihp2011.html Registration is free but mandatory, just send me an email indicating that you intend to participate. ------------------------------------------------------------- 8- OPT 2011, NIPS Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning (source: D. Aussel) Visit: http://opt.kyb.tuebingen.mpg.de/index.html Submit: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=opt2011 Date: 16th or 17th Dec., 2011, Place: Granada, Spain. We invite participation in the 4th International Workshop on "Optimization for Machine Learning", to be held as a part of the NIPS 2011 conference. Join us for an exciting program that includes plenary talks by: * Stephen Boyd (Stanford University) * Aharon Ben-Tal (Technion) * Ben Recht (UW Madison) Research contributions from the community are also welcomed; in particular, we invite the following two types of submissions: (i) contributed talks and posters (ii) open problems To encourage authors to submit cutting-edge work, the workshop will offer a best paper award as recognition. We request submitters of open problems to prepare a few slides that clearly present, motivate, and explain an important open problem or concern. For topics, submission procedure, please visit: http://opt.kyb.tuebingen.mpg.de ------------------------------------------------------------- 9- III Latin American Workshop on Optimization and Control (source: D. Aussel) The Third Latin American Workshop on Optimization and Control (LAWOC) will take place in Valparaiso, Chile, on January 10-13, 2012. LAWOC gathers international researchers and practitioners interested in various areas of optimization and control. It aims at becoming a top-level scientific meeting while promoting and reinforcing the interaction between Latin American researchers and world leading experts. Further information, including the procedure for abstract submission (due by October 15) can be found on the webpage www.am2v.cl/lawoc2012. We would be thankful if you could share this information with colleagues, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students who might be interested. Best regards, Juan Peypouquet Chair ------------------------------------------------------------- 10- congrs PASI-CIPPDE: Inverse Problems and Control of PDE (source: M. Thra) En janvier 2012, nous organisons Santiago du Chili le congrs "PASI-CIPPDE: Inverse Problems and Control of PDE". Cette activit se droulera entre le 16 et 27 janvier 2012. Pendant la premire semaine on aura des cours, tandis que la deuxime semaine sera consacr aux exposs des spcialistes dans les sujets. Les dtails sont disponibles sur le lien suivant http://pasicippde.cmm.uchile.cl/ Nous vous demandons de divulguer cette activit au sein de vos laboratoires et notamment chez les tudiants qui pourront s'intresser. Nous esprons vous voir cet t chilien a Santiago!! Au nom des comits organisateur et scientifique, Eduardo Cerpa et Jean-Michel Coron ------------------------------------------------------------- 11- Advances in Scientific Computing, Imaging Science and Optimization (source: D. Aussel) UCLA, Apr 2012 There will be a workshop entitled "Advances in Scientific Computing, Imaging Science and Optimization", in honor of Professor Stanley Osher on the occasion of his 70th birthday, which will be held from April 4-6, 2012 at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) situated on the UCLA campus. Further information about this workshop is available at http://www.ipam.ucla.edu/programs/sjo2012/ Invited speakers include: Andrea Bertozzi (UCLA); Martin Burger (Westflische Wilhelms Universitt Mnster); Russel Caflisch (IPAM, UCLA); Lawrence Carin (Duke University); Ronald DeVore (University of South Carolina); Bjorn Engquist (University of Texas at Austin); Ron Fedkew (Stanford University); Don Goldfarb (Columbia University); Mark Green (UCLA); Peter Jones (Yale University); Chiu-Yen Kao (Ohio State University); Barry Merriman (UCLA); Guillermo Sapiro (University of Minnesota); Zuowei Shen (National University of Singapore); Chi-Wang Shu (Brown University); Gilbert Strang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Richard Tsai (University of Texas at Austin); Eli Yablonovitch (UC Berkeley); Wotao Yin (Rice University); and Hongkai Zhao (University of California, Irvine). There will be a special issue in Journal of Scientific Computing (http://www.springeronline.com/journal/10915) dedicated to the honor of Professor Stanley Osher on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The topics of the special issue will coincide with themes of this conference. The deadline for submission to this special issue will be December 31, 2011. Papers for this special issue will be reviewed following the same referee procedure as for regular Journal of Scientific Computing papers. ------------------------------------------------------------- 12- Spring School on Analysis V, Paseky (source: M. Thra) Apr 22 - Apr 28, 2012 Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague and the Czech Academy of Sciences will organize a Spring School on Variational Analysis V. The School will be held at Paseky nad Jizerou, in a chalet in the Krkonose Mountains, Apr 22 - Apr 28, 2012. The program will consist of series of lectures on Variational Analysis and its Applications delivered by Rene Henrion, Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, Germany Structure and Stability of Optimization Problems with Probabilistic Constraints Alexander Ioffe, Technion, Haifa, Israel Variational analysis of semi-algebraic mappings Alejandro Jofre, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile Variational Analysis and Economic Equilibrium Boris S. Mordukhovich, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA Various topics Further informations can be found on the website http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/katedry/kma/ss/apr12 Best Regards, Marian Fabian, Jaroslav Lukes and Jiri Outrata ------------------------------------------------------------- 13- III Conference on Optimization Methods and Software (source: D. Ausel) May 13-17, 2012, Crete, Greece http://www.ise.ufl.edu/cao/OMS12/OMS_2012/Welcome.html The conference aims to review and discuss recent advances and promising research trends in continuous and discrete optimization theory, methods, applications and software development. Topics include, but are certainly not limited to the following subjects: Linear and Nonlinear Optimization; Integer and Combinatorial Optimization; Convex and Nonsmooth Optimization; Global Optimization; Semi-definite Programming; Semi-infinite Programming; Multi-objective Optimization; Stochastic Optimization; Complementarity and Variational Inequality Problems; Derivative-free Optimization; Network Optimization; Scheduling Problems; Optimal Control; Automatic Differentiation; Optimization Software. