Lettre MODE, Novembre 2023
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source : Victor Magron
lien : https://homepages.laas.fr/vmagron/sujets/detection.pdf
Le stage sera basé à Toulouse au LAAS CNRS dans le groupe de Victor Magron, et co-encadré par Monique Laurent du CWI Amsterdam, avec une possibilité d’y faire un séjour de quelques semaines.
source : Victor Magron
lien : https://homepages.laas.fr/vmagron/sujets/networks.pdf
Le stage sera basé soit à ICFO Barcelone dans le groupe de Antonio Acin, soit à Toulouse au LAAS CNRS dans le groupe de Victor Magron.
source : Irène Waldspurger
lien : https://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/~waldspurger/post_doc_project.pdf
A one-year postdoctoral position is available at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (Paris, France) under the joint supervision of Clément Royer and Irène Waldspurger. The position is funded through the “PEPR PDE-AI” program on numerical analysis, optimal control and optimal transport for artificial intelligence, and is intended to start early 2024 with significant flexibility.
The successful applicant will have a PhD in applied mathematics or a related field, with strong background in optimization and numerical analysis. Experience with imaging problems is not required but will be appreciated. The applicant will be expected to conduct research around nonconvex optimization on measure spaces, with a tentative focus on Frank-Wolfe methods. A full description of the position is available at https://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/~waldspurger/post_doc_project.pdf.
Interested candidates should send a CV along with contact information for two references to clement.royer@lamsade.dauphine.fr and waldspurger@ceremade.dauphine.fr. Any inquiries regarding this position can be addressed to C. Royer and I. Waldspurger via the same email addresses. By recruiting on behalf of Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, C. Royer and I. Waldspurger commit to providing equal employment opportunities to all qualified applicants. In particular, knowledge of French is not required for this position.
source : PGMO
lien : https://fondation-hadamard.fr/en/our-programs/transversal-programs/postdoc-fellowships/thematic-post-docs/
Two different post-doctoral fellowships in the field of optimization, supported by FMJH on the one hand, and E4C (Energy for Climate) on the other hand, are open for application.
The application deadline is Dec 10 in both cases.
The ``interfaces’’ of optimization and OR are understood in a broad sense, including fundamental mathematical aspects and fields like game theory or optimal control.
The applicant should identify a host team. He/she may propose a research program of his own (Select: ``research program of my own’’ when applying), or apply to one of the subjects already proposed on the FMJH web site.
Applicants needing advice or help to find a suitable host may contact the PGMO coordination pgmo@fondation-hadamard.fr
This targets research topics in the scope of PGMO (optimization, operations research and their interactions with data sciences) with applications to energy and climate. The post-doctoral work may benefit from real data of energy consumption and production (smart buildings, agrivoltaic farm) provided by E4C. The applicants must provide a research program, and indicate in their program a contact (researcher) working in the expected host laboratory. Applicants needing advice or help to find a suitable host may contact pgmo-e4c-postdoc-info@fondation-hadamard.fr
See https://fondation-hadamard.fr/en/our-programs/transversal-programs/postdoc-fellowships/thematic-post-docs/ for more information and instructions on how to apply to these positions.
source : Elisabetta Carlini
A one-year research position in numerical analysis at the Department of Mathematics, Sapienza University (about €1,840 net per month) will be open in the coming weeks.
The title of the research is “Optimal control for ODEs and PDEs: approximation, analysis and applications.”
The project will focus on new efficient and accurate numerical methods for optimal control problems, using state-of-the-art techniques such as Hamilton Jacobi equations, model order reduction, and machine learning. Socio-economic applications in public event management, opinion formation, and traffic models will be considered.
Please inform possible interested candidates, a Ph.D. degree is not required, although applicants with PhDs are preferred.
For information or expressions of interest, please contact us, at carlini@mat.uniroma1.it, roberto.ferretti@uniroma3.it, e.cristiani@iac.cnr.it, alessandro.alla@unive.it, adriano.festa@polito.it
source : Emilio Vilches
lien : https://www.cmm.uchile.cl/?p=48853, https://www.cmm.uchile.cl/?p=48855
The Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) of the University of Chile, IRL CNRS 2807, invites applications to its:
CMM is one of the leading mathematical research institutions in Latin America, developing both theoretical and applied lines of research (for more information, see https://www.cmm.uchile.cl). The successful applicant will spend 3-6 months at CMM and work with one or more of its members on topics related to the main research lines of CMM, among which there is Optimization and Equilibrium.
The Visiting Scholarships offer a stipend of:
and covers travel expenses for coming to Chile. The visitor can work either at CMM’s base at the University of Chile or at one of the associated Chilean universities. The visiting scholarship have a flexible duration from 3 to 6 months. The starting date is also flexible but expected to lie between May 2024 and May 2025.
Applicants should submit a CV and a research proposal by email to:
The research proposal needs to be signed by the applicant, their PhD supervisor (for the PhD Program) and a member of CMM (who will serve as the candidate’s mentor if the application is successful).
