Lettre MODE, Mars 2023

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1 Thèses, postdocs et postes

1.1 Chaire de Professeur Junior à l’École des Ponts ParisTech

source : Térence Bayen
lien : https://cermics-lab.enpc.fr/associate-professor-position-chaire-professeur-junior/

École des Ponts ParisTech is opening a Chaire de Professeur Junior for a position in the fall 2023. The position is intended for a researcher in applied mathematics with a broad expertise in control theory and stabilization of finite and infinite dimensional systems, in particular in the area of hyperbolic and parabolic partial differential equations.

1.2 Offre de thèse en “Contrôle optimal, systèmes dynamiques, EDP” à Avignon

source : Térence Bayen

Titre : Prise en compte d’un facteur de dispersion entre espèces en écologie microbienne
Mot-clefs : Contrôle optimal, systèmes dynamiques, équations aux dérivées partielles
Encadrants : Térence Bayen (Université d’Avignon) et Jérôme Coville (INRAE Avignon)
Financement : contrat doctoral (trois ans) : 01/09/2023 au 31/08/2026
Contacts : Térence Bayen terence.bayen@univ-avignon.fr et Jérôme Coville jerome.coville@inrae.fr

2 Conférences et évènements

2.1 PGMO Lectures of Jose Correa on “Prophet inequalities and variants”, ENSAE (IP Paris), 11 & 13 April, 2023

source : PGMO
lien : https://www.fondation-hadamard.fr/fr/articles/2023/02/16/course-correa-jos%C3%A9/

The 10th PGMO lectures will be given by José Correa (Universidad de Chile) on “Prophet Inequalities and variants” at ENSAE Paris - IP Paris, Palaiseau, on April 11 and 13, 2023.

PGMO lectures provide advanced synthetic courses on topics of current interest. They are dedicated to academic and industrial researchers, doctoral students, and also to master 2 students.

Registration is free of charge, but mandatory, via the following web site: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-pgmo-lectures-of-jose-correa-prophet-inequalities-and-variants-548765360967

PGMO (Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization, Operations Research and their Interactions with Data Sciences) is a program of Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard, supported by Électricité de France https://www.fondation-hadamard.fr/fr/PGMO/

This lecture is organizing jointly by ENSAE, PGMO and Master of Optimization of Université Paris Saclay https://www.master-in-optimization.fr/

Contacts: Vianney.Perchet@gmail.com, Stephane.Gaubert@inria.fr, quentin.merigot@math.u-psud.fr for scientific questions, and magali.lechaponnier@fondation-hadamard.fr for practical questions.

2.2 Conference Control Theory and Inverse Problems (CTIP), Monastir (Tunisia), May 8 – 10, 2023

source : Agenda des conférences mathématiques (SMAI)
lien : https://ctip.sciencesconf.org/

2.3 Alpine Game Theory Symposium, Grenoble, June 26 – 30, 2023

source : Guillaume Vigeral
lien : https://agts-2023.weebly.com/

The 2023 Alpine Game Theory Symposium will take place in Grenoble, from June 26 to June 30, 2023.

The goal of this 5-day symposium is to serve as a forum for researchers working on all aspects of game theory (mathematical, economic, algorithmic, etc.), and to foster collaborations and interactions between the various communities. The symposium is primarily sponsored by the French Game Theory Society, and it will be an opportunity for researchers to present recent advances in the field and to initiate new and fruitful research threads.

The technical program of the symposium will consist of ca. 40 invited talks and a special session of flash talks + poster presentations by 20-30 PhD students and post-docs.

More information about the symposium (including a list of confirmed speakers and some organizational details) is available at https://agts-2023.weebly.com/

Attending the conference is free, but registration will be required; more information will be posted in the coming weeks on the conference website above.

2.4 Séminaires réguliers (dont séminaires en ligne)

N’hésitez pas à signaler un séminaire (avec un lien vers sa page), sa suspension, reprise, etc. par un mail à xavier.dupuis@u-bourgogne.fr.

3 Autres (ouvrages, prix, etc.)

3.1 Publication de “Unilateral Variational Analysis in Banach Spaces” de Lionel Thibault

source : Florent Nacry
lien : https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/12797

Le livre “Unilateral Variational Analysis in Banach Spaces” (Part I: General Theory - Part II: Special Classes of Functions and Sets) de Lionel Thibault paraîtra en avril 2023 aux éditions World Scientific.

3.2 Call for 2023 Dupačová-Prékopa Best Student Paper Prize in Stochastic Programming

source : Michel De Lara

The Committee on Stochastic Programming is pleased to announce the triennial Dupačová-Prékopa Best Student Paper Prize in Stochastic Programming, which will be given in recognition of the most outstanding student-authored paper(s) in stochastic programming. The prize will be awarded at the 16th International Conference on Stochastic Programming (ICSP) to be held in Davis, California, USA, July 24-July 28, 2023.

The award committee consists of Johannes O. Royset (Naval Postgraduate School, chair), Werner Römisch (Humboldt-Universität Berlin), and Claudia Sagastizábal (University of Campinas).

Each submission must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

Entrants must submit the following material by April 24, 2023:

The submitted papers will be judged on the following criteria:

Submissions must be sent to the committee via studentpaperawardstoprog@gmail.com by April 24, 2023. If you do not receive a confirmation by April 25, please contact a committee member directly.

The Prize Committee will select the finalists at least two months before ICSP 2023. Once the decision is made, the committee will inform the shortlisted entrants; those students are expected to attend ICSP 2023 and present their papers at a special “award” session. During the SPS Business Meeting, the prize committee will announce the winners. For more information on the 16th International Conference on Stochastic Programming, please see: https://na.eventscloud.com/website/40825/

Fin de la lettre MODE