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION AND CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS: Abstracts should not exceed 400 words. Details of the submission are available on the conference web site. Papers presented at the conference will be considered for peer-reviewed publication in a special issue of the journal Optimization Methods and Software. Proposals of organizing sessions are welcome and can be sent to Luis Nunes Vicente by email lnvmat.uc.pt Abstract submissions: January 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2012 Early registration: March 31, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------- 14- XXVth European conference on Operational Research (source: B. Fortz) Vilnius, Lithuania, 8-11 July, 2012 www.euro-2012.lt The Organizers of the 25th EURO Conference have a great pleasure of inviting you to take part in this Conference to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 8-11 July, 2012. The Programme and Organizing Committees, chaired by Marielle Christiansen and Leonidas Sakalauskas, are preparing a high quality scientific programme and an exciting social programme for the Conference. We are convinced that the EURO XXV Conference will be an excellent opportunity for the OR community to get together again in a pleasant atmosphere, and, thus, we are looking forward to meeting you in Vilnius, the historical capital of Lithuania, in 2012! Please visit the EURO XXV Conference website (www.euro-2012.lt) for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Champion -- Laboratoire Imath -- Universit du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr -- Laboratoire Imath -- Universite du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.frLettre MODE Octobre 2011 (supplment Confrence MODE 2012) Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Rappel Confrence MODE 2012 (source : A. Jourani) Du 28 au 30 mars 2012, se tiendra Dijon la prochaine confrence du groupe MODE de la Socit de Mathmatiques Appliques et Industrielles (SMAI). Cette manifestation scientifique permettra de regrouper sur le campus de l'Universit de Bourgogne des chercheurs, des doctorants, des industriels, qui vont prsenter ou changer sur les avances rcentes dans le domaine des mathmatiques de l?optimisation et des sciences de la dcision. La date limite pour soumettre une proposition d'expos est fixe au 12 novembre 2011. Pour l'inscription, soumission, comit scientifique, comit d'organisation..., consultez la page suivante: http://math.u-bourgogne.fr/mode2012/Lettre MODE novembre 2011 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matires -- Postes 1- MCF 26 et PR 26 Universit de Limoges 2- BCAM: International call for researchers 3- Wilkinson fellowship in Scientific Computing -- Confrences et vnements 4- Annonces de sminaires 5- Miniworkshop "Mass Transportation and Related Fields" 6- Sponsorship for XVI Latin American Summer School on Operations Research 7- The 25th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization 8- Workshop on Variational Analysis and its Applications 9- Third Conference on Optimization Methods and Software 10- Summer school on shape optimization, June 3-8 2012 11- Conference on Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics 12- The 25th European Conference on Operational Research 13- The 6th International Conference on Automatic Differentiation -- Divers 14- Prix Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh : appel candidature 2011 15- Special Issue of ANOR on "ORP3-OR for young researchers and practitioners" ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- MCF 26 et PR 26 Universit de Limoges (source: S. Adly) un poste MCF26 et un poste PR26 sont susceptibles d'tre vacants L'Universit de Limoges. Contact : Samir ADLY, Email : samir.adly@unilim.fr Profil Recherche du MCF 26 : Lquipe MOD "Modlisation, Optimisation, Dynamique" du Laboratoire XLIM souhaite recruter un Matre de confrence (qualifi en 26 ime section CNU) dont les intrts de recherche sinscrivent dans les thmatiques suivantes : optimisation continue, optimisation numrique, optimisation globale, analyse variationnelle, analyse non-lisse ou contrle optimal. Le candidat recrut devra effectuer une partie de ses recherche dans les programmes transversaux fdrateurs aux 6 dpartements composant le Laboratoire XLIM (http://www.xlim.fr). Louverture du candidat linternational sera fortement apprcie. Profil Enseignement du MCF 26 : Lenseignant recrut sera charg des enseignements de mathmatiques (analyse, algbre, gomtrie, probabilits et statistiques) en licence de mathmatiques et autres licences scientifiques. Il devra aussi intervenir dans le master ACSYON (http://www.unilim.fr/acsyon). Profil Recherche du PR 26 : Lquipe MOD souhaite recruter un professeur (qualifi en 26 ime section CNU) dont les intrts de recherche sinscrivent dans les thmatiques suivantes : optimisation numrique, analyse variationnelle et non-lisse. Le candidat possdera une exprience solide en mathmatiques appliques, tant dans les domaines sus indiqus que dans celui du dveloppement logiciel et algorithmique. Il jouera, ds son recrutement, un rle fdrateur linterface de plusieurs axes de recherche au sein du laboratoire XLIM. Louverture du candidat linternational sera fortement apprcie. Profil Enseignement du PR 26 : Lenseignant recrut sera charg des enseignements de mathmatiques (analyse, algbre, gomtrie, probabilits et statistiques) en licences mathmatiques et autres licences scientifiques. Il devra aussi intervenir dans le master ACSYON. Il aura pour mission de mettre en place des enseignements distance pour le M1 ACSYON et de jouer un rle important dans le recrutement de futurs tudiants. ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- BCAM: International call for researchers (source: M. Thra) see the webpage : http://www.bcamath.org/joboffers ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Wilkinson fellowship in Scientific Computing (source: M. Thra) Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory The Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division of Argonne National Laboratory invites outstanding candidates to apply for the J. H. Wilkinson Fellowship in Scientific Computing. The appointment is for one year and may be renewed for another year. This fellowship was created in memory of Dr. James Hardy Wilkinson, F.R.S., who had a close association with the Mathematics and Computer Science Division as a consultant and guiding spirit for the EISPACK and LINPACK projects. The Wilkinson Fellowship is intended to encourage scientists actively engaged in state-of-the-art research in scientific computing. Candidates must have received a recent Ph.D. prior to the beginning of the appointment. The benefits of the appointment include a highly competitive salary, moving expenses, and a generous professional travel allowance. For additional details, including past recipients, see http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/opportunities/wilkinsonfellow/ The appointment will be in the MCS Division, which has strong programs in scientific computing, software tools, and computational mathematics. Of special interest are algorithms and software for linear algebra, optimization, differential equations, computational differentiation, stochastic systems, and unstructured mesh computations; software tools for parallel computing; and numerical methods for computational science problems. For further information, see http://www.mcs.anl.gov/LANS/ . Internationally recognized for innovative research in high-performance computing, the MCS Division supports an excellent computational environment that includes large Linux clusters, a distributed systems laboratory, and a virtual environments laboratory. Researchers also have access to a Blue Gene/P supercomputer. For more information, see www.mcs.anl.gov . Argonne is located in the southwestern Chicago suburbs, offering the advantages of affordable housing, good schools, and easy access to the cultural attractions of the city. Interested candidates should consult the website http://recruit.mcs.anl.gov/wilkinson or details on how to apply. The application must include a curriculum vitae; statement of research interests; a list of publications, abstracts, and significant presentations; and three letters of recommendation. Applications will be accepted starting August 31, 2011. Applications received before December 15, 2011, are assured maximum consideration. The closing date for applications is January 15, 2012. Application material will be reviewed by a selection committee and a candidate announced in March 2012. ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Annonces de sminaires (sources: P.L. Combettes) Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les sminaires ayant lieu ce mois-ci et organiss dans nos laboratoires. N'hsitez pas l'alimenter, prfrentiellement via un lien vers la page du sminaire et une liste de confrenciers, ** Sminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP salle 201) http://www.ljll.math.upmc.fr/~plc/spo.html Lundi 14 novembre 15 h 00 : R. Laraki (Polytechnique) 16 h 15 : P. Cannarsa ** ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Miniworkshop "Mass Transportation and Related Fields" (source: M. Thra) November 17, 2001 Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa - Aula Magna Talks by Ilaria Fragala (Politecnico di Milano), Guillaume Carlier (Paris Dauphine), Filippo Santambrogio (Paris Sud). ------------------------------------------------------------- 6- Sponsorship for XVI Latin American Summer School on Operations Research (source: D. Aussel, M. Thra) The Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO) is pleased to announce its sponsorship of two young OR researchers from EURO countries willing to participate and to present a short communication to the XVI ELAVIO organized by ALIO, the Latin-Ibero-American Operations Research Association, with the support of the International Federation of OR Societies (IFORS) : http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/elavio2012/elavio2012/main.html EURO will cover the travel expenses of the two EURO participants and IFORS will cover the local costs. To apply, candidates 25-35 years old with a good knowledge of English should contact their National OR Society and send through email their application including (1) a complete CV, and (2) a paper proposal (complete text or a 3-5 pages extended abstract). Each National OR Society will select one candidate and will send his/her candidature to the EURO/IFORS Vice-President who is responsible for the final selection through email and before 10 December 2011. The EURO/IFORS Vice-President will evaluate and rank the candidates on the basis of two criteria, each counting for 50%: - CV (Diplomas, Publications, Conference presentations, Awards, etc.) - Paper proposal (originality, quality of results, closeness to OR, real word applications, etc.). The candidates ranked first and second in the ranking will be selected to participate to the Summer School. Announcement of the selected candidates will be given before 15 December 2011 Prof. Elena Fernandez, EURO Vice-President of IFORS Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya -Technical University of Catalonia Departament dEstadistica i Investigacio Operativa. Campus Nord, C5-208 Jordi Girona, 1-3 08034 Barcelona, Spain Tel: +34 93 401 70 32 Fax: +34 93 401 58 55 Email: ------------------------------------------------------------- 7- The 25th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (source: G.