Applications submitted by December 15, 2023, will receive full consideration; later applications may still be considered.
source : Irène Waldspurger
lien : https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/10418/
Variational methods are a flexible and powerful tool for the resolution of inverse problems in imaging.Contrary to a traditional approach which consists in reconstructing an image on a prixel grid, yielding a discrete problem, several recent methods such as the Beurling LASSO are directly formulated in a continuous domain.This generally yields solutions which are more faithful to the underlying physical problem, and the resulting discretizations may exploit the structures of the solutions (sparsity) and the continuous (or even differentiable) nature of the problem.
The aim of this workshop is to provide an overview of the latest advances on continuous methods for imaging.
Organizing Commitee:
Registration is free but mandatory: https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/10418/
source : PGMO
lien : https://www.fondation-hadamard.fr/fr/programmes/les-programmes-thematiques/home/pgmo-days/
The program of PGMO days (Nov 28-29, EDF Labs, Palaiseau), a conference dedicated to Optimization, Operations Research, and their Interfaces, including applications to Energy, is now online. The conference includes plenary talks, the ceremony of the PGMO PhD prize (with SMAI-MODE and ROADEF), and invited and contributed parallel sessions.
Plenary talks by:
Program: https://www.fondation-hadamard.fr/fr/programmes/les-programmes-thematiques/home/pgmo-days/
Registration is free of charge but mandatory (at the earliest, and no later than November 23).
source : Térence Bayen
lien : http://angkor.univ-mlv.fr/~vialard/conferences/sigmamode/
Une journée de recherche entre les deux groupes thématiques SIGMA (Signal-Image) et MODE (Optimisation) de la SMAI aura lieu à INRIA Paris mardi 30 janvier 2024. Huit exposés de recherche sur des thèmes communs sont prévus lors de cette journée (trois exposés de 45 minutes et cinq exposés de 30 minutes).
Orateurs :
Organisateurs : Térence Bayen, Jalal Fadili, Franck Iutzeler, Quentin Mérigot, Anthony Nouy, Nelly Pustelnik, François-Xavier Vialard
Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire : formulaire
source : Nelly Pustelnik
lien : https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/9418/
Du 27 au 29 mars 2024, l’Université de Lyon accueille les journées SMAI-MODE, la conférence biennale du groupe MODE de la Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI).
Vous pouvez soumettre vos contributions du lundi 16 octobre au vendredi 18 décembre 2023. Le format de soumission est disponible à ce lien (https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/9418/abstracts/). Le fichier PDF correspondant doit tenir sur une seule page.
L’organisation de sessions spéciales est possible. Il vous suffit de contacter les organisateurs.
Thèmes de la conférence :
Conférenciers invités :
Une conférence grand public sera donnée par Ivar Ekeland (Université Paris-Dauphine, Ceremade).
Mini-cours : En amont de la conférence, un mini-cours sur la thématique du transport optimal sera organisé en collaboration avec le GdR MOA le 25 et 26 mars 2024.
Site web : https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/9418/
source : FGS2024 Organizing Committee lien : https://www.unioviedo.es/fgs2024/
Dear colleague,
The 21 French-German Conference on Optimization (FGS2024) will be held in Gijón, Spain, on 18-21 of June 2024.
We cordially invite you to prepare a mini-symposium or send an individual contribution in any of the areas consistent with the conference theme.
Please, send your proposal by email no later than February 14, 2024, using the template files provided in the “Submissions” section of our website.
We remind you that, although FGS2024 is primarily a face-to-face event, online participation is possible.
All relevant information can be found in https://www.unioviedo.es/fgs2024/.
We look forward to welcoming you to Gijón in 2024!
FGS2024 Organizing Committee
N’hésitez pas à signaler un séminaire (avec un lien vers sa page), sa suspension, reprise, etc. par un mail à xavier.dupuis@u-bourgogne.fr.
Séminaire Français d’Optimisation - en ligne
Séminaire Parisien d’Optimisation - IHP
Séminaire Parisien de Théorie des Jeux - IHP
Groupe de Travail Calcul des Variations (GT CalVa)
Séminaire de l’équipe Modélisation Optimisation Dynamique (MOD) -
XLIM (Université de Limoges)
Séminaire de l’équipe Statistique, Probabilités, Optimisation et
Contrôle (SPOC) - IMB (Université de Bourgogne)
Séminaire d’Analyse non linéaire et Optimisation - LMA
(Université d’Avignon)
Séminaire Pluridisciplinaire d’Optimisation de Toulouse
Séminaire BrainPOP d’optimisation sur les polynômes et les
mesures - LAAS (Toulouse)
Séminaire d’optimisation OptAzur (Nice / Sophia-Antipolis)
Séminaire Probabilités-Statistiques-Contrôle de l’ENSTA Paris
Fin de la lettre MODE
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pour vous désabonner : envoyer un mail ayant pour objet “unsubscribe lettre-mode” et un corps vide à l’adresse sympa@listes.math.cnrs.fr
pour contribuer : envoyer vos contributions à la lettre MODE par mail à l’adresse xavier.dupuis@u-bourgogne.fr