-W. Weber, M. Thra) IC Green Palace Hotel, Antalya, Turkey, April 26 - 28, 2012 www.eccoxxv.org Submission Deadline: February 1, 2012 Dates : Submission for abstracts starts: August 30, 2011 Deadline for abstract submission: February 1, 2012 Notification of acceptance: February 10, 2012 Deadline for early registration: March 10, 2012 Deadline for author registration (for inclusion in the program): March 20, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------- 8- Workshop on Variational Analysis and its Applications (source: M. Thra) Erice, Italy, May 14-22, 2012 The Workshop aims at presenting the state-of-the-art and current research on Variational Analysis and its Applications. People who accepted to deliver a lecture are: Aram Arutyunov, Alfred Auslender, Annamaria Barbagallo, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Vincent Caselles, Giovanni Colombo, Bernard Dacorogna, Patrizia Daniele, Vladimir F. Demyanov, Asen L. Dontchev, Ilaria Fragal, Sofia Giuffr, Rene Henrion, Alexander Ioffe, Aktar A. Khan, Irena Lasiecka, Marco A. Lopez, Juan Enrique Martinez-Legaz, Vincent Millot, Giuseppe Mingione, Massimiliano Morini, M. Zuhair Nashed, Jiri Outrata, Massimo Pappalardo, Aldo Pratelli, Fabio Raciti, Maria Alessandra Ragusa, Stephen M. Robinson, Terry Rockafellar, Laura Scrimali, Michel Thera, Lionel Thibault, Roberto Triggiani, Enrico Valdinoci, Carmela Vitanza, Constantin Zalinescu. The persons interested can request to give a twenty minutes short communication, sending title and abstract. The request will be evaluated by the Directors of the Workshop. The proceedings after peer review process will be published in a special issue of the journal Abstract and Applied Analysis. Persons wishing to attend the Course should apply, writing to: Professor Antonino MAUGERI Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Catania e-mail:maugeri@dmi.unict.i Viale A. Doria, 6 95125 CATANIA, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------- 9- Third Conference on Optimization Methods and Software (source: M. Thra) The 3rd Conference on Optimization Methods and Software May 13-17, 2012, Crete, Greece http://www.ise.ufl.edu/cao/OMS12/OMS_2012/Welcome.html The conference aims to review and discuss recent advances and promising research trends in continuous and discrete optimization theory, methods, applications and software development. Abstract submission : Abstracts should not exceed 400 words. Details of the submission are available on the conference web site. Papers presented at the conference will be considered for peer-reviewed publication in a special issue of the journal Optimization Methods and Software. Session organization : Proposals of organizing sessions are welcome and can be sent to Luis Nunes Vicente by email lnvmat.uc.pt Dates and Deadlines : Abstract submissions: January 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2012 Early registration: March 31, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------- 10- Summer school on shape optimization, June 3-8 2012 (source: M. Thra) June 3-8 2012 Let me advertise the following Summer School on Shape Optimization I organise next year in De Giorgi Center in Pisa . There will be three courses of 6 or 7 hours each on - existence of optimal shapes: Dorin Bucur (University of Chambery, France) - regularity of optimal shapes: Michel Pierre (ENS Bretagne, Rennes France) - geometric properties of optimal shapes: Bernd Kawohl (University of Cologne, Germany) Young participants (up to 30) wil be entirely covered by De Giorgi Center. Inscription and more details on the webpage: http://www.crm.sns.it/event/234/ Please, encourage young people around you to participate. Best regards Antoine Henrot ------------------------------------------------------------- 11- Conference on Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics (source: M. Thra) June 18-23 , 2012, Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia see the webpage : http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2012/NSA/1ann.html ------------------------------------------------------------- 12- The 25th European Conference on Operational Research (source: D. Aussel) Vilnius, Lithuania, 8-11 July, 2012 www.euro-2012.lt The Organizers of the 25th EURO Conference have a great pleasure of inviting you to take part in this Conference to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania. The Programme and Organizing Committees, chaired by Marielle Christiansen and Leonidas Sakalauskas, are preparing a high quality scientific programme and an exciting social programme for the Conference. We are convinced that the EURO XXV Conference will be an excellent opportunity for the OR community to get together again in a pleasant atmosphere, and, thus, we are looking forward to meeting you in Vilnius, the historical capital of Lithuania, in 2012! Please visit the EURO XXV Conference website (www.euro-2012.lt) for more information. Registration starts September 25, 2011 Deadline for abstract submission February 29, 2012 Notification of acceptance March 31, 2012 Deadline for early registration April 22, 2012 Deadline for author registration (for inclusion in the program) May 1, 2012 Conference: July 8-11, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------- 13- The 6th International Conference on Automatic Differentiation (source: M. Thra) The 6th International Conference on Automatic Differentiation (AD2012) will take place July 23-27, 2012 in Fort Collins, CO (USA). AD2012 is sponsored by SIAM. It represents a follow up on the previous conferences held in Breckenridge (USA), Santa Fe (USA), Nice (France), Chicago (USA); the last international conference in the series was held in Bonn (Germany) in 2008. Conference topics include: * algorithmic foundations of automatic differentiation (AD) * applications in science, engineering, and finance; especially ODE, DAE, inverse problems, and optimization * AD and numerical paradigms * higher-order derivatives * combinatorial problems in AD * AD tool design and implementation * exploitation of parallelism Contributed papers (limit 10 pages) must be submitted by December 21, 2011. Proceedings of all accepted papers will be published in the Springer LNCSE series. Details regarding the paper submission and further information about the conference are available at http://www.autodiff.org/ad12/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 14- Prix Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh : appel candidature 2011 (source: D. Aussel) La Socit Franaise de Statistique, la Socit de Mathmatiques Appliques et Industrielles et la Socit Mathmatique de France ont cr un prix la mmoire de Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh afin de poursuivre son engagement pour une formation de qualit des jeunes mathmaticiens africains. Le prix a reu le soutien de l'IMU (International Mathematical Union), de l'UMA (Union Mathmatique Africaine) et de la LMS (London Mathematical Society). Il fait lobjet dune souscription. On trouvera toutes les informations sur le prix Ibni : http://smf4.emath.fr/PrixIbni/ Le prix Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh est dcern annuellement par un comit scientifique mis en place par le CIMPA. Il s'adresse aux tudiants d'un tablissement d'Afrique Centrale ou d'Afrique de l'Ouest (*), spcialiss dans les sciences mathmatiques et leurs applications, en train d'effectuer un master ou une thse. Il permet au laurat du prix de faire un sjour scientifique dans un pays autre que le sien. Tous les pays sont ligibles comme pays d'accueil. Le stage a en gnral une dure de trois mois. Il est effectu dans un laboratoire de mathmatiques dont l'quipement permette un stage dans des conditions satisfaisantes, sous la conduite d'un encadrant dsign dans ce laboratoire. Il est souhaitable qu'il y ait un co-encadrant du pays de l'tudiant. L'organisation matrielle du stage de l'tudiant est gre par l'administration du laboratoire d accueil. Dossier de candidature Le dossier de candidature doit comprendre : une lettre de candidature prcisant le laboratoire d'accueil et les coordonnes d'une personne de ce laboratoire prte accueillir le candidat ou la candidate ; un projet scientifique rdig par le candidat ; un CV complet ; une lettre de soutien de la candidature crite par une personne du laboratoire d'accueil susceptible d'encadrer le stage ; D'autres lettres de recommandation, ainsi que tout autre document (pr-publication, etc.) pourront tre joints au dossier de faon facultative. Le dossier doit tre envoy par courriel avant le 30 novembre 2011 une des trois personnes suivantes : Aline Bonami (email: aline.bonami [at] univ-orleans.fr) Alain Godinot (email: adgodinot [at] orange.fr) Marie-Francoise Roy (email: marie-francoise.roy [at] univ-rennes1.fr) Choix du rcipiendaire dbut 2012. ------------------------------------------------------------- 15- Special Issue of ANOR on "ORP3-OR for young researchers and practitioners" (source: A. Rodriguez Chia) The Annals of Operations Research seeks submissions for a special volume on ORP3-OR for young researchers and practitioners. This volume of the Annals of Operations Research is devoted to stimulate research activity of young researchers in all areas of Operations Research. Therefore, this issue is conceived, but not only, to gather selected papers presented at ORP3 conference together with any others including at least one young author (papers can be coauthored with senior researchers). ORP3 is the EURO peripatetic conference designed for young OR researchers and practitioners which objective is to promote scientific and social exchanges. For more details see http://orp3.uca.es/ All papers will follow the high standard refereeing process of Annals of Operations Research. The Annals of Operations Research publish peer-reviewed original articles dealing with key aspects of operations research, including theory, practice, and computation. Instructions for authors can be found at: http://www.springer.com/business/operations+research/journal/10479 Guest editors: Justo Puerto, Antonio M. Rodrguez-Cha and Arie Tamir Deadline: December 31, 2011. ------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Champion -- Laboratoire Imath -- Universit du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr Lettre MODE novembre 2011 (supplment) Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prire d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la dsinscription automatiques se font en crivant lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matires -- Postes 1- Post-doctoral position: Polynomial optimization and semidefinite programming 2- Postdoctoral Research Associate 3- Professor Position, Optimization, Univ of Bergen Norway -- Confrences et vnements 4- Important : Journes MODE 2012, date limite de soumission reporte ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Post-doctoral position: Polynomial optimization and semidefinite programming (source: D. Henrion) Post-doctoral position in Polynomial optimization and semidefinite programming with applications in control, supervised by Didier Henrion and Jean-Bernard Lasserre at LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse, France. The project concerns semidefinite programming and algebraic geometry for polynomial optimal control. The focus can be on software implementation (under our existing Matlab toolbox GloptiPoly for solving generalized problems of moments), transfer of knowledge to the French aerospace industry (contracts with EADS Astrium and the French space agency CNES), or more fundamental research activities covering real algebraic geometry (polynomial equations and inequalities), functional analysis (theory of moments), mathematical programming (convex optimization over the cone of positive semidefinite matrices), and nonlinear dynamical systems control. A strong background in applied mathematics is required. Some knowledge of systems control is welcome. For more details, see http://homepages.laas.fr/henrion/optigacom ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Postdoctoral Research Associate (source: D. Noll) Universit Paul Sabatier Department: Applied Mathematics Location: Toulouse, France, Europe Start date: Immediate Duration: 1 year, extension possible Salary: 2100 netto Description: The postdoc will contribute to research and development of optimization algorithms and computer code for control applications. Applicants should have a PhD in mathematics, automatic control, or computer science. Preference will be given to candidates with proven experience in the development and maintenance of complex computer code, C, C++, F programming skills, and knowledge of Matlab and Mex for Unix, Linux and Windows platforms. Please submit: CV, 3 references, publications Contact: D. Noll, http://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/~noll/ Email: noll(at)mip.ups-tlse.fr ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Professor Position, Optimization, Univ of Bergen Norway (source: D. Aussel) The Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway Vacancy for a full professor in optimization at University of Bergen. Deadline December 22, 2011. For more details and how to apply, please visit http://www.jobbnorge.no/job.aspx?jobid=78723 (and look for English text) The research and teaching in the optimization group covers linear, discrete and continuous optimization. The aim of the group is to be a major international contributor of theory and methodology in these disciplines, and to educate new experts in the field through our master and PhD programs. Many of the research activities in the group are motivated by industrial applications, and external collaboration is an important component of the work. Including the vacant position, the optimization group consists of two professors, one associate professor, one postdoc, and two PhD students. The successful candidate has a documented experience in industrial applications of optimization and a broad knowledge of optimization methods in general. He/she is an international expert either in linear, combinatorial or continuous optimization, and has a strong publication and citation record in international journals. The successful candidate can also document success in attracting research funding from science foundations and industrial collaborators, and is experienced in research project work involving supervision of PhD students and project management. The Department of Informatics was established in 1984 and has 6 research groups: algorithms, bioinformatics, optimization, programming theory, secure communication and visualization. The goal of the Department is to provide education and conduct research in informatics on a high international level. The Department has 22 permanent faculty members, 4 adjunct professors, and an administrative staff of 7. It also has 10 post-docs, 6 researchers and 40 PhD- students. The Department offers education at the Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate level. The department is also recruiting new faculty within the fields of bioinformatics and visualization. The best qualified applicant will be evaluated relative to the best candidates from the other two subject areas. The department will then extend an offer to the overall best applicant. In the case of exceptionally good candidates, more than one offer may be considered. Basic teaching training is also a requirement, but the successful applicant who does not have such competence at the time of his/her appointment will be offered training and will be required to produce evidence of such training within one year of the date of appointment. This deadline is extended to two years for the successful applicant who does not master a Scandinavian language at the time of appointment. The teaching language will normally be Norwegian. Teaching qualifications are to be given real weight in appointments to top academic positions. Applicants must produce evidence of their own teaching qualifications. For more details see the complete job description. For further information about the position please contact Professor Trond Steihaug:Trond.Steihaug@ii.uib.no or Head of Department Petter Bjrstad: Petter.Bjorstad@ii.uib.no, ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Important : Journes MODE 2012, date limite de soumission reporte (source: G. Carlier, A. Jourani, A. Rondepierre) Comme vous le savez, les Journes MODE 2012 auront lieu Dijon les 28-29-30 mars 2012. La date limite des soumissions est repousses au 1er dcembre pour permettre aux collgues d'envoyer leur contribution. Cette confrence est importante pour la vie du groupe MODE au sein de la SMAI. Il est important qu'elle soit reprsentative des diffrentes thmatiques du groupe, et qu'y participent les collgues et les thsards. Voir le site de ces journes: http://math.u-bourgogne.fr/mode2012/ ------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Champion -- Laboratoire Imath -- Universit du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr Lettre MODE décembre 2011 Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte à champion@univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois. Prière d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet. L'inscription et la désinscription automatiques se font en écrivant à lettre-mode-smai-request@emath.fr et en mettant dans le sujet suivant le cas subscribe ou unsubscribe. ------------------------------------------------------------- Table des matières -- Info site web 0- Site web du groupe SMAI-MODE -- Postes 1- Graduate Positions, UBC, Canada 2- PhD Position in stochastic programming 3- Postdoc Position, Optimization, Univ of Liege, Belgium 4- Postdoc position in Rome -- Conférences et évènements 5- Annonces de séminaires 6- Journées du GdR MOA 2012 7- Operation Research Peripatetic Postgraduate Programme 8- CAO'2012 "Control Applications of Optimization" ------------------------------------------------------------- 0- Site web du groupe SMAI-MODE (source: T. Bayen) Le site web du groupe est maintenant intégré à celui de la SMAI : http://smai.emath.fr/spip.php?article330&lang=fr Un gros travail de mise à jour a été conduit sous la coordination de Térence Bayen : Terence.Bayen@math.univ-montp2.fr Nous vous invitons à visiter ces pages et à nous suggérer des améliorations ou mises à jour. ------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Graduate Positions, UBC, Canada (source: M. Théra) Applications are invited for 4 graduate positions (3 MSc and 1 PhD) to work on optimization and modelling. One PhD position is available to work on the road optimization problem. The research will involve the understanding, development and numerical testing of new models for the road design problem. The ideal applicant has a background in optimization (LP, MIP, NLP, etc.), some programming experience in C++, and the ability to communicate effectively (in English) with our industrial partner. The position is fully funded and can start either in May 2012 or Sept 2012. 2 MSc positions are available in optimization and parallel computing. The applicants should have either a solid background in programming or optimization with a BSc degree in computer science or mathematics. Funding is already in place for one position. 1 MSc position (subject to funding) is available in the field of computational convex analysis. The applicant should have a background in computer science (BSc) with interest in optimization or a background in mathematics with programming skills. You will join a dynamic group of researchers in optimization at the University of British Columbia (Canada) on the fast growing campus of Kelowna. The research team is interdisciplinary with faculty member from Mathematics, Computer Science, and Civil Engineering and is part of the OCANA research group (http://ocana.ok.ubc.ca/). Application deadline is January 31, 2012 at 4:00 pm but fully funded positions are open until filled. For further detail see http://www.ubc.ca/okanagan/gradstudies/ Applicants must submit an application to the grad program directly and contact Dr. Yves Lucet, Associate Professor Computer Science at yves.lucet@ubc.ca for further details. ------------------------------------------------------------- 2- PhD Position in stochastic programming (source: F. Bonnans) The Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NTNU) in Trondheim Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management PhD Position in stochasticprogramming A position as PhD Candidate in stochastic programming is available at the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management. The Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management currently consists of 16 Professors, 6 Adjunct Professors, 16 Associate Professors, 7 Postdoctoral Fellows and 35 PhD Candidates. The Department is organized in four groups: * Strategy and Management * Organization, Work Science and Law * Managerial Economics, Finance and Operations Research * Health, Safety and Environment The PhD. Candidate will be appointed for a period of three years with an optional fourth year set aside for required duties at the department. The position is funded by a research project in cooperation between NTNU, the research council of Norway and the Norwegian power grid operator Statnett. A completed master’s degree or equivalent, with good results, is required. A background in mathematical optimization or operations research is required. Knowledge about energy systems and or markets is preferred. Strong academic skills and personal qualifications will be emphasized. Personal qualifications will be ascribed high importance. The title of the project is “Optimal power network design and operation”. The overall objective of the project will be to ensure security of power supply in the face of uncertainties on both the supply and demand side, while optimizing economic efficiency of the system focusing oncapacity utilization and transmission losses. There are two main research activities: - Economic dispatch and dynamic network topology: This research topic will study the possibilities for dynamically changing the network topology, including switching individual transmission lines in and out of operation. We will develop new optimization models combining economic efficiency and detailed modelling of the physical power flows. Dynamic topology switching models is optimized in order to study effects on - Economic cost efficiency in the dispatch - Throughput improvements - Reliability - Market design for flexible transmission system operation. This research task will address the relationships between the physical system and market design. In future operational scenarios where one expectsmuch more variation in demand and supply it is critical to have better integration between the physical network and the electricity markets. A more flexible operational system with transmission switching and dynamic reliability management triggers the need to look into how the market should be designed to utilize this flexibility. Employment in a PhD position requires admission to the PhD-program in Industrial Economics and Technology Management. Information about the PhD-program can be found at: http://www.ntnu.edu/studies/phiot Applications should include a publication list, relevant sample publications (no more than five), a project description of no more than three pages, a CV with information about education and previous research experience, and certified copies of diplomas and grade transcripts. If the applicant does not have any relevantpublications, please include a sample demonstrating academic writing skills(master thesis etc.). Fluent English skills are required. Residents of non-English speaking countries and Scandinavia should include TOEFL or IELTS scores with their application. The position is paid according to salary scale code 1017 level 48 in the national salary scheme, monthly gross NOK 32591,70, of which 2 % is deducted for the State Pension Scheme. The appointment is made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants. Primary residency in Trondheim is a prerequisite. Further information about the position is available by contacting professor Asgeir Tomasgard ( asgeir.tomasgard@iot.ntnu.no ). Applications should be sent to him before December 18th. ------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Postdoc Position, Optimization, Univ of Liege, Belgium (source: F. Bonnans) A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Liege, Belgium. The position is part of a FNRS-funded collaborative grant on the topic of nonsmooth optimization on manifolds. The three PIs of the grant are Rodolphe Sepulchre (U. Liege), Pierre-Antoine Absil (ULouvain) and Y. Nesterov (ULouvain). The project aims at developing new algorithms at the interface between manifold optimization and nonsmooth convex optimization, motivated by large-scale applications in statistics and machine learning. Applications should be emailed to Professor Rodolphe Sepulchre (r.sepulchre@ulg.ac.be). The application should contain a letter of motivation, a detailed resume, a list of publications, and the names and contact information of three professors who can provide a letter of recommendation for the position. The position is immediately available and should be filled by September 1, 2012. The initial appointment will be for one year, with a possibility of reappointment for a maximal total duration of three years. Rodolphe Sepulchre http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~sepulch/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Postdoc position in Rome (source: F. Bonnans, A. Chambolle) A one-year Post Doc position (with possible extension to a second year), is available at Mathematics Department of University of Rome "Sapienza". The research topics include variational methods for material science, phase transitions, Riemannian geometry and large deviation approach to non equilibrium systems. The net salary will be about 1.700 euros per month. The expected starting date is September 2012 (with some flexibility). The formal announcement is available on the web page http://www.mat.uniroma1.it/bandi/assegni-di-ricerca/ARCHIVIO/2011/bando6.pdf Sponsors: Progetto Universita' Sapienza 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Annonces de séminaires (sources: P.L. Combettes, O. Prot) Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les séminaires ayant lieu ce mois-ci et organisés dans nos laboratoires. N'hésitez pas à l'alimenter, préférentiellement via un lien vers la page du séminaire et une liste de conférenciers, ** Séminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP salle 201) http://www.ljll.math.upmc.fr/~plc/spo.html Lundi 16 janvier 2012 15h00 : E. Trélat (Paris 6) 16h15 : A. Blanchet (Toulouse 1) ** ** Séminaires de l'équipe d'Optimisation (MOD) de l'Université de Limoges http://www.unilim.fr/pages_perso/olivier.prot/mod.html Vendredi 16 décembre : Jordan Ninin (GERAD) Vendredi 13 janvier : Marco Mazzola (Universita Milano-Bicocca) Vendredi 20 janvier : Serge Dumont (Université de Picardie) Vendredi 27 janvier : Aris Daniilidis (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ** ------------------------------------------------------------- 6- Journées du GdR MOA 2012 (source: C. Jean-Alexis) Les Journées du GdR MOA 2012, en collaboration avec le GdR MSPC, auront lieu en Guadeloupe du 4 au 7 Juin 2012. Les personnes s'étant inscrites et n'ayant à ce jour reçu aucun accusé de réception sont priées de contacter directement Célia Jean-Alexis (adresse : moa2012@univ-ag.fr) en lui envoyant le cas échéant leur proposition d'exposé au format pdf. Le site de ces journées est le suivant : http://calamar.univ-ag.fr/moa2012/ ------------------------------------------------------------- 7- Operation Research Peripatetic Postgraduate Programme (source: K. Doerner) A EURO conference for young OR researchers July 16 -- 20, 2012 Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria Aims and Scope ORP3 is the EURO peripatetic conference, each edition of which is hosted by a European university. It is organised (bi-)annually and is devoted to the Operational Research field in its broadest sense. Previous conferences have been held in Paris (2001), Lambrecht (2003), Valencia (2005), Guimarães (2007), Cadiz (2011). ORP3 aims at being a forum promoting scientific and social exchanges between the members of the future generation of Operations Research in academic research. The conference is open to the whole scope of Operations Research, but the following topics are mostly welcome:     Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization     Discrete Optimization; graphs & networks     Supply Chain Management     Cutting and Packing     Machine and Project Scheduling     Timetabling     Production Planning and Lotsizing     Transportation and Logisticst     Stochastic Optimization     Multiobjective Optimization     Location Analysis     Metaheuristic The conference is composed only of plenary sessions and each participant will act as the chair and discussant of another session. In addition, the Scientific Program includes five keynote tutorials dedicated to specific issues whose speakers are internationally renowned experts: Tutorial I: Multiobjective Optimization - Xavier Gandibleux, University of Nantes, France. Tutorial II: Heuristic Techniques for Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization - Walter J. Gutjahr, University of Vienna, Austria. Tutorial III: Metaheuristics - Richard F. Hartl, University of Vienna, Austria. Tutorial IV: Scheduling issues in vehicle routing - Gilbert Laporte, CIRRELT, Montreal, Canada. Tutorial V: Models and Algorithms forPassenger Railway Optimization Problems Paolo Toth, Professor in Operations Research - University of Bologna, Italy. In order to attend ORP3 as a participant you must satisfy one of the following conditions:     A young PhD student     A young post doctoral OR researcher (maximum two years after completing your doctoral thesis at the deadline for submission) The selection of participants is made by the scientific committee on the basis of full paper submissions of publishable quality in an international OR journal. Co-authored papers are acceptable as long as they are presented by a participant satisfying the aforementioned requirements. The paper submission may be in a PDF or Postscript format sent to: orp3@jku.at. Registration Fee The registration fee is only 200 EUR. This includes all expenses (conference fee, meals, coffee breaks, accommodation, social program, conference dinner, preprints,...) Important dates January 31, 2012    Deadline for submission April 30, 2012         Notification of acceptance May 15, 2012          Deadline for registration Further Information: Send your request by e-mail to orp3@jku.at. Website: orp3.jku.at Greetings, Karl Dörner karl.doerner@jku.at http://www.plm.jku.at ------------------------------------------------------------- 8- CAO'2012 "Control Applications of Optimization" (source: F. Bonnans) CAO'2012 "Control Applications of Optimization", will be held in Rimini, Italy, in terms of 13-16 September, 2012. The National Organizing Committee is presented by: Prof. Luca Lambertini Prof. Gianluigi Pelloni, Department of Economics and RCEA Università di Bologna Now the Internet site of the CAO'2012 Workshop is opened at: http://cao2012.imm.uran.ru/ The important dates of CAO'2012 are: Draft paper submission deadline: March 20, 2012 Invited sessions proposal deadline: March 12, 2012 Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2012 Final paper submission deadline: July 1, 2012 Early registration deadline: July 1, 2012 Conference dates: September 13-16, 2012 You can find other necessary information at this site. Most likely, we will use the PaperPlaza Conference Manuscript Management System for the paper submission. You are cordially invited to prepare papers for CAO'2012 and to organize special sessions. It is being planned that the Internet site of CAO'2012 will be developed and upgraded - please send your comments  and we will try to take them into account. It will be very desirable if you take care of promotion of CAO'2012 and invite your colleagues to participate in it. With my best regards, Alexander Tarasyev ------------------------------------------------------------- Thierry Champion --  Laboratoire Imath -- Université du Sud Toulon-Var page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr